I love Twilight so much that I decided to do a second story. Finally wasn't as good as I hoped it was going to be, so I'm trying to make this one MUCH better! Review please. I'll even give you a cookie... this was super hard for me, because I can't describe how Edward feels about Bella, coz I just don't know...I had to improvise...hope it went ok...

Oh yeah, this all belongs to Stephanie Meyer!


She was...indescribable. Her eyes were closed. I could have screamed! I had lost her desirable chocolate-brown eyes forever. Although I knew she was alive, I almost had an anxiety attack every time I missed her heartbeat, her breathing. Carlisle put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Son...everything's going well. All we have to do is wait for her to wake up." He said. Even though his voice was level, I was surprised. It had been a while since he had called me 'son'. The room remained completely silent, as no-one even dared to breath. Suddenly, she let out a short, sharp gust of air. Her eyes snapped open and glowed red as they circled the room, taking in everything in sharp focus for the first time. They went from Esme who clutched at Carlisle's hand, to Rosalie and Emmet. They lingered slightly longer on Jasper as she took in his scars. Obviously they emanated danger to her newborn mind. Not even Alice had the courage to speak.


All we could do was watch, and wait. If I felt this was I couldn't imagine what it was doing to Edward. He tried to hide it, but it was plain that he was struggling. Right now, all he could think of was how Bella's soul was being ripped apart.

Edward I thought. He turned his head slightly, barely noticing me, his gaze never wavering away from her bed. Please, it kills us to see you like this, all of us. Everyone is a little tense, but she will be herself. Just be there for her.


Edward, I have seen something. Something you need to know...


I had to do something! The room was so tense it made my head hurt. I tried to spread a wave of calm, although it barely affected Edward.

Edward, calm down. I may be gifted but I can only do so much. Please.


I tried not to think, apart from my thoughts on her progress. All of the unspoken voices in the room must have been driving Edward crazy. Her pulse had stopped, as had her breathing. It was a sign that everything was well. Now her eyes were open. There could have been World War 3 outside and no-one in that room would have noticed.


The voices were driving me crazy! I wasn't taking in anything that they were trying to say to me. Every inch of my head was full of...her. If my heart could beat, it would've stopped as her eyes came to rest on me. It gave me chills to see the way my wife looked at me. Even if her eyes blazed red, I still saw her.



It was incredible. The way he said my name, it was as if we had spent no time apart. What was three days when we had all of eternity?

"Edward..." I sighed. He was even more beautiful than my foggy-human senses could ever see. My silent heart ached as his beauty. His eyes were black from lack of hunting. Had he sat at my side the whole time? His soft hand gently stroked my cheek. Suddenly everything whooshed past me, in perfect detail. Every fibre, every atom in crystal clarity. Nothing escaped my notice. IT took me but a second to wonder why I was here.

I crouched down low as a ferocious growl ripped up from my chest to my throat. It came snarling out of my mouth. I stopped mid-growl. That could not possibly have been me!

"Love? Bella?" Edward's voice rang clear. I could even smell him. That intoxicating honey-lilac and sun smell. A small part of my brain was left to deal with the effect he still had on me. The main part of my brain was trying to digest the fact that I had growled at him.


If I hadn't been so wary I would've burst out laughing! Jazz owed me five bucks for this! I watched on. Bella stood up carefully. Surprised at her speed she took a step back, and then sat down again. She was so shocked by her strength and speed it was almost comical. It didn't take long to remember that Edward could hear my every thought. Thank God he was much more preoccupied.

He held his arms out towards her. Whether he would embrace or restrain her, I didn't know. I don't think he did either.

"Sweetheart. It's OK." He murmured.

"Edward." She repeated. If this was all she could say then this was going to get dull...quickly. After a long, awkward silence, Carlisle gracefully stepped in.

"Bella, how are you feeling?" She cocked her head at him; as if she was trying to process a load of information in one go.

"Everything's different, but not in a bad way. Its better...I think." I shot an apologetic look at Edward as I snorted. I waited for her blush to come, but it never did. Damn I'm gonna miss that!


"What do you remember?" Carlisle asked. I glanced at Edward. I wasn't going to lie to him. I couldn't.

"It was...so painful. Like a burning sensation. But then I just went numb. When I opened my eyes, everything was clear." I had to ignore Edward's pained expression. Instead I looked at Alice's face. She grinned at me from behind Jasper's back. He stood in front of her protectively. Did I really look that fierce? When I thought it was safe I gazed back at Edward. His eyes glistened with a deep emotion that I just couldn't place.

"I love you." I said. His mouth broke into the crooked grin I adored.

"Thank goodness. I was getting worried about that." It took me three quick steps to reach him. I threw my arms around him. He wrapped his around my waist, holding me close. He didn't kiss me, but he pressed his face into my neck, inhaling deeply. I held on to him a tightly as I could.

"Bella, careful." I pulled back to see the grimace. I pulled back in an instant.

"Sorry. I guess I'm used to being the breakable one." Edward laughed, taking my hand tightly in his, he leaned in close.

"How do you fancy a hunting trip?" I shook my head.

"I want to see her." Edward looked at me, confused.

"Who love?" I laughed. He had to be joking, right?

"Renesmee? Our daughter?" Edward smiled at me, but it wasn't happy. Once again Carlisle stepped in.

"Bella, I'm so sorry. We were wrong. You never were, pregnant. It was a disease you picked up on Isle Esme." I shook my head in utter disbelief.

"But...the nudging, my stomach..." Esme interrupted.

"It was a twisted, painful side-effect of the disease. There was a terrible cyst inside your stomach that was growing. It was lucky that you and Edward had...you know. Otherwise we would never have saved you." If it had come from someone else I would never have believed it. I tried hard to swallow the information.


She looked calm, but I could read her like an open book, even if I couldn't hear her.

"But I saw her. I saw the baby, she bit me. Edward held her in his arms." She whispered. This was getting difficult. How could she ever believe this? How could I do this to her? I almost rolled my eyes at that answer. I loved her. I would do whatever it took to make sure she never found out. Alice's voice appeared in my head.

Edward. I've seen your decision. I don't know what the outcome will be but please be careful. Eternity is a long time...