Author Note: Just to let people know this is going to have male/male relationship way later on so just an early warning. Updates will be random while I try to fight through my evil writers block and of course writing another fic at the same time oh boy.

Chapter 1: Goodbye

The wind was cold and swept his long white hair back but he didn't notice. It had rained earlier and his skin was chilled but he didn't notice. Birds chirped overhead and a butterfly flew by his face but he still didn't notice. He hadn't noticed when the mourners had left and neither did he notice how stiff he was becoming. He really didn't notice anything except for the woman who laid in his arms and how her chocolate brown eyes were closed forever. Perhaps he would have sat under the sacred tree he had once been pinned to with the woman he loved forever but that was not meant to be.

Footsteps made him finally lift his head and notice the world around. A commanding aura encircled the clearing and he watched as the long haired daiyoukai stepped through. He hadn't seen his brother in a few years and he stilled looked the same.

"Are you going to sit there mourning your miko forever or will you return to the living Inuyasha?"

The hanyou let out a tired sigh and regarded his brother in annoyance. "What of it? The woman I love is dead and I am in no mood to be bothered Sesshoumaru."

"Then you are a fool little brother." Sesshoumaru said coldy. "Do you honestly think that your miko would want you to act this way? Like a love sick fool who is just waiting for another youkai to come put you out of your misery?"

Anger coursed through Inuyasha and he snarled loudly. "So what? What if I want to die and be with her? Is that so wrong? Can't I wish for death and join her? Shit why can't you just leave me the hell alone?"

Inuyasha's pain filled words echoed around them and slowly faded away. The two brothers regarded each other for a moment before the hanyou looked away.

"No you cannot Inuyasha for you have someone who is still waiting for you in the land of the living."

A sarcastic laugh left Inuyasha and he regarded his brother skeptically. "Who are you talking about brother? You?"

Sesshoumaru eyes began to bleed red and he snarled out, "No you impudent fool I was talking about the fox youkai who still follows you around for some reason. Have you forgotten him already in your grief?"

Shame filled Inyusha's features and he glanced down at Kagome. He had almost forgotten about the fox kit they had adopted into there family and the responsibilities he still had. Shippo had been coming to the forest everyday since Kagome's death but he had ignored the fox kit in his grief. He knew his son must be worried and he felt terribly guilty. If Kagome had still been alive she would have been angered at his treatment of there son and would have sat him down repeatedly. For a moment a smile broke across his face like the sun parting through the clouds, but then it faded away. Regret filled him and he smiled sadly. He could not leave Shippo alone and he could not join Kagome in death what irony. If only humans did not age so quickly and die so young. Standing up, he held Kagome securely to him and took a few steps pass his brother. For a moment, he stood there holding on to his beloved and then he let out a sigh.

"Thank you Sesshoumaru. If you hadn't come I would have lost my way."

"I am sure you would have come to your senses sooner or later. But I highly doubt it."

Rolling his eyes, Inyusha started down the road and hugged his wife's body closer. He knew that once he entered the village he would have to relinquish her to be buried. It was going to be tough and painful but he knew he had to do it. Shippo still needed him and as long as someone did he could continue on with his life. He would learn to deal with his grief and move on.

The funeral was a quiet affair with only the villagers and a few youkai to mourn Kagome's passing. It was hard to deal with the mourners but he stood tall and did not weep. He had to be strong for Shippo and for himself. There would always be time later to grieve but not right now. Inuyasha watched as Kagome was placed on a pyrie and burned. He watched as her long black hair caught on fire and her kimono began to burn. Well whishers began to pass him and he nodded at there quiet words of sorrow. Soon only Inuyasha, Shippo, and a few youkai remained.

Kouga slowly walked over to him and smiled sadly. "I am sorry Inuyasha. She was a wonderful woman and she will be missed by us all."

"Thank you Kouga."

A few other youkai began to express there sympathy and soon only him and Shippo remained. They continued to watch the fire burn until there was nothing left of Kagome.

Gripping his son's hand, he smiled down at the fox kit. Tears glinted in Shippo's green eyes and he swept him up in his embrace. He held onto his son as grief overwhelmed him and patted him gently. He was thankful that he had still had Shippo and held his son tightly. Turning away from the dying embers of the fire, he walked away and headed back to his home in the village. Bird songs echoed in the treetops and he smiled sadly. Kagome had loved to listen to the birds sing and a tear slipped down his cheek. A few more slid down his cheeks and his vision blurred as he walked. For a moment the grief almost became to much to bear but his conversation with his brother popped into his head. Taking a deep breath, he reigned in his grief and lifted his head. The tears began to dry on his cheek and he sniffled. He was grateful for his brother being there when he needed someone and he for knocking some sense into him. Shippo began to shift a bit and let him lean back in his arms.

"Are you alright Inuyasha?"

"Yes I was just thinking about your mother and how much she loved the birds singing."

A chuckle left Shippo and his green eyes sparkled. "She did love them till one of them pooped on her head."

A surprised laugh burst out of Inuyasha and he grinned. He had forgotten that a bird had indeed pooped on Kagome's head one day and how infuriated she had been. It was so funny staring at her irritated expression that day that he had laugh uproariously until she had sat him to many times. Ah the memories.

Hugging Shippo closer Inuyahsa smiled. "Thank you Shippo."

"For what?" come the muffled reply.

"Just for being here."

Inuyasha gazed up at the leafy canopy above and whispered a quiet goodbye to Kagome.