TCL: The Cubs' Legacies

Epilogue: Happily Ever After and All That Crap

Part One: The Kids

I don't know if you're as curious as I am about families, but here I will have the six couples of the next generation and their children. If this doesn't interest you, feel free to skip to Part Two of this epilogue. Part one will be in the following format:

Mother'sName Maidenname-Marriedname

Father'sName Lastname

-Child Name: (date of birth) how their name was chosen

Okay, here we go!

Angel Longbottom-Potter

Kris Remus Potter

-Erela Potter: (June 14, 2020) Her name means angel in Hebrew. Acts more like Kris though…

-Rhain Potter: (August 2, 2022) Following the tradition of naming with weapons, Rhain is Welsch for a lance or spear.

-Mei Potter: (September 4, 2023) The name means youngest of daughters as well as plums. Mainly picked because her parents liked the name, and in a cruel twist of fate, she's allergic to plums.

Ivory May Potter-Malfoy

Rebel Malfoy

-Kandice Malfoy: (April 19, 2022) Meaning white and pure, follows after mother's name.

-Raif Malfoy: (November 4, 2025) Meaning forgiving and sympathetic. Was actually a mistake made by Rebel writing the name on the birth certificate too quickly, he was supposed to write Ralf, meaning wolf council. Fail.

Lyra Malfoy-Weasley

Conner Malfoy

-Leo Weasley: (November 27, 2025) Lyra insisted their child be named after a constellation since her brother had obviously neglected tradition.

Eyra Weasley-Hawthorn

Adrian "Smoky" Hawthorn (yes, he actually did have a real name)

-Kenneth 'Neth' Hawthorn: (May 12, 2021) Means born of fire, need I say more?

- Aydan Hawthorn: (February 29, 2024) Means little fire, remember, parents are obsessed with fire.

Ebony Hawthorn-Clapp

Ain Clapp

Alyx Clapp: (January 23, 2024) Named after her father's grandmother who raised him.

Tara Bushnell-Hawthorn

Jet Hawthorn

Camelia Hawthorn: (October 30, 2019) Named after her mother's favorite flower.

Mihael Howthorn: (July 1, 2021) The name Michael spelled as it is in Croatia, his mother's home country.

Part Two: Where are they now?

In this part, I will explain further jobs and general lives of the Cubs (but not their children, I don't have the time these days to do their whole story). Enjoy!

Angel Potter: Angel found her true home in working at St. Mungo's. A year after leaving Hogwarts she joined a program to become a mediwitch, and began working full time in 2019. Loving children, she specialized in working with children and went on to have three children of her own.

Kris Potter: Not sure what to do with his tendency to come up with elaborate plans for revenge on people, Hermione turned him towards the rescue and aid division of the ministry. He now spends his days coming up with and executing plans to rescue kidnapped witches and wizards and capture the criminals.

Ivory Malfoy: Flitwick died as she predicted, but after four months of teaching his classes with him, she easily made the transition to being the Hogwarts charms master. Ivory never had to use her valkyrie powers again, and often was a source of entertainment when she was arguing with her dead friends.

Rebel Malfoy: After school became a member of the Montrose Magpies Quidditch team leading to seven national titles in a row. Unfortunately, in the last match of pre-lims year eight, four members were injured, and though Rebel was fine, those four were never able to play again. The team was never able to build back up to being winners again.

Lyra Weasley: Quickly ascended in the ministry, becoming one of the top lawyers in all of magical Europe by 2025.

Conner Weasley: Never really thought about what he wanted to be. Won the European wizard's chess tournament three times in a row before deciding to work on the daily Prophet as a fact checker (merlin knows they need one).

Eyra Hawthorn: Her love of fire in turn helped her to become a well-known breeder of fire salamanders. By 2020 she was able to train and domesticate almost a hundred. She profits from selling some of the eggs as well as selling domesticated Salamanders to wizards as pets.

"Smoky" Hawthorn: Found himself unable to stop himself from being bored by jobs, so generally take short term jobs. Generally finds himself working with dragons because he can't be hurt by fire, as well as helping his wife keep fires lit at home for her salamanders.

Ebony Clapp: Became a member of the English Parliament and married Ain Clapp, one of the major members of the English Cabinet.

Jet Hawthorn: Successful Auror along with wife Tara, though eventually grew bored and switched to the department of magical law enforcement where he know resides and typically carries out interrogation.

Sirius Black: Our lovely minister of magic was in office 1997-2043. After which, he lived out his days spending time with his adopted family before finally being the last of the Marauders to die in 2057, at age 97. May he rest in peace.


There you go, my short little epilogue where, surprisingly, they all lived happily ever after. And don't get mad at me for writing Siri's death. He died of natural causes living to be twice as old as any of the other marauders.

I'll ask one more time, please please please please send me a challenge. Preferably a one shot, but if you inspire me to write more, I'll be glad to.

Thank you for reading until the end. I love you all (well, as much as I can love a bunch of people I've never seen and probably never will).