Chapter One: Will

Chapter One: Will

A/N: Kind of fluffy. Just a cute little chapter.

When Nora met George, she thought he was immature and goofy, but he was being himself, a refreshing change to the other blind dates she'd had, that much she could see. So she agreed to go out with him again. It wasn't that much of a stretch, he was cute, and he made her laugh, plus something in him called to her, as cheesy as it sounded, but she liked him almost instantly, not love at first sight, but definitely some kind of curiosity to find out more, to see him more, for just more.

She gave in.

Nora fell in love. She fell willingly, giving into it, whatever it was, that drew her to him. It happened quickly, so quickly, that she knew she should be scared, should slow down, and when she was away from him, she knew this, tried to slow to down, told herself that the next time she saw him, she would, but then in would walk George and it didn't seem like it was so bad, like maybe they weren't moving as fast as she thought they were, or that it just didn't matter. She loved him and he loved her, and that was all that mattered.

Three months later and he was asking the question, the one most men wait at least a year to ask. "Maybe we should get married?" It was random, out of the blue, and so… George-like.

"What?" She stared at him in shock, looking up from the movie they were watching.

He gave a kind of half shrug, one arm still slung behind her back making it a bit awkward. "Why not? I love you, you love me. Let's get married."

Logically, Nora knew there was a reason "why not" to marry George, but there was that tug again, the one that made her accept a second date, the one that made her forget about the speed they were going, the one that made her spend the night instead of going home like she planned. That tug in her heart, that ran through her very veins, telling her to give in.

"Ok." And so she did.

He looked kind of surprised, like he hadn't been sure how she'd react, and exactly been expecting a "yes" but then a huge grin broke out on his face. "Really?"

"Yeah," she replied, her own face splitting into a grin and a small laugh of excitement escaping her.

She was going to do it, she was going to marry George, she knew she should feel fear, dread about what her daughters, more Casey than Lizzie, was going to say, how they would react, and caution on how fast they were (still) moving. But she couldn't bring herself to really dwell on any of those things, she just looked at the man she was leaning against, the man she was going to marry, and couldn't feel anything but a happy excitement.