~A little disclamer, I Donot own Harry Potter or Bleach. I do however own my characters and my plot.

~ Seireitei, Aizen Sousuke's captain initiation~

Every shinigami was there. They stood in a silent testimony, black uniforms blending to the point that they were almost one, as Aizen Sousuke defeated his captain and chose Gin Ichimaru as his lieutenant. Aizen slowly walked in front of the commander captain, Shigekuni Yamamoto Genryusai. Aizen bowed and went to take his new captain cloak from the commander captain.

He was stopped as a melodious voice cried out, "Wait!" The current eleventh squad captain walked through the parting shinigami.

She was tall, only a few inches shorter than Aizen. She had long dark brown hair pulled into a half bun half ponytail. Her blue eyes were crystal clear and as Aizen watched them turn toward him he had to hide his frown. She knew what he was up to, or at least guessed it. She moved closer, her long white captain's cloak flowing out in strips behind her.

She looked into his eyes and Aizen stared steadily back, "Aizen Sousuke, I do not accept you as a captain under paragraph three of section two, you are too young." Her voice was soft, light and held an undertone of anger that only Aizen could hear. He also heard the other message in her voice, 'I know that you're planning something, I will keep you a lieutenant in order to keep the Soukai safe.' Little did she know he already knew that she and her lieutenant would try this and had an appropriate plan.

"Oh? And exactly which of the youth acts are you invoking?" The gentile but hardened voice of Yamamoto broke through the hush of the crowds.

"He has only been a lieutenant for a half of a year; according to the law he must have at least a year of experience."

"Dose any of your squad agree, Captain Sarika?"

"I do!" The young voice rang through the assembly as a young boy, looking to be about thirteen raced to his captain's side. Sarika merely raised an eyebrow.

This was the lieutenant of the eleventh squad. He had a mop of messy black hair, slightly tamed into random spikes that jutted softly from his head. Two of these spikes fell onto his face to frame his brilliant emerald green eyes. These spikes also hid the scars of a close mission with a snake like hollow that didn't know how to die, (it is, in fact, the same hollow that Kenpatchi battles later on.)

The Captain and vice-Captain of the eleventh squad were nearly inseparable. Both had lived in the rougher parts of Rukongai and had looked up to an older shinigami captain as a sibling, only the young lieutenant looked up to Sarika. They had bonded as siblings and just as any sibling they both refuse to acknowledge the fact that they think of each other as a sibling.

"Ahhh, Ruishi, I was wondering when you'd show up." This was of course the drunken captain of the eighth squad; Kyouraku Shunsui.

"Dose any one else have a problem with Aizen becoming a captain." Yamamoto asked after a while. When no one else came forward, Aizen smirked before stepping closer to the Captain Commander. After two steps he was stopped by the young lieutenant.

"Ruishi, please don't do anything stupid." Aizen said sadly while inwardly he was grinning at the prospect of his plans going well.

"I am sorry, I do not trust you. You remind me of a lying serpent." Ruishi emotionlessly said.

"I was hoping you wouldn't make me do this." Aizen lied as both shinigami flash stepped back and with drew their Zanpuktou's. Ruishi was quick but Aizen was faster as he moved and darted around said boy. As they battled it was easy to see who would win.

Sarika moved to take a step forward but was stopped by Kyouraku. "Let them be, you won't be able to help him if you get in trouble too."

Sarika looked at him, "This was all planed." Then she smiled a grim smile, "Good bye old friend."

Sarika stepped forward just in time to see her lieutenant get stabbed. "Ruishi!" Yuki screamed as she unsheathed her Zanpuktou. "Sing in Harmony, Uta no Mugon." She breathed out the name, a mere whisper as the Zanpuktou chanced into a small dagger with holes running down the side. She whipped the blade in front of her as she hummed a soft melody.

The effect was instantaneous, as the only song based Zanpuktou, Uta no Mugon was perfect for a quick get away.

~ July 31st three hours later…~

Sarika carried the still shinigami to a large hospital in the real world. She walked through the halls, unnoticed by the humans that were running around. She rushed through hall after hall listing for the sound… of something. Then after about three minutes she heard the sound she was listing for. The ghostly wail of a still born. Yuki sighed and walked toward the room where a red-headed woman had just given birth to a baby boy with the same unruly mop of back hair and open still green eyes.

Gently she put Ruishi down and took out a small vial. "And Uahara said this wasn't useful." She poured the contents of the vial into Ruishi's moth and watched as he slowly faded away and the small baby gained some movements. After a minuet Ruishi was gone and all that was left was a silent watchful child.

"Goodbye Ruishi, my little brother." Yuki said as she gently put several barriers around the child and flash stepped away, leaving the young vice captain by him self for several years.

~October, Halloween night. Golric's hollow.~

It was a beautiful night that night as Lilly, James, and their little boy Harry sat at the table. They were having their yearly Halloween party, with out their friends of course. You see Lilly, James and Harry were on the run from an evil man called Voldemort. He wanted to kill them because of a prophecy that was made. A prophecy of his downfall.

The prophecy states that the one who was born as the seventh month dies will kill him. Of course it was a lot more complicated than that but still… Well Voldemort only had two choices, Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom. These were the two children of the parents who had thrice defied him and were born as the seventh month dies. And Voldemort had chosen who he was after.

The front door of Golric's hollow flew open as every one's worst nightmare stepped into the house. He was tall with glowing red eyes and had a snake like face. He glanced about the room before stepping toward the dinning room where the Potters had been dinning. Voldemort chucked as James thrust Harry into Lilly's hands and told her to run, while shooting spells at the unfazed Voldemort.

Lilly ran upstairs and into Harry's room and turned around as she heard the calm voice of Voldemort kill her husband with the killing curse. She set Harry down and turned to face her worst enemy and was surprised to hear a voice chanting. She was too late of course as Voldemort cast the killing curse on her and stepped toward the child.

'Dark to light, light to dark. Balance of all, one still moment. Wings of flight now reign down. Binding spell 15; separation of soul and spirit.' Harry, once known as Ruishi, chanted the spell as Voldemort cast his own. The two spells past each other and hit their targets.

Harry had managed to raise his renjutsu enough so he could survive the cast spell with minimal damage while Voldemort was forced out of his body. Thus Harry Potter, shinigami vice captain of the eleventh squad defeated Voldemort and was knocked unconscious as his renjutsu was only enough to stop the curse from killing him. Now Harry Potter bore Voldemort's mark, a lightning bolt cut on his forehead that will leave a scar.

~Ten years later, summer.~

Harry Potter was barley keeping himself from screaming. It was hell living with the Druslys and yet he couldn't do anything about it. If he sent their souls on the soul society would know and then remove him from life. Harry looked up at the sun and sighed once more. If he ever found away to kill the old fool who did this to him he would pull him a part piece by little piece.

Harry sighed as his fat uncle yelled at him and murmured something about a new baby sitter. It seems that Duddly was going to the zoo and Ms. Fig had died of a heart attack in the middle of the night. Harry snorted; he knew that a hollow had attacked her and that a shinigami had slayed the said hollow.

Harry flipped the pancakes that he was cooking for the precious Dudderkins. He was starving and the smell of the cooking food didn't help much. Harry sighed once more and was glad of his time spent in Rukongai. The time he spent their made this place look like paradise… At least he got enough food to keep him alive.

Harry sighed ignoring the conversation and Dudley whining about not getting enough presents. He really whished that his Captain was here. She probable scare the foolish humans to an inch. As if some higher deity heard his plea the door bell rang and Harry ran to open it. The person who stood in front of the door was none other that his Captain.

"Captain." Harry said as the tall woman stepped into the house.

Sarika smiled at the small boy, "Gaki, how nice it is to see you."


"But technically in that body you are only ten."

Harry looked stunned for a moment before sighing, "Right so where were you?"

"Chasing the shinigami hunters away from you." Sarika said as she plopped down onto a couch, much to the horror of the people Harry was staying with.

"Wh... who are you?" The larger one asked, "You not one of those freaks are you?"

Sarika snorted before looking at Harry. "Right, after you left me I was raise by a Lilly Potter and a James Potter. About a year later we were attacked by some freaky looking guy with a split soul. I managed to separate his soul with the binding spell 15 and was hit by his curse which left some residue of his Renjusu in this body. Then some old guy with long white hair left me with these people where I've been living in the cubbord under the stairs."

Sarika looked under the cubbord and shrugged, "Could be worse" She said and Harry agreed. "Now are we calling you by your original name or do you prefer this new one?" She asked harry ignoring Vernon who was still trying to get her to talk.

"Ruishi, I hate Harry… It sounds so childish…"

"You are a child."

"Am not!" Ruishi said with a pout and Sarika giggled.

Suddenly Vernon moved to hit Sarika. He took two steps forward but soon found himself pinned to the ground with a blade at his neck and Sarika holding his head up by his hair. "Baka… What do you think you doing?" Sarika growled as a force slowly pushed everything into the ground. Even Ruishi, who was used to his Captain's renjutsu, was fighting to stay standing.

"I am a shinigami. Do you know what that is?" Vernon shook his head. "I'm a death god. I can kill you in one moment and no one will know. I could send you to hell and let you live a tortured existence." Vernon gulped as Sarika let him go. "Leave. I wish to talk to my subordinate in private." The family scrambles to get out of the house and to the zoo.

"Shesh, what a bunch of wimps." Sarika grinned down to the boy next to her.

"I'm surprised that they even managed to live this long."

"So, how's your renjustu?" Sarika asked after a relaxed moment of silence.

"Still weak… It will probably be like that for a few years or so more… Quite possibly longer." Ruishi said after a moment of contemplation.

"Right so let's train!" Sarika said with a childish grin.

"On days like this it seems like you spent way too much time with Uahara."

"And what would give you that idea?" Sarika asked, mimicking Uahara's singsong voice in perfection.

"That." Ruishi said in monotone before smiling up at his mentor. "Well? I would like to get back to my Shinigami form as soon as possible please."

Sarika smiled back with a twisted grin. "Oh I forgot to mention that I will be teaching!" Again in a sing song voice she smiled as the young ,now human, Shinigami chased after her demanding answers.

~ Three weeks later in an underground room~

Sarika set her young subordinate with a few more renjustu raising exercises. It was going to be a long eventful year as they were interrupted by an owl tapping gently on the door to the underground room. Sarika let the owl in, who promptly flew to Ruishi and held up a leg. On its leg was a letter. A letter for a school called Hogwarts.

Ruishi looked at, then his mentor who was also reading a similar letter before sighing. "How do I get myself into these messes."

Sarika looked at him and burst out in laughter. "You usually don't. Usually it's me who gets us into these messes."

Ruishi looked at her, "Yea and means I have to clean up the mess you leave behind. Do you realize how much paper I had to go through when we fought that leviathan? Gah! The stack towered over me. And you were out drinking with Uahara and Shunsui."

"Ahh, but this time you're the one who made the mess!" Sarika said in Uahara's sing song voice.

"Your creeping me out." Ruishi deadpanned as Sarika danced about.

"But you love me anyway!" Sarika said with a smile as he subordinate sighed and began to clean up the damaged area.

"Considering your not surprised I take it that you teaching at this school?" Ruishi asked.

"Yep! I talked with Uahara. He gave me all the details."

"The details of what?" Ruishi asked.

"Of magic, you know human renjustu."

"Magic is human renjutsu?"

"Well, not exactly, from what I picked up from Uaharra's rather longwinded speech was that Magic was a form of renjutsu. Something that only a certain percentage of human's get. They are able to use this ability to manipulate the world around them and bend space and time to their will."

"Shesh, that's amazing." Ruishi said with a captivated look on his face.

"Yes, well so this school is where the younger kids go to learn how to control this renjutsu with words and wand movements." Sarika explained.

"Sweet, and I can do this now?"

"Yep. The body I put you in must have been the child of two magic wielders, otherwise you would have lost any ability to use magic by your own renjutsu."

"Good thing to know that I'm going to have to keep both abilities separate and at the same level of power. SO what about you? You have none of this special renjutsu and yet your going to teach there." Ruishi said deep in thought.

"They had a ghost teaching History so I put him to rest and came looking for a job. You really don't need magic to teach history."

"True, True. So when do we leave?" Ruishi asked.

"In a few days."

~So there you go. I'm finnally posting again. Though I'm not sure when I'll get the next story so please be patint.

~Sakura OniChi