Disclaimer: I own nothing Twilight related!
I thought it fitting to also give this story a title that is also an All Time Low song. So far they have brought be good inspiration and good luck! Hope you like it! Please review!
Fridays always went by slowly, and today was no different. I didn't have big plans tonight to look forward to, but I would happily cut off my own hand to escape math class. This class was hell; I was surrounded by people that loved math except for my best friend, Addie.
What are you doing tonight?
Myra! That's lame.
Hey, I need the money.
Before I could read her response the bell rang, and I practically ran out of the room. Whoever decided that math should be a last class of the day was crazy. Math was hard enough normally, but even worse at the end of the day.
Addie followed behind me to our lockers. When I reached mine, I was annoyed to see that yet again someone was pressed up against it. And that someone was no other than Adam Jenkins; the kid who had tried to get me to go out with him since the third grade. I had to admit that Adam did look better than he did a few years ago, but that didn't change the fact that he was a bit freaky…and obsessive.
"Hey Myra." He greeted.
"Hi Adam…can I get to my locker please?"
"Of course." He smiled as he stepped out of the way.
I was fully aware of the fact that he was watching every move I made as I opened my locker and grabbed my bag out. He was still watching as I loaded it with my homework for the weekend, and as I pulled out my purse.
"Did you need something?" I finally asked.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies tonight."
"Actually, I'm babysitting tonight." I replied, thankful that I didn't have to lie to him this time.
"Oh…do you need help?"
"No, I've got it covered."
Was he serious? Luckily Addie walked up then and started pulling at my arm. I gratefully followed after her and sent Adam a little wave to not be rude.
"Thank you for saving me." I said once we were out of earshot.
"Did he really ask to help you babysit?"
"Tell me about it."
"It would be cute, if he wasn't so freaky about it." Addie stated as we approached our cars. "I'll see you later. Who are you babysitting anyway?"
"Claire; her Mom and my Mom are buddies."
"Well, have fun."
"I'm sure I will." I sighed as I climbed into the driver's seat of my car.
"Where's Quil?"
"Nice to see you too, Claire." I smiled down at her.
Claire was four years old and absolutely cute. She also had some older guy named Quil wrapped around her finger. I'd met him before and not only was he a nice guy he also doted on Claire. So it made sense that she was upset to see me instead of her normal babysitter.
"You'll have fun with Myra, sweetie." Her Mom, Judy, assured her. "Quil was busy tonight."
She was still pouting, so I grabbed her hand and knelt down to her eye level. "Who needs guys? We'll have a tea party and gossip about boys, okay?"
She smiled, "Okay."
After her parents left, Claire led me upstairs to her room where she had a little table set up with a tea set. Apparently I had hit the nail right on the head. I took a seat on one of the extremely small chairs, hoping I wouldn't break it, and watched as Claire poured me some 'tea'.
She got bored with that real fast, so I insisted she eat some dinner. After I practically force fed her some macaroni and cheese I sat her down in front of the TV and put in one of her Disney movies.
"What?" I asked.
"Can I sit on you?"
She was heavy, and after a while I felt my legs start to go numb. Luckily there came a knock on the door, and I gently pushed Claire aside so I could get up. As soon as I was standing she attached herself to my leg and refused to let go. I walked with her attached to my leg all the way to the door, and swung it open.
"Embry!" She shouted, detached herself from my leg, and attached to his.
Embry didn't pay her any attention though; instead he was looking right at me. His gaze was intense, as if he couldn't get enough of the site of me, but I passed it off as his assessment of me; the girl babysitting Claire.
"Does Quil not trust me with her?" I asked nervously.
Embry finally pulled his gaze off of me, and picked Claire up. "You're Myra?"
"No, he trusts you. I was just in the neighborhood and decided to drop by." He replied.
I stepped out of the way so he could enter and closed the door behind him. He carried Claire into the living room and sat down with her on his lap. I followed, but sat in the recliner across the room.
"Where's Quil?" Claire demanded.
"He's busy." Embry replied simply as his eyes returned to me.
His gaze made me blush. This guy was unlike any other I'd seen before except for Quil. He was tall, had beautiful russet skin, and both his eyes and hair were dark. But it was his eyes that caught my attention; they were an intense shade of brown; almost chocolaty.
Besides Adam I had never had a guy look at me so much. With Adam it was downright creepy, but with Embry…I found that I liked it. I stared back, our eyes connecting over the distance of the room. We probably could've stayed that way for a while, but Claire interrupted us. She was yawning loudly, so I checked the clock.
"It's time for bed." I stated as I stood up and held my hand out to her. She slipped her small hand into mine and waved goodbye to Embry. I led her up the stairs and into her bedroom. After she was changed and her teeth were brushed, I tucked her in and said goodnight.
I was a little nervous about being alone with Embry. I had just met the guy, and he was a bit intimidating. The Disney movie was still playing when I arrived back in the living room, but I went to stop it.
"Hey! I was watching that!" He cried.
"Who doesn't love Toy Story?"
"Good point; well I'm going to go clean up the kitchen."
He followed after me.
"I thought you wanted to watch the movie?" I questioned as I started to fill the sink with water.
"It started to skip."
I knew that was a lie, but I didn't contradict him. Instead I busied myself with gathering the dishes Claire and I had dirtied over dinner.
"You wash, I'll dry." He offered.
"So, you're Quil's friend?" I asked as I started to scrub one of the pots I had used.
"Yeah, he told me about you."
"What about me?"
"That Claire really liked you, and I can see why now." He replied. "How old are you?"
"Seventeen, but I'll be eighteen in the summer. What about you?"
He paused for a moment before he replied, "Eighteen."
"Really?! You look like you're in your twenties at least!"
"I get that a lot."
Before our conversation could carry on much further, Claire's parents arrived home. Judy smiled when she saw Embry and handed me a check.
"Thank you so much Myra."
"No problem; if you ever need me again, just let me know."
She laughed, "With Quil around I won't need you too much, but I'll always keep you in mind."
After I gathered my stuff, I walked outside to my car. Embry was there leaning against the hood with a smirk on his face. I noticed that the only other car in the driveway besides mine belonged to Claire's parents.
"Do you need a ride?" I questioned.
"No, I live in La Push. I wouldn't want you to go out of your way."
"If you're sure…"
"It's alright."
"Well, it was nice to meet you Embry."
"You too, Myra."
It must have been the way he smiled at me or maybe I just had a small moment of insanity. I never normally did this, but I pulled a pen from my pocket and grabbed his hand. His hand was radiating heat. I ignored it, maybe his hand felt so hot because mine were cold.
"This is my number." I stated as I wrote it on the palm of his hand.
Then before he could see the blush staining my cheeks, I climbed into my car and turned over the engine. He watched me the entire time as I backed out of the driveway and onto the street, and he was still watching as I started down the road. What had just happened to me?
My phone started to ring at nine o clock. I grumbled angrily, as I sat up in bed. This was Saturday, my complete lazy day, and someone was interrupting it already.
"Addie, what the hell are you doing waking me up at nine?" I growled into the phone.
"I'm sorry."
That most definitely was not Addie. I felt my face turn red, and was thankful that I was talking to Embry on the phone and not in person.
"Sorry." I mumbled.
He chuckled, "I thought you would be up. Anyway, I called to ask you something."
My heart started to race and I felt butterflies in my stomach. Seriously? I had just met this guy and he could make me feel like a prepubescent girl again.
"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and the guys. Quil is going to be up there soon to pick up Claire and he could swing by to get you."
What else did I have to do today? Nothing that couldn't be done tomorrow. Besides, my parents were always on my ass about meeting new people. My Dad wouldn't like the fact that it was a guy, but I knew my Mom would.
"Sure, I think it should be okay. When is Quil going to be here?"
"Around ten."
"Well I better go and make sure it's okay, and get ready."
"Alright, hopefully I'll see you later."
"Yup." I agreed dumbly.
After I hung up, I resisted the urge to slap myself across the face. What had I just agreed to? A day of embarrassment in front of a gorgeous guy. I scrambled around my room trying to find a decent outfit, and went downstairs to confront my parents. Luckily, Dad was already gone somewhere so I didn't have to deal with his probing questions.
"Hey, do you mind if I spend the day in La Push with Quil and his friends?" I asked, not wanting to mention Embry specifically.
"Quil is the boy that watches Claire right?" She questioned.
"Sure, just don't be out too late. I know you have homework to do."
As I waited for Quil to arrive I couldn't help but wonder if this was a stupid idea. I hardly even knew Quil and I was going to be hanging out with him and his friends? What had possessed me last night when I gave Embry my phone number? I was probably channeling Addie's spirit or something crazy. But it was too late to turn back now.