The tears don't stop coming

It's like a river with no dam

These emotions burn through me

They cause havoc in my mind

Anger, pain, hatred and sadness

They strain my chest

They rock my brain

And they stun my heart.

I don't think I can hear it beating anymore

It's as if it's not there

I pretend everything is okay

I lie and say I'm fine

And you foolishly believed me.

When I tell you my problems you say "It's nothing"

Yet "nothing" seems to be tearing me up inside

You don't care though.

My pain means nothing to you.

I bleed freely upon this ground yet

You step over my broken body

But im tired of being stepped over

Of being left behind

This life is my own and I don't need you

My pain hurts me so much

But if no one cares enough

Then I will rely on myself to step away

From the flames of my own hell

That your carelessness locked me in.

I don't need anyone anymore.

I just have me now and I refuse to leave my heart out in the open anymore.

It'll be locked in my chest for only me to open

And I will be the only one to have to key.

I refuse to be used again. Not anymore.