Hey all, so this is just a random oneshot that i thought up when i was contemplating how many people forget that aang can feel vibrations through the ground... i think that i am the only writer that abuses that sort of thing, almost putting him at an equal level as toph.

Anyway here is a random oneshot... may become a series of oneshots, may just stick to taang, or may be about alot of completly random things


It was a hot summer day in the firenation, which made it very hot for everyone else, yet still in scorching heat their were two figures throwing rocks at each other in the middle of a canyon. "Come on Toph, can't we stop training for a little while," Aang said, dodging a rock that was just thrown at him.

"What, getting a bit tired Twinkletoes?" Toph taunted back while destroying the boulder Aang had just launched at her.

"Well, yes actuaLLY," Aang replied while dodging an earth spike, "maybe you could teach me something a little less labor intensive?"

"Like what?" Toph asked while sending several smaller rocks in Aang's general direction, one of them colliding, sending Aang into that canyon wall.

Aang got up gingerly and replied, "Maybe you could teach me how to tell if someone is lying?"

"Sure," Toph replied while walking over to Aang and sat on the ground, resting on her elbows, soon joined by Aang, "Ok, now lets just start with the basic concept. When a person lies there are certain physical reaction… the easiest one to work with is their heart, because you can feel the change in beat. Ok now I want you to try and focus on my heart beat."

"This it really complicta… wait I think I feel it."

"Ok, now try and see if you feel anything different," Toph paused for a moment, thinking of a lie, "I am a Waterbender."

"Just wait, I think I might have felt something… do you reckon you could go again," Aang replied, laughing in his head when he thought of Toph Waterbending.

"I wasn't the one who ate you berries this morning."

"I think felt that one… hey, so you were the person that ate them, I blamed Momo."

"stop acting so surprised, with the amount of stuff that I have nicked out of your bag since we have been traveling together probably could have fed Sokka for a week!" Aang just looked at Toph, giving her a death stare… not that it would do anything, it just made him feel better.

"Ok, I will do one more, and if you don't catch this one you are completely hopeless," Toph paused, thinking of the biggest lie she could, "I love you Twinkletoes," the result was Aang falling over backwards and Toph breaking out in laughter.

"Umm, Toph… you aren't going to like this much," Aang said when he regained his composure, now sitting next to Toph in the shade.

"What am I not going to like?" Toph asked turning her head to Aang.

Aang looked Toph in her eyes and replied, "you weren't lying," before capturing her lips with his.

Well how did you like it... please review and tell me, also you can give me sugestions on what you want to read... please