AN: Hello! Wow, my first mulitchapter fic in quiet some time... I dont even have one on THIS account, its all on my shared account crackernchinkinc! Anyways. This is a halloween-like fic but I know that it wont be done by Halloween. But hey, I got it up before hallween right? Brownie Points? .... Please?

Disclaimer: I do not own the turtles. See, that was easy, wasn't it?

"Can we go home yet, its coooold!" Mikey whined, putting on his best pout face as he looked at Leo in the dark, his blue eyes reflecting in the moonlit midnight sky.

Leo turned to the youngest, his own hazel eyes shining, "Ten more blocks then we'll hit the sewers, Mike." Damnit, the dark must be interfering with the pout face, because it generally works with Leo. Holding back a sigh Michelangelo rubbed at his arms, the October air cooling his skin just about as quick as an ice cube could.

It was just Mikey and good old Fearless up here, doing a quick training run slash looking for baddies. But, seriously, what kind of bad guys are going to come out in this weather? No, more importantly, what kind of good person, who the baddies would do, yanno, bad stuff to, be out here in this type of cold? None, that's right, zero, zip, zilch, nada! Does Leo listen to reason, though? Noooooooo.

"Ok, fine, but let's get going!" Mike said and leapt to the next building. Before they had left, Don had told them both to wear coats. Did they listen? Nooooooo. Now, Mikey was regretting, A lot.

Raph was currently home with a cold, although don't mention this to him. He thinks he's some sort of God who is immune to getting sick. The three brothers all know better, told him differently, but does he listen to them? Nooooooo. Who else is seeing a tread here?

Anyways, at first Raph just had the sniffles, like they all got around this time of year when summer turns into fall. Don warned him not to go outside, Raph ignored him, ended up puking his guts out the next night because of a stupid cold, like he does every god damn year. You'd think he'd learn, that Raphael, but no, he had to keep being hardheaded and doing whatever the hell he wants.

Look at how far that got him, sick at home with Doc Don hanging around him like a mother hen, clucking at every adverse thing that he did. Tisk Tisk.

Then Leo, ever working Leo, called for a quick training run. Raph, of course, was excused (although he fought valiantly to go) and Don gave the excuse that he had to take care of Raph (at which Raph growled that he could take care of himself. But with more swears.) So that left little, innocent, cold-hater Michelangelo, to go alone with hard, determined, slave driver Leonardo. Mike knew from that very moment that this was bound to be a freakin blast.


"L-l-l-leeeoooo!" Mikey whined a few buildings after that, making sure to emphasize his shivering perhaps a bit too much by rubbing his arms and shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

Leo gave Mike that look. Yanno, that one that said that if he did not keep going he might explode if he does not finish what he set himself to do. Mikey pulled off his pout face again, his teeth clattering against each other for the moment.

Luckily, a small light was just to the right of them, lighting up the door that was the entrance to the rooftop for people who live in the building. If not for that light Mike was sure that he would make them finish those ten blocks but, as it was, it threw enough illumination on his face that his pout worked just as it should have the first time.

"Yeah, yeah, ok. Go find a manhole, I'm right behind you." Score one to Michelangelo! With a grin that could melt girls hearts (if only they would stop screaming and/or fainting first) Mike jogged to the side of the building and looked down.

Manhole, check!

Placing his hands on the side of the building to silently vault himself over, Mikey turned my head back to indicate to Leo that he had already found what he was sent out to do. Or, at least, that was his intention. Kinda hard when Leo was nowhere to be seen.

"Leo…?" Mikey called; quiet unsure why his voice has suddenly dipped into a whisper as if a masked man with a long knife was behind the corner. Coughing slightly to himself to fill the empty silence he tried again, his voice now a normal volume, "Leo where'd you go?"

His muscles tensed as he heard nothing except the rising speed of his heart in his ears. Peeling his hands away from the edge of the roof Mike walked forward, casting his eyes everywhere looking for the sight of leaf green skin and dark blue bandana.

"Leo, come on, stop joking around." Mikey's voice wavered at the end even though he had tried to keep it steady. Fear of an enemy took control of his mind as his fingers felt the comfort of warn down wood.

Slowly Michelangelo walked to the other end of the roof, his weapons now out and held tightly in his palms. Leo was not the joking type, sure he had his moments but this was more of a Raph thing to do. Leo never pulled this kind of crap on Mikey; he knew how much the youngest hated it.

"Leo?" another uncertain call, his voice defiantly shaking this time.

His ninja senses started to tingle, literally on the back of his neck as he did a one-eighty and faced a shadow that he swore had just moved. Mike's arm trembled as he started to swirl one nunchuck nervously in his hand, calling out a quiet, "Hello?"

No one responded, and not knowing what else to do and with his fear starting to trample all reasonable thought he reached into his belt and pulled out his shell cell, flicking it open and squinting at the light that came from it as it battered his dark weary eyes. Fumbling, he pressed the button for Don's phone and listened to it ring.

Everything happened so quickly then, Mike was not really sure just what, and in what order everything transpired.

While waiting for Don to pick up he had starting pacing back and forth and stepped half way into the shadows. Next thing he know something colder then the arctic was wrapped around him, black and strangling as it entangled itself around him.

The sound of his phone clattering to the ground hardly meant anything to him, all of attention focused on getting this new, unknown evil off of his body.

It had no form, no definite shape, it just was. And it was cold, but in a different, terrifying sense. Not temperature wise, although it could easily be mistaking for a temperature, but this was more of a psychological cold, a fear so strong that it squeezed your heart and ripped apart your brain.

And it was currently pulling Mikey deeper into the sinister unknown of the dark shadow. Without thinking twice Mike fought back, but quickly found that this evil had nothing he could physically hit, nothing he could beat with a chuck or, if it came to it, bite with his teeth.

Mike screamed once but it was quickly cut off as the black iniquity curled itself around his mouth, effectively quieting him.

The last thing Michelangelo heard was Don's seemingly small voice as it screamed his own name from the speaker of the phone that lay forgotten on the ground.

The last thing Michelangelo saw was Leo's limp body tangled up in this unknown enemy.

The last thing Michelangelo felt was the cold essence completely cover him, devouring him in its grasp and thrusting him into unconsciousness.


"Raph, please drink the orange juice and then we will talk about you going to the dojo!" Don kept his voice calm, as all good doctors learn to do. And right now Donnie was certainly in the doctor role.

Raph glared at him, his eyes slightly cloudy from illness as he tried to stare his younger brother down. Knowing this tactic almost as well as Leo, Don ignored it, making a show of folding his arms and waiting for him to drink the liquid.

With a snarl that might have sounded more feral had it not been for his sore throat he grabbed the glass violently, making some of the golden substance splash to the ground and Don had to hold himself back from rolling his eyes at this. So childish sometimes.

Pleased as Don was that he was drinking the orange juice, he already knew the answer to the question that he was bound to spring on him the second he finished the glass. Sure enough once the glass was empty, and after he wiped his face with the back of his hand he turned on Don again, a look of determination dominate on his face.

"Ok, I drank yer damn juice, now if ya 'ould please get outta my way 'n I won't be a bother to ya no more." Raph said, his voice muffled by a stuffy nose, as he stood, trying to hide a slight waver in his step that was sure to be his equal labarum trying to establish itself in his sickened state, but Donatello easily saw right through it.

"Raph, lay back down and I will get you some sou-"

"I don' wan' more fuckin' soup, Don!" He snapped, taking another step towards the purple clad warrior. Expecting this reaction Don placed his hands on Raph's shoulders and started to turn him around, pushing back towards the bed Don let go of him, half way enjoying the stunned look on his face.

Yeah, Raph, you are that sick, you can't fight me off.

"Lay down. I will be back with some water and more cough drops." He visibly tensed but sat down on his bed anyways. Not lying down was probably some act of rebellion, something to make him feel better about being pushed around by Big Bad Doctor Don.

Once Don's shell was turned he finally allowed his eyes to roll, pushing the door open and walking out into the living room. Master Splinter was sitting in his chair, a heavy blanket covering his lap and legs and one had resting on top with the remote laying lightly in his curved fingers. With a quiet sigh Donnie sat down on the couch, rubbing at his neck with his hands as he saw some melodrama playing out on the screens.

"Is Raphael giving you too much trouble, my son?" Splinter asked, his wise old eyes turning away from the show and watching Donatello with interest.

When is he not? Don thought smartly, but kept it off of his tongue, "He's just being… Raph, is all. Nothing that I can't deal with." Nothing I have not dealt with every single fall.

"I can go in and speak with him," Splinter suggested, his eyes flicking to Raph's door for a moment before finding their way back to Don.

"No, it's alright Sensei." Don gave a small smile and heaved himself back on his feet, making his way towards the kitchen.

Don hummed to himself as he looked in the fridge, looking for something that Raph might enjoy more soup but would still be gentle on his upset stomach. With a shrug he grabbed an apple, knowing that Raph would bitch and moan no matter what he gave him unless it was a ten ounce steak cooked rare and a heaping of fatty fries.

Knowing that anything other than the simplest of things would leave the sick turtle throwing everything up in a few hours, Don knew that he would just have to give Raph what was good for him, whether he liked it or not.

Leo and Mike need to be back soon, he thought to himself as he opened up the cupboard and pulled out a clean glass, If they stay out much longer I am going to have three sick turtles on my hands, and one is quite enough.

After feeling up the glass with cold water from the sink he traveled quickly to the bathroom and opened up the glass fronted cabinets, pulling back two bottles before finding the half empty bag of cough drops and made a mental note to ask April to pick up a few more bags. During this time of the year they would need it, everyone was bound to get a mild cough.

As he made his way to Raphael's room his shell cell went off. Donnie tisked to himself when he found that the only way he would be able to get into his belt was to drop things and hurried his face, opening the door with his toe and placing the glass and bag on Raph's bedside. Raph, it seemed, had given up for the moment on being stubborn and was lying down, his hand fumbling with the bag of medicine candy the second they hit the table.

Now that his hands were free Don quickly got the phone out, knowing that it would keep on ringing for quite some time before it went to voice mail, for that's how he set it up. When he was in his lab he could not reach his phone right at the moment it rang, he did important things in there that took time and concentration, and could not be done with one ear plastered to the phone.

"Hey, Mike, what's u- Mikey?" Don's body tensed up as he heard scuffling in the background, "Mikey, pick up the phone, wha-" A scream that was branded Michelangelo in bold red lettering, "MIKEY!"

"Whuts goin on, Don? Donnie, whuts happenin?" Raph's voice, congested and with a heavy accent, nearly drowned out the soft sounds of more scuffling and Donatello gave a sharp hand sign, telling the sick turtle to shush, which he quickly did.

As quick as it started the sounds ended, the phone having no sound other than a light breeze over where the mike was located. For a moment Don was still, his eyes wide and his mind (along with his heart) racing at top speed. Raph pushed himself up off of his bed and placed a hand on the olive green's shoulder, turning him around.

The touch jump started Don and his eyes met Raph's, "Call Leo's cell," He ordered, placing his cell in Raph's hands. Don ran out towards his lap, Raph not far behind him with the phone attached to his ear. Pressing the button to turn on his computer and waited, tapping his fingers and pacing, as the machine seemed to warm up as slow as a turtle during winter.

"He's not answerin'!" Raph said but made no move to close the phone, listening to it ring endlessly.

"Finally!" Donatello whispered as the computer was ready to be worked on. With practiced ease he opened up the program that would show where his trackers were and was pleased to see that one open quickly, and then with worry creasing his brow he clicked the icon that would show where all the cell shells were.

Don's was in the lab, Raph's in his room. Leo's was nowhere to be seen, which amplified his worry tenfold. Mikey's, however, showed to be sitting on a rooftop. Whether that meant that it was still on the youngest or not could not be deteremined, however with the evidence of the phone call Don found himself quiet certain that the phone was not on his brother. But it was a start.

Don snatched up his pre-filled duffle bag that had been filled with medical supplies and other things that could be helpful in any situation. "Raph, get a coat and your weapons, we're going to get them."

Raph nodded and turned sharply, running to his room while Don went into the living room, unsurprised to see that Splinter could already tell that something was wrong and informed him of the circumstances, promising to inform him of their progress, and then met up with Raph at the door way.

"Let's see what Mikey got inta this time, eh?" Raph said as he handed Don a coat and put on his own.

AN: Ok, there's the first chapter! I know it was not terribly long but I think I am going to keep the chapters about this length, give or take. Hey, that means that I can whip them out faster! Btw, I am in college and sometimes its hard to find a night with no homework but I promise that, if I take a little longer on posting chapters, I did not give up on it. Live just sucks.