I loved the noughts and crosses books so i thought I'd do a fanfic of it. It's what we do, right?

Before I get any mean comments, I'd like to say that I don't know what heaven is like, or even if there is a heaven, this is just my interpretation. If you don't like it, please tell me, but in a nice way please, it is just for fun after all...


The wind had stopped. The darkness lifted away to light clouds, and the air cooled down from the burning that Jude had felt. He ran his hands over his body, looking for wedged pieces of debris, or holes in his flesh from the blast. Nothing. He was perfect. He was vaguely that he was drifting forwards, even though he was not moving his legs. Ahead of him, the cliché golden gates appeared in the distance. His eyes opened wide. Why heaven? Surely for all the burning buildings, the explosions, the lost lives, he would be sent to hell.

"That's not the way it works Jude." A loud, yet whimsical voice called out. Jude flinched in surprise. He hadn't heard the voice; it was right inside his head!

"Don't be afeard Jude. If you would just let me explain. Where you go in the afterlife, depends on your last thought."

"Cara..." he whispered, instantly, almost involuntarily.

"Yes. Your thoughts of her were what saved you. That and the fact that your heart is truly pure." Jude snorted. Yeah right! Before him, the gates opened, and every cloud glowed golden. Jude rolled his eyes. This place was not his style at all.

"Jude, my son. Go through the gates, where you will find your true paradise." Raising his eyebrows, not knowing what to expect, he made his way through, and walking on clouds.

His eyes widened as he saw who was waiting for him, standing in the clothes they were killed in.

"C-C-Ca..." he couldn't speak the name.

IT'S SHORT BECAUSE IT'S A PREVIEW! It's going to be long, and I hope, pretty awesome. Please read on, don't be put off by the short chapter. But who is it? Cara or Callum?!?!?! You'll find out...REVIEWS PLEASE!