Characters and plot belong to their rightful owners.
Just A Memory
Inuyasha stares at the gnarled bark from his perch up in the Goshinboku. He remembers a time when she would come like an angel descending upon the dull world to brighten its days.
He can see her now, stepping out of Kaede's hut. She looks around, before scurrying through the village. Her glossy black hair swaying down her back as the swell of her belly bobs up and down with her every step. A discreet smile plays softly on her face that shines as brightly as any theatre's stage. It's the smile that's meant just for him, and he can feel his heart twitch. What a wonderful smile.
She arrives at the god-tree, craning her neck to look at him. "Inuyasha!" She calls, her smile widening. "What's wrong, Inuyasha?" He knows that she already knows. Inuyasha glances down and he can almost... almost...
But the scent is wrong. The eyes are the wrong colour, too narrow, and her face is more angular. The rounded belly is his imagination playing tricks on him, but he swears it looked better on her in his head. Her voice is deeper, and Kikyou's hands are too rough.
"Nothing." He murmurs.
"Nothing." Almost...
... But that was the past. Nothing but the ghost of a memory in gold pools.
(This was inspired by the Iyissekiwa Gold Theme challenge going on over on Live Journal. I'd put it up there, but I have no idea how to use Live Journal, and I don't particularly care to learn. Anyways, 213 words, Gold Theme. Week 63, if you're counting. - Incomprehensible)