Drabble collection
Title: Little Wishes
Summary: She was his queen, for good.
Previous Drabble: Kill Me – Tom's POV
Title: Want Me
Summary: Want me. Deceive me. Betray me… one final time.
Disclaimer: It's not mine, you know the deal.
Pairing: Tom Riddle Jr./Ginevra Weasley
Warnings: Ginny's POV
Want Me
by misskrum
I don't love you. I don't even like you, devil of mine.
What are you darlin'? My master? My monster? My mistake?
I used to think love could change the world. I was a dreamer. I believe in fairy tales, I believe in you. What does that say about my naivety?
But it was your fault! What could I've done against your will?
Your eyes… I could never, ever, forget those eyes.
I wanted you to want me since the first time I saw your eyes. I wanted you to make my life meaningful, to make me smile, to make me fall in love. And then I thought my dreams came true.
You were never a romantic man, but I thought it was part of you. Every single night I prayed for you! Love me less, but love me longer. How stupid is that?
But again, truth be told, you were quite a good actor.
I know I won't last longer in your world. I won't be your little queen forever. I saw you looking for someone to replace me with. Eventually you will choose someone, someday. That day could be tomorrow.
So, Tom…
Want me. Deceive me. Betray me… one final time.
A/N: It's been ages, i know...