Title: A TDI Drabble

Summary: Each pairing share their love one to another. Geoff/Bridgette, Gwen/Trent, LeShawna/Harold, Izzy/Owen, Duncan/Courtney, Heather/Noah, Cody/Beth, Eva/Justin, Katie/DJ, Sadie/Ezekiel

Genre: Humor/Romance

Category: Total Drama Island ( Canada)

A/N: I don't own TDI or characters

A/N: Geoff and Bridgette lives far away from each other. Bridgette lives in Mississauga, Ontario and Geoff lives in Brampton, Ontario, sorry with all the confusion. This chapter is about Gwen and Trent spending some bonding times at the movies, knowing Trent he'll probably trying to impress her….again. Yes, Gwen and Trent lives in the same city, Leeds and Grenville United Cites, Ontario. That's the cities of Canada, and I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Enjoy!


Gwen's pov

Today was me and Trent's two year anniversary. Everyone in my family ( Those idiotic jerks) were all shocked of me because they all didn't think I'd never had an relationship to a boy…..that isn't Gothic, that is. My mother, Julie drives me nuts with all these " Boyfriend/Girlfriend tips" magazines, it was so instituting. I burn them into my backyard, flames were turning orange to red as I dropped those magazines into the grass. I just hope Trent's family isn't insane like mines, I will totally died if I hear another relationship tips magazines, urgh. When we told our parents about us being together, his parents weren't surprise nor excited when they saw me for the very first time, as insensitive they all seems wearing these strangely sporty clothing, I think I'll like them…..eventually. Same goes to my parents, all traumatized with their mouth almost hanging on the floor, basically my brother actually started to like Trent because of his guitar as horrible it seems he loves guitar more than video games,

" Gwen!" I turn around, butterflies tingling my stomach whenever I heard that voice calling my name. God, I love him so much.

I looked at him, half smiled.

" You know what day it is?" I asked questionly, wrapped my arms around his silky neck.

" Monday?"


" Um…lemme guess. Today your birthday?"

I blanked. Letting go of him.

" No! dammit, Trent! Is our two year anniversary. How could you forget our anniversary!" I rapidly let go of him, crossing my arms as I sat on the couch.

Trent stretched his head, looking at me puzzled with a confused look on his face.

" Man….I'm sorry, babe. I didn't know today was our anniversary, my manger marked my schedule for my next concert and stuff."

He sat next to me, wrapped his arms around me, making me feel warmer. I know he's been busy with his band all this week, I mean he was making a lot of cash on their concert every week, perhaps I could sketch drawn them in my drawing booklet one day.

Trent leisurely give me a peck on my cheek as he pulled me closer to his body, I blushed. He move my hair away from my ear, I could feel his hot breath misting through my ear, I was totally nervous.

" Tonight I'm going to treat you something amusing, delightful and romantic when your folks leaves, okay?"

" Yeah, whatever" I smirked.

" I meant it, Gwen. You're the only girl I've ever feel in love in a very long time, more passionate with your ins--"

I shut him up with a lightly kiss. He return the kiss by holding me cozily with his erotic body, I almost feel like dying in here. We broke off our kiss, staring at each other like any couple does.

" Can't wait for tonight" I said, elatedly.

Trent holding my black finger nail polish hands, between our legs.

" Neither can I"