The Cubs' Legacies

A/N: Thanks to JWOHPfan I was finally able to think up a title for this. If you have not read Cub, this will make no sense, or very little. If you decide to read this first, you are an idiot because I will not be introducing characters like Sable and Vaughn, they will just be there and confuse the hell out of you. This story is centered around the kids of the Pack, I will recap who is who's child just to make sure it's understood because I'm not sure how clear it was in Cub's epilogue.

Disclaimer: …Why do I have to say I don't own Harry Potter and everything else you recognize? I never claimed I didn't. This covers the entire fic.

WARNING: For those of you who need it in bold, you MUST READ CUB FIRST! You have been warned. It is officially no longer my fault.

Anyway, onto the actual story….

"I found an empty compartment!" Kris said sliding the door open easily and taking a window seat. Smoky sat across from him, Eyra and Lyra next to him and Angel sat cross-legged on the seat next to Smoky. Kris cocked his head to the side, "Where's Jet? I thought he would sit with us."

"I asked him if he was this morning, he started laughing so hard mom had to ask if he was on crack. Which would actually be quite funny seeing that dad's the head of the police." Smoky answered, once again mentioning that his father had inexplicably gotten over his fear of authority and had joined the police. Smoky frowned a little, "He said he wouldn't be caught dead with first years. I'm his brother for Pete's sake!"

"Jet sure can be a jerk. How is Pete by the way?" Kris asked.

"Not bad, he ate a mouse yesterday and threw up in the middle living room. Mum was pissed." Smoky answered casually as Eyra paled. Smoky caught her eye, "Pete's our pet cat. You thought I was talking about a person, weren't you?"

"Yeah, and it was kind of creeping me out." Eyra said averting her eyes.

"You're name's weird." Smoky said thoughtfully.

Eyra glared, "I could say the same about yours."

"I'll tell you why I have my name if you tell me about yours." Smoky offered.

"An eyra is a large reddish brown cat that lives in South America."

"Smoky is how my parents found out I was a wizard." Smoky said smiling, "I didn't want to take a nap, so I burned my crib. I've always had a really easy time getting stuff to burn into flame."

"So you're an arsonist?"

"Pretty much."

"I was named after a constellation." Lyra said.

"I was named Angel because that's what I am." Angel said smiling sweetly. Smoky rolled his eyes.

"I predict that someone here is going to be happy little Hufflepuff." He muttered, Kris heard it, but the girls either didn't hear that, or pretended not to.

"So Kris, why is your name spelled weird?" Lyra asked.

"It's not spelled weird K-r-i-s is how you spell kris when referring to the Malaysian dagger with a jagged blade that I am named after." Everyone stared at Kris questioningly, "I'm telling the truth, my mum's obsessed with daggers. Actually, she prefers throwing knives. It's rather scary."

The compartment door slid open, and a boy who looked to be a first year as well looked in. He had black hair that obscured his eyes from view, and almost covered the dark circles beneath them. He was within an inch of Smoky's height, and Smoky was the tallest of them. The boy's frown deepened, "I'm sorry for bothering you, I will leave."

Before they could say anything the boy was gone. They all looked at each other thinking something along the same lines but not sure how to put it. The boy had given off a strange vibe that was almost alien. Eyra thought for a moment before saying, "He's a half blood something, isn't he?"

They all agreed.

Alius positus

"You've never had a problem with going to muggle schools before." Vaughn said after half an hour of silence from her brooding daughter.

Ivory said nothing.

"Come on, you have friends at school. It's not like you'll be alone."

"They moved up to the secondary school." Ivory said darkly.

"All of them?"

"There's only three."

"Which three?"

"Dani, Bax and Toni."

"You mean Danielle, Baxter and Anthony."

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." Ivory said disinterested and turned to watch the scenery of downtown London as Vaughn drove.

Vaughn sighed, Ivory was prematurely a teenage girl. She was already rebelling against her and Wolf and wanted to spend every waking moment with her friends. Oh, and she was moody as hell. Wolf had such an easy time dealing with her when she got like this, he would just start talking about the strangest things and soon she would be chatting with him. Vaughn wasn't good at dealing with girls, Sable and Ferret's middle child, Ebony, had proved that. Vaughn decided to bring something randomly in hope that Vaughn would latch on to it, "You're father is going to send us a letter of who's in which house. What house do you think your brother will be in?"

Ivory didn't even look up, she just made a peace sign with her palm facing herself. Vaughn frowned deeply and ignored the fact she was using the most vulgar gesture in England. Apparently Sable, wonderful police chief that he is, decided to teach her kids that particular gesture last Summer. She was seriously doubting that he was even trying to set a good example for the cubs.

Tempus Praeter

"Hagrid, why are two of the first years wet?" Severus Snape slurred at the half giant, carelessly conjuring towels for the two.

"Sir, I fell in." Lyra malfoy spoke up as she wrapped the towel around her nervously.

"And how does that explain why… What's your surname?" Severus asked, realizing he didn't know the boy's name.

"Uh… Potter." Kris replied automatically.

"How does your falling in the lake explain why Potter is wet?" Snape snapped at the proud Malfoy.

"I can't swim, and Kris felt it necessary to almost drown both of us while trying to save me." Lyra said hotly to hide her embarrassment.

"It wouldn't have been so hard if you weren't so heavy." Kris growled.

"Enough, both of you." Severus ordered, wondering why he still worked with these small children. Oh, right, deep, deep down, he actually enjoyed it. He repressed a sigh, "We will go into the great hall in a minute, and it will be there in front of the entire staff and student body that you will be sorted. The headmistress will call your name, and at that time you will sit on the stool at the front of the hall to be sorted. Once sorted you will take a seat at your respective table, this will be easy because the older students cheer when someone is put in their house, although some Hufflepuffs cheer no matter what, so try not to get confused. Come along."

The first years shuffled after the old potions master as he led them to the great hall and then to the front of the large room. He then told the students to remain there and went to his place at the staff table, one to the left of the center and next to Flitwick. On the other side of the center was Harry Potter, Ginny Malfoy and Neville Longbottom. Harry as the muggle studies teacher that had muggleborns attending his classes that were apparently amazing. Ginny as the defense teacher, and Neville as the Herbology teacher after years of helping Professor Sprout.

Headmistress McGonagall, having given up being a teacher two years prior to Nate Rivers, who managed to be extremely good at transfiguration despite his adventurous nature. The sorting hat recited a song that no one payed attention to, and the whole ceremony moved on. McGonagal took out her long list of names and called the first one, "Axel, Diana."

A small mousy girl made her way up to the stool to have the sorting hat and was immediately declared a Hufflepuff. Every other first year made note of which table that was so that the random cheering Hufflepuffs wouldn't throw them off. It seemed to take forever for McGonagall to finally reach, "Hawthorn, Smoky."

Smoky ran his fingers through his hair as he walked up, having to really fight the urge to play with a flame between his fingers like he usually did when nervous. That particular habit caused Sable and Ferret to constantly have to go to his muggle school to talk to his teachers. Smoky sat on the stool and McGonagall set the hat on his head, which easily declared him a Slytherin. Smoky stood with a smirk and joined his fellow Slytherins. Next in the group was Angel, who simply radiated Hufflepuff to the point that the sorting hat didn't even need to touch her head to declare her so.

"Malfoy, Lyra." Lyra walked up gingerly with her nose in the air, and grimaced before sitting on the grubby stool. It was almost a full second before she was declared a Ravenclaw, and she walked confidently to her peers.

McGonagall looked confused as she read the next name, it was the one of the twins from Italy that had strange names, "Neri, Ki-rene?"

A dark haired girl similar to the boy they saw on the train walked up to the professor, complete with dark circles below her eyes and obscuring black hair. She stopped to correct the headmistress in the pronunciation of her name, "It's Cyrene, pretend the first two letters are Si not Cy." Came her flawless English accent. She then sat on the stool and waited to be sorted. After McGonagall placed the hat on her head she was quickly declared a Slytherin.

Almost the exact thing happened with her twin brother, who they'd seen on the train. He had to explain that the e at the end of Vincinte was pronounced before he was sorted into Slytherin. Kris couldn't help but find their perfect accents too perfect. It just wasn't normal. As was the fact that they were extremely pale and almost never talked. However, Kris was pulled from his train of thought when he heard, "Potter, Kris."

Kris walked up to the hat confidently and sat down while the hat was set on his head. And that's when he heard the hat, the strange voice that mum had claimed wanted her in Slytherin. It was thinking out loud, "You have a lot of potential, you would be the perfect Slytherin, but…"

"But what?" Kris thought, if he would be the perfect Slytherin, he should be in Slytherin.

"You and that pyromaniac I just sorted would burn down the entire school if you were in the same house. Slytherin will have enough trouble in the years to come, better be GRYFFINDOR!"

The hat was removed from his head and he numbly walked to the Gryffindor. What did the hat, which had been known to be more aware of the outside world better than most people despite the fact that he was locked in an office most of the year, mean when it said Slytherin had enough trouble? Then it hit him, the twins. They were half human, half… something. He'd figure it out eventually. He barely even registered Eyra being sorted into Ravenclaw. Great, they were spread out among the four houses, that would make this whole school thing annoying. Perhaps they could bend the rules a bit.

The sorting was finally finished with a Gryffindor named Hazel Yates being sorted into Gryffindor, and chose to sit next to him. Okay, almost on his lap. He looked at her questioningly, "Can I help you?"

"You're cute."

"You're creepy."

"Will you be my boyfriend?"



"Not interested."

"You can't say no, mommy said that no one would. I could be with anyone I chose."

"And why would she say something like that?" Kris asked as he attempted to move away from her.

"I'm half veela." She side, showing her silver blue eyes through her silver blonde hair.

"Yeah, well, I'm still not interested, so will you please get off my lap. And let go of my hand."

The girl sheepishly moved away as food appeared on the table. Kris ate and mindlessly joked with his fellow Gryffindors. There was smiling Jai Waite, blonde Kian Judd, mischievous Steven Pierce and tomboy Naomi Seton. And half way down the table was Jet. He smiled in spite of himself, perhaps he could survive in Gryffindor. At least he didn't have to share a dorm with one of the twins.

Alius Positus

"Did you see Smoky have fire between his fingers when he was being sorted?" Neville asked over dinner at the staff table.

"Yeah, Smoky has a magical version of Pyrokinesis. He's been able to control fire since he was one or two, which is extremely dangerous at that age. Your daughter's sorting was interesting though, the hat was still two feet from her head." Harry said smiling.

"What can I say, she has an aura of happiness around her." Neville shrugged.

"I still think your son's little friend was hilarious, he looked like he was about to hit her if she didn't back off." Ginny commented.

"If I didn't first," Wolf said in a low voice, "First of all it's inappropriate, and secondly, there eleven for crimeny's sake. They should be thinking about school, not… going out."

"Yates is part Veela, she probably has a schoolyard crush on him and expects to be able to charm him." Nate added.

"Too bad she doesn't know that the charm doesn't affect anyone until they come into inheritance at age thirteen." Harry said, "And even then, it doesn't always work on the people you knew before then. Which means there is a chance my son won't marry a Veela."

"What do you have against Veela?" Ginny asked.

Harry shrugged, "Nothing I guess, it just seems kind of shallow the way they attract men. I guess I'm a bit traditional when it comes to love."

Tempus Praeter

Vaughn sighed, Ivory had been silently brooding in her room ever since they got home. That was ten hours. Vaughn had invaded her space about ten minutes back to put a plate of food in her room and Ivory had been reading the Earth's children series for the umpteenth time. Needless to say, she had not so much as attempted to talk. So Vaughn let her brood before her first day of school.

Suddenly a familiar owl flew through the window and landed on the bird perch to wait for the letter to be taken off it's leg, and Vaughn was quick to take it from the owl.

Dear Vaughn,

I hope Ivory's not still brooding about not being able to go to Hogwarts. Though, knowing her and her tendencies to act about fifteen, she probably is.

Well, I think the sorting went well, no one died, well, that Yates girl was close. She was hitting on Kris and I think he was about to hit her. Smoky was sorted into Slytherin, him and his little flame. It's really a bad habit to get into. Lyra and Eyra are both in Ravenclaw, of course, who would have expected otherwise. Kris was sorted into Gryffindor, but he took longer than the others and seemed to be deep in thought for the rest of dinner. Hat probably said something deeply philosophical that he's trying to figure out. Or he's planning to do something that I'll have to yell at him for later, most likely involving Smoky. Do I even need to say that Angel is in Hufflepuff? The only way she could be anymore Huffleuff is if she got brain damaged by cheering charms and started skipping around the school yelling that she loves the world.

Not that I would put that pass her, mind you.

Oh, and Jet's in my class again. He grew up in the muggle world, what else can I possibly teach him? That, and he promised me last year that he would not be taking my class again. He caught me after dinner to tell me that he just couldn't miss a chance to annoy me. How sweet. He's also ignoring the fact that the first years exist, which is annoying them to no end. I don't think he'll last the week, they'll ambush him on his way to charms or something.

Also, there's these twins from Italy that look like they just crawled out of a goth modeling agency. They're the Neri twins, Cyrene and Vincinte, black hair, dark circles beneath their eyes, frighteningly pale. I don't know what look they're trying to pull off, but they're doing it well. They also corrected McGonagall in front of the whole school on the pronunciation of their names. Remember how whenever she's really annoyed with people she locks her jaw? She locked her jaw so hard I thought she was going to break her teeth.

Anyway, I want to know how ivory's doing, especially after her first day of school. Hopefully she doesn't get sent to the office on the first day. As long as shed oesn't break Kris' record of 69 and a half minutes on the first day before getting sent to the office. What was he thinking? You don't call your teacher a crazy lady with hair that broke the laws of gravity and deserved to be in an insane asylum until at least a week after school starts. Doing so on the first day is just bad form.

I suppose I have terrible form if we're going by that, because I did that with Lockhart and Umbridge. They deserved it!

Send my love to Ivory.



Vaughn sighed and walked down the hall to her daughter's door and knocked on it loudly, "Your father sends his regards!"

Vaughn cursed herself mentally and promised to give Sable a piece of her mind as she heard her daughter quietly reply, "Sod off."


(A/N: Here's Chapter one of TCL, and yes, I'm actually writing a sequel with a plot. I hope you like Ivory because she's going to be fun in a scary way later. Kind of like Sable, only she's nine and looks like an innocent little girl. And the Neri twins are important. Reviews are always appreciated, if only to tell me you think I never should have made a sequel, or that you did not heed my warning and have not read Cub.)