ATTENTION: if you are a fan of anyone of my stories than go to my profile and look at my new poll ASAP. It could effect the way I update my stories.

Sorry for the long wait :[

Roxas couldn't concentrate much for the rest of the day. His conversation at lunch had shaken him, and he couldn't help the fact that he kept looking over his shoulder every time he passed Zexion on the hallway to make sure that he wasn't following him. You're getting yourself all worked up for nothing he tried to reason with himself.

But he couldn't help but think about the night before when Zexion went into his closet. It was his closet and the older boy had no reason for messing around in there. Roxas just shook his head to riddle the last remaining anxious thoughts as he headed to his last class of the day Chemistry. Unfortunately he walked in about a few minutes late, it didn't really matter because the class hadn't started yet, and the teacher looked like he just got there also.

What was unfortunate about it was that there was only one seat left at he different two seated tables, and that one was next to Kairi. He had none of his friends in this class so he didn't have anyone to switch with, so he was forced to go over and sit at the table. He sent a venomous glare at he girl, who just looked away sadly.

The teacher cleared his throat to announce the start of class, "Students," he announced in a droning voice, "I am Professor Xemnas. Welcome to basic Chemistry, I hope you are comfortable in the seats you've chosen because they we'll be your seats for the rest of the year. The person you are seated next to we'll be your lab partner for the year, if you're not partnered with your friends than I don't want to hear it."

Roxas cursed his luck, the one class he had to sit next to Kairi of all people, was the class that you were forced to be partnered with the person sitting next to you. Kairi looked at him and attempted a smile, Roxas just glared at her. He spent the entire class fuming, when they were finally dismissed, Roxas jumped from his seat and stormed from the class. Kairi ran after him.

"Roxas! … Roxas!" She called running after him down the hall, "Roxas please stop, we need to talk about this."

Roxas turned around his eyes burning with rage, "There's nothing to talk about."

"Please listen to, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for it to go that far, please believe me!" she said her eyes welling up with tears.

"You have no right to even talk about it!" Roxas shouted.

"Roxas, you're not the only one that lost someone," Kairi's tears started falling like rain from her eyes.

"And whose fault is that?" Roxas asked darkly, not waiting for a reply, he turned his heals and strode down the hallway.

"What's going on," Hayner and Naminé came up to Kairi, they had both just witness the end of there argument. Naminé wrapped her arms around Kairi who had broken down in hard sobs. Hayner narrowed his eyes and ran after Roxas.

"Roxas … Roxas!" Hayner grabbed the other boys arm to stop him, "Hey, what's your damage man, there was no reason to talk to Kairi like that."

"It's none of your business!" Roxas shot glaring at the other blonde.

"Look, I don't care how much you hate her, Kairi's my friend and you have no right to make her so upset."

Roxas didn't reply, he just turned and stalked down the hallway, not stopping until he reached his room. Once in the room he threw himself face down on the bed and cried into his pillow until there were no tears left.

Kairi was stuck in quicksand, slowing sinking. Roxas was standing a few feet away watching, and not making any attempt to help the girl.

"Roxas, Roxas help me!" she cried reaching her arms out to him.

The blonde just stared at her without moving, "Roxas, please help me!"

He just continued to stare at her, "Help me!" she cried again.

"Help me!"

"Help me!"

"Please, please help!"

Roxas' eyes flew open; he was lying on his bed. Glancing over at the digital clock, it read 3:01AM. "Help me!" a scared voice suddenly pierced the silence.

Jumping only in the slightest his head looking in all directions for the source of the voice, but he was the only one in the room. Not even Zexion was in there, which confused Roxas. What in the world would Zexion be doing in the middle of the night.

"Somebody help me, please," the voice sounded again, and Roxas noticed that it was coming from his closet."

Not again.

Roxas slid out of the bed and headed toward the closet, "Who's there?" he called but not too loudly.

The voice suddenly gasped, "Is somebody out there?"

Roxas jumped out of his skin not expecting the voice to answer him, "Yeah."

"Oh please, please get me out of here, please before they come back," the voice shouted hysterically.

"A-all right I'm coming," he ran over towards the closet grabbed the handle and turned it, but when he tried to pull it open the door wouldn't budge.

"Um, hold on, the doors stuck or something." Roxas grabbed the door knob with both hands and tried to pull it over, still no avail.

"Please hurry, I hear them coming!" the voice cried.

"Who's coming," Roxas frantically looked around the dark room half expecting to see someone come into his line of vision.

"There getting closer!"

The blonde started kicking the door, wondering what the heck was holding it shut, then the voice's cries started to fade. The last thing he head that was understandable was the voice saying "There here!" before it faded into silence.

Barely a moment later, the dorm room door's lock started to sound indicating that someone was about to come in. He made a run for his bed, flopping down on top of it and pulling the covers over himself and pretending to be asleep. Another moment went by where all that was head was the lock jiggling, then the door opened and his roommate came in. Roxas watched him carefully, if he went into his closet again then he was going to get up and ask what the heck he's doing.

But all Zexion did was change into his pajamas and slip into his bed on the opposite side of the room. Silence overtook the room again, Roxas mused over the puzzle of his roommate for a while longer before falling asleep again.

When Roxas awoke, he didn't even check the clock to see what time it was. He jumped out of bed and dashed over to his closet. The door swung open easily and the closet looked just as it had the day before; he rummaged through the clothes for a few moments to see if there was anyone hiding way in the back. There was nothing. With a sigh he looked back at his digital clock, it read 9:04am.

"Crap, I'm late!" he swore loudly and got dressed as fast as he could, threw his books into his backpack and ran out the door, not even bothering to lock it.

When he stumbled into his science class, the lecture stopped and every eye in the room looked at him, "Nice of you to join us Mr. Helicary," Professor Vexen said coldly, "Now if you would please take a seat, we'll continue."

Blushing madly, Roxas went for the only empty seat in the classroom, trying not to look at anybody. He could heard some people holding back snickers. The blonde was never happier in his life when the bell for class dismissed sounded. He quickly grabbed his books and made a run for the door, "Mr. Helicary," Professor Vexen's voice stopped him in his tracks, "I would like to see you for a moment."

With a sigh Roxas turned around and waited by the teacher's desk until the rest of the students filed out. Olette and Riku cast sympathetic looks when they passed him, though Hayner just glared at him obviously still angry at him for upsetting Kairi. It wasn't too bad; the teacher just gave him a short lecture about being on time and gave him a tardy slip.

He sat next to Olette in English class; they were both sitting in seats in the back of the classroom. "What did Professor Vexen do to you?" Olette whispered to him.

"Nothing much, just a lecture and he gave me a tardy slip." Roxas replied.

"Why were you late?"

"I just slept in, I guess?" Roxas wasn't about to tell her anything about his closet, she'd think he was going crazy; though he was the one that was starting to think that lately.

After English, they walked to the cafeteria, and got there food together. "Olette! Roxas!" Selphie called from a table on the other side of the room, where the posse was sitting.

As they made there way over to the table, Roxas suddenly noticed that Kairi was sitting with them and stopped dead. Wasn't she supposed to be at a different lunch period. Everyone stopped talking as they approached, followed by a very uncomfortable silence. "Oh yeah, Kairi got her lunch period switched," Naminé offered an explanation.

Roxas glared at the red haired girl, "Um … I guess I could just-" Kairi started but Hayner cut her off.

"Kairi don't move; if Roxas has a problem with anyone at our table, then he can just sit somewhere else."

Anger surged through Roxas; he turned his heels and stormed out of the cafeteria. No one made a move to stop him, though it left the table feeling very uncomfortable. Roxas walked down the hall out side of the cafeteria, turned a corner and sat on an empty bench next to a window, and set his food tray down on the bench next to him. Why was this happening to him? He's not only going to the same school as Kairi, but he has to be her lab partner for the rest of the year, the only chance he had of being with his new friends without her was at lunch, and now that was even taking away. What did he do to deserve this, hadn't he suffered enough?

"Hey, you're sitting in my spot," Roxas looked up to see Axel standing in front of him, with a brown paper bag in his hand.

"Sorry," Roxas replied but make no move to go and find another spot to sit.

"Well, I guess I could share it, considering that you seem to be having a rough day."

The blonde only then noticed that there were tears falling from his eyes. How embarrassing, he quickly wiped them away. "Move over," Axel ordered lightly.

Roxas pushed his food tray down to the end of the bench and scooted closer to it, giving Axel room to sit down. The older man sat down next to him, opened the bag in his hand and pulled out a wrapped sandwich, "So, why are you sitting out here, and not in there with your little friends," Axel asked while upwrapping his sandwich.

The boy paused from picking at his pizza slice, "I don't have any friends," he replied softly.

"Oh come on, you seem like a nice enough kid. You got to be at least friends with your roommate."

Roxas scoffed, Zexion was the last person he'd want to be friends with, "No, I'm really not that close to him."

Axel was at least nice enough not to push the topic anymore. They sat in a comfortable silence, just eating there lunches, until Roxas decided to break it, "So what do you do here exactly, Axel?"

"Eh, basically just do whatever I'm told. Not meaning I just do anything, "If something goes wrong with the building, I fix it. This also includes, cleaning up messes, unclogging toilets, and all that fun stuff."

"So basically you're the janitor," Roxas assumed, but Axel immediately went to defend himself.

"Not the janitor, I'm hear on community service," he corrected.

"Right," Roxas replied in a voice that clearly said that he didn't agree, "You the janitor."

The red head lightly slapped the boy upside the head in a joking manner, "Janitor's get paid to do what I do, and that there carrier. I'm not getting paid sh–t, so that makes me not a janitor. Got it memorized?"

"Sure thing Axel," Roxas laughed, "So why are you here on community service?"

The older man smirked knowingly, "For something that I'll never in my life regret."

There was suddenly a ring of a cell phone. Axel dug into his pocket and took out his phone and looked at the caller id. After reading it he quickly put his half eaten sandwich back in his bag and stood up. "See ya around kid," with that he walked down the hallway and didn't answer the phone until he turned down another hall.

The last thing Roxas heard him say when he answered the phone before he was out of hearing range was him answering, "Hey babe."

The blonde sighed to himself, was his only friend going to be a juvenile delinquent.

After almost a year, I've finally put up chapter three, are you guys even interested anymore? Don't forget to look at the new poll in my profile.