
Ginny walked cautiously into the small, not-too-well-known café ten minutes before the time she'd told Draco to meet her. And she had no idea what to expect. Would he even show up? Maybe. Would he be angry?


"Can I help you?" A young hostess smiled at her, and she forced a pleasant smile on her own face to match.

"Yes, my name is Ginny and I had a reservation for two—"

"Oh wonderful, your gentleman has already arrived and is waiting for you! Here, let me show you the way." The girl took off and Ginny, who was hit with unexpected surprise, had to force her legs to follow the hostess. What had surprised her, that Draco had actually bothered to grace her with his presence or that he was early? He had been late to dinner on their seven year wedding anniversary by almost an hour, but he could be early now?

Seconds later she was standing face to face with the man who had broken her heart over and over again during their seven years of marriage, her husband Draco. He was smiling beautifully at the hostess, who walked away a little unsteady after such a smile (not that Ginny blamed her) and not that Draco noticed, because his eyes had been trained fully on her since the moment she appeared. It unnerved and excited her, which made her that much more angry. Why did he still have such a great hold on her?

"Hello Ginevra." He greeted her, his tone was polite and reserved.

"Draco." She nodded at him. "Are you ready to talk about this?"

His eyes were now icy and guarded, but he swept an elegant hand at her. "Go ahead."



Draco couldn't decide which urge was calling to him strong, the urge to yell at her, to shake some sense in her, or to kiss her. So instead, he decided he'd hear her out first. He put on a blank face and gestured at her. "Go ahead."

He watched as she breathed a big sigh, before starting. "It's for the best, Draco. For me, for you, and for—" She snapped her mouth shut, cutting herself off, and he didn't even have a chance to wonder what she had been about to say because she was starting again, more slowly then before "I just don't want to do this any more. I'm not happy. You're not happy. And we shouldn't be wasting our lives trying to pretend that we are. It doesn't make sense for us to be together any more and you know it."

He had to bite down his fierce instinct to automatically deny it. She was right, in a twisted way, they weren't happy. If he hadn't spent the past four days trying to figure out if he was still in love with his wife, he would demand that she come home right now, but he had, and he still wasn't sure if he still loved her. And he knew that was not a good sign.

If there was one thing Draco hated, it was being unsure of himself, and that insecurity like to hide behind anger. "You're giving up, Ginevra." His tone was mocking, though he really hadn't meant it to be. Her saw her eyes, which had looked faraway moments before flash with fury.

"Giving up? I have been trying for years, Malfoy. Years of fighting for you, for US, and now I've had enough."

A scoff. "It's not like you had any competition…" He couldn't help the lazy drawl that escaped him. Well, maybe he could have, but he didn't. Fighting with her was a force of habit now, it seemed. That depressed him.

"Oh really?" Ginny scoffed (a habit he wondered if she picked up from him…) her voice bitter, "I had to fight for your attention against your work, your secretary, your business trips, and even then all I got was scraps of your attention here and there. Why? Because you avoid me, Draco. You don't want to come home to me any more."

It was true, and he wouldn't insult her or himself by trying to deny it. Still, he could see it hurt her that he didn't.

"I know you don't…" He knew she always tried to be strong in front of him, but her voice cracked, and he felt something grip his heart. "I know that you don't love me anymore, but I like to believe you did once. And if that's true I'm asking you Draco: divorce me. Let me go and let me be happy."

Still he remained silent, unsure of his next move. He had loved her once, he knew that for sure. It had been real once, but it had changed. Maybe he did still love her, but she didn't love him, and that was just as important.

With shaking fingers, Ginny pulled off her wedding ring and placed in on the table in front of him, before looking up at him. And in that moment he knew.

Tears were leaking down her cheeks and her lower lip was trembling, but it was her eyes. Her beautiful green eyes that showed him of all the years she'd been suffering, all the pain she'd endured, that she couldn't—wouldn't!—take anymore.

And that was when he knew: He wanted her to just be happy.

And to do that, he had to let her go.

"Fine." His voice came out harsh, as he fought against some unknown emotion that seemed as though it was choking him. But his soon-to-be ex-wife just blinked at him, confused. "Alright, Ginny. I'll divorce you."

He'd actually expected her cheer for her victory, but he was unprepared for the quick display of emotions that danced across her face in a matter of seconds. Joy, bitterness, surprise, disappointment, relief…

But she just reached across the table, and squeezed his hand, whispered a soft "Thank you." He barely noticed as she told him she'd Floo him about the details so he just nodded briskly in acknowledgment. So she grabbed her purse, and left.

"Can I get you something to drink, sir?" A smiling waiter approached, almost shocking him in comparison to how strenuous the past ten minutes had been.

"Yes. Alcohol." He turned to watch his wife walk out of the restaurant, out of his life. "Lots of alcohol."



"Sooooooo?" Pansy and Luna sat at the Weasleys dinner table, already stocked full of chocolate and hot tea, just waiting for Ginny to arrive. The moment she did, the integration began.

"Hmm?" Ginny responded absentmindedly. "Oh! The nurse said that the baby is doing fine and gave me some pills and a five mile long list of things I can't eat."

Both girls rolled their eyes, before Luna jumped in. "We're definitely glad to hear that, Gin, but we were really wondering about you meeting with Draco earlier! How'd it go?" Luna was practically bouncing on her seat, and Pansy was leaning forward in anticipation.

Unbidden, the thoughts of her earlier afternoon came racing back. She couldn't believe he'd agreed. It was what she wanted, what she'd been begging him to agree to for over a week now, but she couldn't help feeling more then a tinge of disappointment when he agreed.

He didn't love her and he didn't want her. And she was a fool for hoping he would prove her wrong. In truth, she hadn't been truly hoping, but somewhere, hidden behind the conjugated French verbs she'd never mastered and the arithmetic she never used, she had held out a tiny flame of hope that he might still love her, but he blew that flame out today. It felt like she'd been slapped. Hard.

"He agreed." She told her two best friends in a matter-of-fact voice.

"WHAAAAT!?" She nodded her head up and down repeatedly, but didn't answer the twenty questions that followed in quick succession, opting for biting her lip instead to try to keep her irrational tears at bay.

This was what she wanted. He agreed and now she was free of that cold, neglected lifestyle and she could start all over again with just her and her baby. She was glad.

And yet… and yet she wasn't.

"—Ginny I'm sure you're so happy and…" Luna stopped gushing mid-sentence, finally noticing her friends' distress. Her voice turned softer, more hesitant. "Ginny? You are happy. I mean, this is what you wanted…Isn't it?"

"Of course it is." Her voice sounded so positive.

But really, she wasn't so sure.

A/N: Please don't kill me, I've just been so busy that I haven't had the time or energy to sit down and type this out! But there it is, next one should be coming soon! Please show me some love! : )