A/N: This is a very silly chapter I felt like writing and err hope it makes sense.

Chapter 4: Meat

Soft snuffles and crunching footsteps caught his attention as Inuyasha crouched behind a tree. The brown doe munched slowly as she walked through the forest stepping on dry leaves and eating some of the underbrush. Her ears flicked back and forth as her attention was divided between eating and keeping watch for predators. Inuyasha knew he was down wind from her or else she would have fled earlier. The doe was slowly coming closer to him and he smiled in anticipation. A few more feets and he would have fresh meat for dinner tonight. He knew Shippo would be excited since his favorite type of food was roasted venison. Ah deer meat he could think of all sorts of stuff to make out of it and its skin. Deer jerky, roasted venison, venison steak, and venison stew. Why he could make some deer skin mittens for Shippo to wear in the winter or maybe some new shoes for the little guy.

A contented smiled crossed his face and he almost laughed. Ever since he had married Kagome he become so domesticated and wifey. Kouga and Miroku had gotten a kick out of laughing at him for being that way until he had beaten both of them to a pulp. Not that Kouga's wife or Sango had not delivered there own brand of justice either. Nothing like watching them run in terror while there wives yelled at them to not tease Inuyasha and help out more at home. Ah good memories. A sudden noise caught his attention and he watched as the deer seemed to freeze. He wonder what had caught her attention and if she was about to bolt? Coming to a quick decision he lunged forward and missed with a downward slash of his claws as the deer bolted and fled through the trees.

Letting out an angry curse he wondered what had just scared his dinner away. Standing up from his crouch, he closed his eyes and began to sniff the air. A faint scent drifted through the trees and his golden eyes snapped opened. Blood. Talk about horrible timing for the deer to smell it. Grumbling angrily he stomped towards the blood smell and decided to let that person or whatever it was have a piece of his mind for scaring off his prey. Tearing through the forest, he skidded to a halt and was about to yell at the moron when he gaped in shock.

"Must you make so much noise when running through the forest Inuyasha?" Sesshoumaru looked at him carefully and cocked a slim white eyebrow. "You should close your mouth you look like a gasping fish."

Inuyasha blinked slowly and closed his mouth with a snap. He couldn't help but raise a hand and rub his eyes vigorously. Before him sat his brother but what really caught his attention was the scene before him. Sesshoumaru was calmly sitting on the ground with a pile of fresh meat on top of what looked like deer skin. What was most disturbing though was watching the raw piece of meat that his brother was delicately consuming.

"Don't you know that you can get sick from eating raw meat? It's disgusting!"

Sesshoumaru finished chewing the meat and arched a slim white eyebrow at his brother. "I do not see how I can get sick when it is a fresh kill." The daiyokai picked up another piece and popped it into his mouth. He almost smiled in pleasure when he watched disgust flash across his younger brother's features.

"But its raw!" Inuyasha exclaimed.

"So? Raw meat is delicious and our kind has eaten it this way for generations. Why should I change my eating habits because its disgusts your human half's sensibilities?"

Grumbling in annoyance Inuyasha crossed his arms in a huff. He didn't know why he tried talking to his brother about this since he should have known he would have a counter argument. Its just it disturbed him watching him eating raw meat. Maybe his brother was right about his human half being the problem but still raw meat was disgusting to him. For as long as he could remember he had always eaten cooked meat as a small pup and he could remember his mother warning him of the dangers of raw meat. Something about contamination and getting sick from it maybe? He was unsure and watched his brother slowly consume the pile before him.

Only a few chunks remained before Sesshoumaru motioned towards the pile. "Would you like to try some Inuyasha. Or are you to afraid to at least try it once?"

Narrowing his eyes at the challenge Inuyasha plopped down on the other side of the meat pile and glared at his brother. Reaching down he grasped a small piece of the bloody meat and stared at it for moment in dread. It glistened before his eyes and the red color stood out vivdly against his tanned skin.

"Well are you going to eat it or stare at it all day little brother?"

Letting out an inner sigh, Inuyasha popped the meat into his mouth and chewed in determination. The meat had a strange flavor but wasn't too unpleasant. He wished it was cooked though with some kind seasoning since that how he liked it. Swallowing it quickly he made a face and looked his brother.

"There I ate it are you happy now?"

"Indeed I am. You may have the rest to take home if you wish." Sesshoumaru rose gracefully to his feet and readjusted his fur on his shoulder. Turning to go he turned and regarded his brother thoughtfully. "Inuyasha." He waited until he had his hanyou's attention before saying, "Although I do consume raw meat I would not advise you trying it on boar meat. Pork has a tendacy of making one sick unless cooked."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and watched as his brother walked away. Glancing down at the pile of meat he shook his head and couldn't help but thinking this was the weirdest encounter he had ever had with his brother. Shrugging his shoulders, he quickly packed the deer meat and headed home.

Arriving home a few hours later Shippo greeted him in excitement and let out a happy squeal when he was informed of the deer meat. When Inuyasha asked him how he wanted it prepared. Shippo smiled and said, "Can we eat it raw? I like how it tastes without it being cooked."

Rolling his eyes again he wondered what was wrong with the yokai in his life and let out a huff of irritation.