A/N: I don't own any of the characters of Vision of Escaflowne. As much as I would want to, I really don't so I'm not saying that I own them.

Anyway, this story is really just a fling…I trial thing…something I really don't know if I should even continue. I just wanted to get the idea down since it would be a waste not to. I have been tossing around the idea inside my head for quite some time now. So to spare my sanity, I decided to write it. I hope that you guys somehow like it so I will be able to think if I would be continuing it or not.


Chapter 1 Ace of Wands

Alright this is it! Today is my first day at my new job. It's a little scary but I'm sure I will be able to manage. Yukari will be there too. I'm thankful for that, plus, she was also the one who helped me get this job. I badly need this job! She knows why. I can see tears well up in her eyes by the mere thought of the real reason but I always tell her that's it's no big deal. Well, that's Yukari for you…my very best friend.

Anyway, it's only a part time thing. I still have school to attend to. I'm in my last year of college. Oh I'm taking up nursing by the way. Oh well, anyway, enough about that. I'm supposed to be the editor of Van Fanel. Yeah. You heard right, Van Fanel. Van Slanzar de Fanel is supposed to be my responsibility, my writer. I'm going to be his editor. I don't know why a rookie, a part-time worker like me would be assigned to such a popular, high-status writer like him, and only him for that matter.

Yukari wouldn't explain it to me. She just keeps on telling me that I would understand…somehow. I'm a little bit skeptical with her 'somehow' statement. Nevertheless, it is a challenge I suppose…if you look at it that way. I don't mind. I really don't mind. Let me tell you my reaction when I found out that he was supposed to be my charge.

Yukari said when she came over one afternoon, "Hey Hitomi. Just came from the office and well I thought I'd be nice enough to tell you that you're papers are fixed. You start on Monday."

I smiled at her, truly grateful for everything that she had done for me. I wouldn't be able to get this job if she didn't help me. Don't ask me how she managed that because I don't know. Honestly, I don't want to know. Anyway, I answered, "Thanks, Yukari."

Looking at her, I somehow felt that she was uneasy…like there was something else that she wanted to say. At first, I was waiting for her patiently. But when she didn't say anything, I said, "Ok, I know that look. What is it, Yukari?" I was almost afraid to ask. The thought that was running through my mind at that moment was, "Let this not be a dream." I was thinking that I would lose the job that I hadn't even started in yet.

She was really apprehensive. She sat in front at the counter in front of me. I was preparing dinner. "You know Van Fanel?" She asked.

"Yeah. He's one of the top writers in the country right now. Why?" I answered, confused as to why she brought it up. It never occurred to me what else she could mean.

Alright before I go any further, let me explain one thing or rather person – Van Fanel. He is definitely one of the top writers in the country. That's a fact, mind you. But in the eyes of the public a.k.a. other people's eyes, he is more than that. He's more like the top, sought after bachelor in all of Japan. With his good looks, talent, personality, (as they say) every girl in the country dreams of being his girl friend.

I will admit he does look good on TV or the papers and I've read a couple of his works. His talent speaks for itself. But I'm not like that. I don't go around and start having crushes on guys on TV. I can go as far as to say that I admire him for his talent and his natural, God-given gifts but I will go no more. I don't want to go with the status quo or so to speak. I do wish that I could write like him though, you know, have that way with words that could impact other people's thoughts…other people's dreams.

I know, I know. I am a nursing student and I'm talking about writing. So that we are on the same page, writing has always been a passion of mine ever since I was in elementary. I love to write. My passion in that comes in close second next to my passion to be a nurse. It seems totally different, on parallel universe even, but those are my passions, since I've never been really expressive in speech…how I really feel or view the world… so I make it up in writing.

Now that's cleared up, let's get back to my real story. So anyway, I asked Yukari why…I mean…honestly where was she going with this? She looked up to me from across the counter. At first, she looked a little concerned but as I looked at her questioningly, her expression turned to somewhat sarcastic. "He's your charge. Your only charge." She finally said.

I still looked a little confused but of course, there was a lot of shock in there too. "Excuse me," I started. "Did I hear you correctly? I am going to be the Editor of Van Fanel? Me? Like me, me?" I said.

Yukari started laughing. "Why, Hitomi, I didn't know you to be such a fan?"

I narrowed my eyes on her. "I am not that kind of fan. He's a great writer, yes, and I admire how he uses words to express stuff but it's only up to that."

"I know, I know. That's why when I found out, I thought it was perfect." Yukari answered still laughing. My jaw fell open, I wanted to say some things but chose not to. I occupied myself with continuing with the cooking. My grandmother would be arriving home soon.

"Anyway, since you are on a part-time basis, and well me knowing the real reason why you need to have this job, I found it prudent to manage only one writer. He's a little…how should I say…hard…and challenging so they didn't suspect a thing." Yukari added.

"Don't tell me this is all because of you?" I said sarcastically.

"Do I need to state the obvious?" She replied just as sarcastically. I could only shake my head and sigh. Yup. We were best friends alright. I should have seen this coming though.

"You don't have to worry, Hitomi. I will be there working too so if he gives you too much of a headache, I'll help you." She offered. I gave her a small smile.

Ok, now that how I got this job and who my writer would be is covered, let's move on to the actual first day experience. I came from school…actually from home. I ran from school to change into something more appropriate than clinical duty uniform and to grab something to eat. Yukari offered to meet me at school but I told her that I would meet her at the office. I think I'm capable of managing that. Besides, it's easier for me to get it together without her nagging at some things…like I said earlier…she knows why I badly need this job. I don't blame her for worrying. It worries me too but I would never admit that to her openly.

Anyway, as I entered the building for the first time, I was honestly regretting having something to eat for lunch. It was looking like I was going to see it again with how nervous I became. I can honestly say that I was flat out scared. This was going to be a life changing thing. I knew that it was do or die. There were no other options and hey, I'm not being overly dramatic. It is how things really are.

I put on the best smile I could give and headed to the elevator. I followed Yukari's directions and pressed the seventh floor on the elevator. I rode it among employees just heading back from lunch. I smiled softly knowing that from today, I would be working with them. It was like a dream come true…being in the world of writing…how manuscripts are made and turned into best selling novels.

When it was my turn to leave the lift up, I took a deep breath and walked with as much confidence as I could. Yukari was there waiting for me, which made me feel a lot better. It was a relief seeing a familiar face in this new environment. She smiled upon seeing me. I could tell that she was as anxious as I am but I would never admit mine openly.

"Hey Yukari." I greeted with a warm smile when I approached her.

"Hi Hitomi. So, are you ready?" She asked. I don't know but it seems like Yukari was more…how should I say…waiting for me to say that I wasn't ready. But I think that's me over thinking or maybe it was the nerves talking.

"Yeah. I'm good. I'm good." I answered.

"Great. Come on let me introduce you to the guys that make up the seventh floor." Yukari said as she started to lead the way. I followed her. I held my breath in anticipation. I wasn't really sure what to expect.

When we passed through the glass door that separated the seventh floor office to the rest of the hallway and the elevators, I couldn't believe that it was more tamed than what I had expected. I guess I had been watching too much TV on publishing houses and press offices…then it hit me…how can I compare that to a typical book publishing company? The deadlines weren't as hectic and obviously the environment would be different. I felt somewhat stupid at that point. I was quick to blame it on my nerves.

Anyway, there were desks around as expected, pilled with neat stacks of papers. There was a computer monitor in every desk. Then there was a lounge room at the center where people could sit in comfy sofas and pour themselves a glass of tea or coffee. There were a variety of pastries there. Somehow I got the impression that it was a homey sort of office.

Glass separated every desk but not enough to fully isolate a desk from the other. The glass was sort of craved with different designs. The computers were A-line, up-to-date pieces of equipment. It was very professional yet very laid back. Like I said, it took me completely by surprise.

When we entered, I almost froze when all of the people there stopped what they were doing and looked at us…or rather me…being the new kid and all. I knew I was somehow blushing. I smiled, keeping my confidence level up. I was going to be ok, I constantly reminded myself. The self psych exercise seemed to work.

"Everyone, this is Hitomi Kanzaki, my best friend. She will be working with us part time starting today." Yukari said. I bowed in respect to them as they stood from where they were seated and approached.

"Hey guys. I'm Hitomi and it's nice to meet all of you." I said. I'm glad I managed to keep my voice even. The humiliation that would have come if it did was something I did not like to think about.

I saw this handsome man approach us first. He had long blond hair and the most stunning eyes I've seen (he somehow reminded me of Amano-sempai…oh well). He smiled at me warmly and extended a hand. I reached out expecting to shake his but was shocked when he kissed my hand. My first thought after that was 'he must be a play boy'. Don't laugh. It's the truth. I mean…come on…do guys nowadays, typical average guys, do that sort of thing?

"It's nice to finally meet you, Hitomi. I am Allen Schezar, the literary agent of the group." He said, still not letting go of my hand.

I tried to be nice, really I did. I motioned to retrieve my hand and he didn't seem to mind. I smiled at him. "Nice to meet you, Allen." I simply said. I could almost swear Yukari smirked beside me.

I immediately shifted my attention to the blond, beautiful woman who came up next to Allen. "Hi. I'm Millerna Aston. I'm a writer here." I shook hands with her. My impression of her was that she is such a nice woman. She acted like a real lady.

"I'm Dryden Fassa, a writer and Millerna's fiancé." The man next to her said.

"Millerna's fiancé? Oh my God, congratulations." I said when I shook his hand and threw another big smile towards Millerna. She blushed and Dryden placed his arm around her shoulder. They looked good together.

I turned to another man there. He was tall, with a kind, wise face. "I am Folken Lacour de Fanel. I am an Editor here just like you. I am Van here's elder brother." He said as he motioned to the man I already knew as Van, next to him. He then continued, still looking at me, "If you find anything amiss or are having problems with anything, don't hesitate to approach me. I am your Senior Editor. I'll teach you the basics on how we do things here after the introductions are over."

"Thank you. I appreciate that." I answered. He only gave me a small smile in return.

And last but not the least, Van. He was still the beautiful man he was on TV. The only difference now is that I was seeing him in person. I'm not attracted to him, which made this job a whole lot easier to deal with. "I'm Van Slanzar de Fanel. I will be your writer as they have told me."

I nodded and gave a small bow. I could tell right off the bat that things are going to be interesting. I could tell that he wasn't like this 'perfect' man the media portrayed him to be. Somehow, he seemed to me like the total opposite…like a man with a lot of secrets…a man with a rather cool heart. Yup. Things are going to be interesting from now on. Too bad for him I'm not easily intimidated. Besides, I came here to work.

I couldn't help but wonder though…his brother seemed so nice and friendly while he was almost the complete opposite. I wondered what in the world happened to him that made him the way he was. I wondered…if this was what Yukari meant…thinking about it, it made me glad that he was my only writer.

Now, that I somehow had an idea of what I would be dealing with, I couldn't help but be curious on how to fully understand him, everything. All of a sudden, it felt like all the butterflies had left my stomach. And now it begins.

(to be continued…)

Tarot card- Ace of Wands (One of Fire)

Keyword: idea

Signifactor: A bold, new venture

A/N: alright I got the first chapter down. This is sort of new to me…writing this way…well anyway, I don't know what to expect so surprise me. Hehe. Please review and let me know what you think. Thanks.
