31 days for love

31 days for love

Title: 31 Days For Love

Title of the chapter: Day one, My new partner

Author: LaLaIth-DiDi

Spoilers: I don't think so

Disclaimer: I owe nothing except the idea and the news paper (the one Blair and Dan are working in) and its employees (except B and D)

Summery: At 25 years Blair's a successful news reporter and so is Dan. But what happens when they end up working together for a new column? Don't like, don't read. Show based

Characters: Main: Dan and Blair. Others: Serena, Chuck, Jenny, Nate, Vanessa, Nikita and Gossip Girl

Parings: Centered: Dan×Blair. Others: Chuck×Blair (mentioned), Nate×Jenny, Chuck×some girl, Serena×some guy.

Warnings: My English.

Rated: T for language and scenes in late chapters

LaLa's Note: I know I have Troubles to finish (or at least correct and publish that damn' first chapter) but I just had to write this. It popped in my mind one night and I thought it would be great to actually write this. So here it is. Don't like the paring, don't read.

Song: The idea popped in my head while I was listening to a song form the band called RBD. So song: RBD – Connected

Day One

Monday, 1st of December

My new partner

I'm down-folded on this roller coaster they call life
Keep trying to make it through the next turn
knuckles white and holdin' tight

"I'm getting a partner?" 25 years old Blair Waldorf said in shock. She was sitting in her boss' office in a soft grey arm chair. Her boss, Derrick Wilson, stood up from his chair and went to sit on his desk in front of Blair.

"And your own column. I know how you like fashion and celebrities, so I'm giving you that spot in our paper." Blair sighted and buried her head in her hands.

"Ok," she said looking up, "I'm glad you're giving me my own column, but why do I need a partner?" She asked. Mr. Wilson looked at his employee.

"Everyone in this building has a partner. Why should you be an exception?" He said. Blair bit her lower lip and nodded.

"OK, I get it. So who is he?" She asked and supported her head with her hands. She put her elbows on her knees and looked at Mr. Wilson. He had his usual smirk on his face. He went trough his grayish black hair and stroked his mustache.

"You'll see soon. He'll be here any minute now. He just has some problems with his ex partner. She was kinda attached to him. If you know what I mean." He said and stood up from the desk. "But I know what's worrying you. That he's not good enough to work with you. Don't worry Waldorf; he's one of my best news reporters." Like you're reading my mind. She thought and gave her boss one of her annoyed smiles.

They suddenly heard some one knocking on the door. "Ah, come in, come in." Mr. Wilson said and went to sit beck at his desk. The door slowly opened and he stepped in.

"Hello Mr. Wilson. You needed to see me?" Blair recognized the voice. Her eyes winded in horror and shock. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! This is not happening! He is not here! Screamed in her head.

"Yes, it's about the column you will have. I already found you your new partner." Mr. Wilson waved his hand at Blair. She smiled and stood up slowly. She turned around. When she did, his eyes winded in horror, and shock was written on his face. She had an annoyed expression on her face and her big black eyes were staring at his.

"You gotta be kidding me!" He said.

So here I go, (So here I go)
I'm takin' a curve
but I know that I'm never alone
I think of you, until you never let me go

Dan stared at Blair in shock. She hadn't change; just her curly brown hair was longer. He couldn't believe she, of all the people on the island, was his new partner. "Waldorf?" he asked, once he got through the shock. He shook his head in horror. "This is a joke, right?"

Blair rolled her eyes and leaned on the arm chair. "Humphrey. And no, unfortunately, it's not a joke." She hissed and crossed her arms on her chest. "What are you doing here anyway? Don't you have a book to write?" She asked sarcastically and gave him an evil smirk.

"Don't you have Chuck to fuck?" he hissed back at her. Shock was written on Blair's face at first but then she smiled at him. "Ouch Humphrey. And for your information, me and Chuck broke up moths ago." She said to him.

Dan leaned on the door and looked at her in amusement. "Really? For how long?" He asked and looked at her. He was enjoying himself, and she could see it. "Or is this just another part of your never ending game?" Blair watched him leaning on the wall and grinning. He actually looks… nice. Oh God! Am I that desperate?

"For forever." She replied. "And so, it's not a part of the game. The game is over." She said. Dan could feel the sadness in her voice and his facial expression softened. He sighted and moved away from the wall. He stopped in front of her.

"What did he do now?" He asked her softly. Blair looked up at him. She found a spark in his eyes. The spark he has when they talk.

"He cheated on me." She said. Then she realized that their boss is looking at them and that they are talking about their personal things in front of him. At least he's quiet. She thought.

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" He murmured to himself and then looked at Mr. Wilson. But he then looked back at Blair.

"How come you didn't know about that?" Blair asked in surprise.

Dan raised an eyebrow and looked at Blair. "I'm not stalking you to know." Blair opened her mouth to speak but he stopped her. "And before you ask, I haven't heard from Serena in a month, 'cause she was on Hawaii ore where ever she was. And she's coming back today, right?" Blair nodded and Dan continued. "And I don't know why Nate didn't tell me. I would probably know if Gossip Girl was still active thou." He finished. Blair nodded again.

Suddenly Mr. Wilson spoke. "Wait, what's Gossip Girl?" Both Dan and Blair looked at him in surprised. They forgot he was there.

"It's a blog that some chick wrote about us," Dan showed at him and at Blair, "and four other people." He said.

"That's it! That's how you should call you're column! And in it you can write the latest gossip about celebrities and everything that Gossip Girl wrote! It's great! Now go home. I need the introduction by tomorrow. And work together. I can see you two get along very well." Mr. Wilson stood up and pushed both of them through the door. "Tomorrow!" he said before closing the door.

Blair and Dan stood in front of the door a confused expression written on their faces. Mr. Wilson's Secretary Stacy blew a bubble gum balloon and looked at them. Blair lifted her hand to point at something, but it fell down. "Are you confused?" she asked him.

"Completely." He replied.

I feel connected, protected
It's like you're sitting right with me all the time
You hear me, you're near me,
And everything else's gonna be alright

"I just wanna know, where he got the idea that you and me get along." Blair said and stepped out of Dan's Ferrari. She looked around. Her eyes stopped at the apartment building near them. She lives in that apartment building! "Well, well Lonely Brooklyn Boy became Lonely Upper East Side Boy!" She mocked him. "He glared at her and walked by. The stepped into the building Blair was watching a few seconds ago and went into the elevator. "Guess we're neighbors." She said.

"Guess we are." Dan whispered. The elevator dinged and they stepped out. Blair looked around. Everything was in chocolate brown or in red. It was nice and worm inside so she took of her coat. Dan was at the mini bar. He was pouring some of chocolatečokoladni liqueur in two glasses. He turned around and pushed one glass in Blair's hand. She thanked him and sat on the dark red sofa.

"Nice place you got here Humphrey." She said at him and took a sip of the drink. She put the glass on the glass table in front of her. "At least there's not a garage door in the middle of your room." She said and smiled.

Dan sat next to her. "I miss that door. I think I'll put here." She showed the doorway that lead to the kitchen. Blair looked at him in horror and she almost drops the glass. When Dan saw her expression he smiled. "I was kidding." He told her.

"Let's just get to work." She murmured. Dan took his lap top from his bag, witch was on the table, and opened it. Blair sat more comfortably. "How re we going to start?" She asked him.

Dan opened his Microsoft Word program and put his hands on the key board. "We won't start like 'Hello Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here'." He said and Blair nodded.

"I agree." She said and took another sip of the drink and so did Dan. "How are we going to start?"

After two hours they barely started. "I'm hungry!" Dan finely stated and put his lap top on the small glass table. "Aren't you" he asked Blair. She nodded and looked around.

"Don't you have a maid or something?" She asked and looked at Dan. "I do, but she's visiting her sister in Europe." Blair rolled her eyes.

"We could go to my apartment. Dorota can make us something. She stood up and took the lap top in her hands and looked at Dan. "Coming?" She said. Dan was looking at her, an eyebrow raised.

"Do I have a choice?" he asked and Blair smiled. "No." And so she went towards the elevator. "Great. My new partner is a controlling bitch. It can't get worse than that." He said to himself and flowed Blair.

The ride to Blair's apartment was short, because she lived just a floor underneath him. They stepped inside and Blair put the lap top on the table near the couch. "Dorota!" She yelled and Blair's life long maid came form the kitchen and looked at her. "Get me and my… err… co-worker some snacks, please." She said sweetly. Dorota nodded and went back into the kitchen. "OK, where did we finish?" she asked Dan and sat next to him.

"Amm… We will give you fresh gossip every week." He said and pushed the lap top in front of her, so she could see. She nodded. Dorota returned with some snacks and Dan took the first sandwich from the plate.

"Miss Blair, Miss Eleanor said, that I must tell you she went to see Miss van der Woodsen." Dorota said and looked at Blair.

"Thanks." Blair smiled and Dorota went away. "What now?" She asked Dan and he shrugged with his shoulders.

"I don't know." He said and took another bite of the sandwich. "We could tell the people what we are going to write about, for instance." Blair looked at him and nodded.

"Why are you telling me that and not writing it?" she asked and glared at him.

"I don't know what to write!" He replied. She took the lap top away from him and started writing something.

They argued a lot around the entry but half pas midnight they finally finished. Dan yawned and stretched his arms. "Finally." He said. "Did you save it?" He asked Blair and she nodded. She was sleepy and she wanted Dan to jest get the heck out of her apartment so she could go to sleep. Dan stood up from the couch and looked at Blair. "Good Night Waldorf." He said and went towards the elevator.

"Night Humphrey." She wished him and leaned on the couch. This is going to be interesting. She though, and believe in or not, Dan thought the same thing in the elevator.

'Cause nothin' can break this
Nothin' can break this
Nothin' can break this time
Connected inside