Title: Fixation

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.

Rating: M to be safe

Summary: Season: 4 Episode: 8 After the Show references. Howard Delhomme is fixated on Catherine Willows and he will do what it takes to make sure she knows. .......Grillows.......


"I'll talk." He smirked at Sara "But only for the one in the next room. The pretty one;"

Sara sighed and looked over at Brass. Brass nodded and left the room

Catherine looked up from her camera. "I'd still like to know who 'anyone' is."

Gil nodded bagging the table fragment Howard used to cut himself "You want to take a wild guess."

"Catherine." He entered the interrogation room Catherine and Gil were processing.

Catherine turned to Brass "What's up, did he confess?"

"No, he's refusing to talk."

"Refusing?" Gil added to the conversation

"He wants you." He looked at Catherine

"What?" She turned and looked at Gil and then back to Brass "Me?"

Brass nodded "He say's he won't talk to anyone but you."

"Okay." Catherine handed Gil the camera. "I'll see what I can get out of him."

"Good." Brass sighed "Because we can't hold him for much longer unless we get something out of him."

Gil watched as Catherine disappeared. "Do you think this is a good idea?"

Brass shrugged "What option do we have, we suspect him for this and if we let him go, he could slip from or hands and someone else will go missing. We have to do what it takes."

"What it takes?" Gil repeated "At what cost?"

Brass was confused "I 'm not sure what you're talking about Gil, did I miss something?"

Gil didn't respond. He had seen the way Howard looked at Catherine. He knew what that look meant, and he hated it when men looked at her like that.

"I just hope that he's not playing us. I don't want to have to deal with the consequences that come with playing his game."

Brass nodded "If he doesn't start talking soon we won't have to worry about playing his game because he's going to walk out of here."

Gil nodded "Well, let's go see what he has to say."

Brass followed as Gil headed toward the interrogation room.

"Mr. Delhomme." Catherine sat down across from Howard

"Hi." He smiled "I'm glad you could come."

"Did I have a choice?" Catherine replied

"Of course you did. Don't we all have a choice?"

"I guess;" Catherine nodded and changed the subject, "I never meant to hurt anyone." She quoted him "What do you mean? Who were you talking about?"

Howard sat back in his chair. "No one specific."

"No one specific;" Catherine mimicked "Why did you call the police?"

"I was having a bad day." He retorted "I was feeling guilty."

"About what;"

"You're very beautiful." He ignored her "You know that right? Your beauty alone could get you very far in life, you could please a lot of people."

Catherine didn't respond "Mr. Delhomme, you requested to speak with me, what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"I saw you." He leaned forward watching Gil out of the corner of his eye "I saw you with him. And I thought to myself. I have to meet this women, I have to meet this beauty before me."

Catherine sat back in her chair as he continued

"There's something about you, you attract. You have an air that drew me to you." He looked over at Gil "He knows what I mean. I can see it in the way he looks at you. The way he acts around you."

Gil cleared his throat "Mr. Delhomme." He stepped forward taking a seat at the table with Catherine "Let's talk about the newspaper clippings in your home."

"You seem angry. Are you angry Mr..." he paused; waiting for Gil to give his name.

"Grissom;" Gil spoke

"Mr. Grissom;" Howard smiled "I hope I didn't upset you with my comments. It's not my intention to step on your toes. But you have to admit she is…"

"Why did you have all the clippings of Julie Waters in you home?"

"Is it a crime to follow the news?" Howard glared at Gil

"It is if you are the reason for the news." Gil replied

"It seemed a bit obsessive." Catherine added breaking the glare between Howard and Gil

"Not obsessive." Howard sat back again "Just curiosity, she's a beautiful girl. It's a shame what happened to her."

"What happened to her?" Gil dissected his comment "Do you know what that is?"

"I'm sorry." Howard replied refusing to take his eyes off Catherine.

"You said it's a shame what happened to her. What did you mean?"

"She's missing,. The evil in Vegas would eat her alive she's an attractvie women. If someone took her; she doesn't stand a chance."

"Someone like you?" Gil snapped as jealousy and anger rose inside of him

"I'm not a bad person." Howard responded with a smirk on his face "When can I go home?"

Gil sighed and looked at Catherine. They still had nothing and they couldn't keep him any longer. "You're free to go."

Gil and Catherine stood up as the officer led Howard out of the room

"It was my pleasure." Howard stopped; turning to speak to Catherine.

Gil watched as they led him away.

"Well that was a waste of time." Catherine walked past Gil and headed toward the break room.

"He wasn't going to tell us anything anyway." Gil followed

"Not with you and your attitude in there." She quipped

"What?" Gil sat down

"Your attitude stinks." She repeated "He played with you because he could smell it from a mile away."

Gil nodded "This guy likes to be in control. Someone needed to take that away from him."

"Well you didn't and we are no closer to finding out if he is connected to the disappearance of Julie Waters."

"Then we do what we can with what we have."

Catherine nodded "You tell that to Nick and Sara. It's their case. I'm going home."

He looked at his watch and nodded "I'll see you later."


Howard watched as Catherine left the parking lot in her vehicle. Putting his camera on the seat next to him and he put his car in drive and pulled out one car behind her.

"You have a beauty, that can't be described." Howard spoke to himself "It's only a matter of time."

Catherine pulled into her driveway, unaware that Howard was following her.

Howard pulled to the curb and watched as she exited her car and entered her house; taking her picture as she walked.