He kissed her. A full on eyes closed, pulled close, steal her breath away kiss, that let the whole world know just who she belonged to. Well, maybe not the whole world. Maybe it was just the fish that swam in its bowl on her desk. It seemed to stare at them its little fish head slightly cocked to the side, as though it knew what was going on and was slightly amused by what it saw; as though it would chuckle if it had the ability to.

"What was that for" her voice was low and her breathing uneven.

"It had just been to long since I was able to do that, I really missed it. I mean I didn't really get the chance last time I saw you. After all you were still keeping up the male persona in a public place and I didn't think the crowd would appreciate two boys going at it in the airport," he smiled at the blush that rose to her cheeks.

"I'm sorry. It was Christmas, I had to go home, or my brother would have flown here and brought me home himself. Besides it was only two weeks, I feel like you are a big enough boy, you should be able to handle it yourself," she brought her lips to his neck so she could feel his pulse against her lips.

He shook his head as a small smile formed, "Don't try and tell me you didn't miss me, or my kisses just as much as I missed you."

"I never said that," she stood on her tip-toes so she could reach his ear to give them a nip, then she whispered, "I just said you should have been able to handle it."

He shuddered at her seduction. He was always baffled by the other boy's inability to see she was one hundred percent woman. It didn't matter that she dressed as a boy, and acted like a boy. There were still the small things that gave her femininity away. The way she blushed when anyone would bring up sex, or girls or penis. There was the way she smelled, not the musky scent of almost grown man, but a softer smell that caressed your nostrils in a way that only something purely female could.

Then there were things that were so subtle, unless you were looking for them you wouldn't notice they were there at all. Like the sway of her hips that was slight you couldn't put your finger on it, but you knew something was different. Then how once a month everyone seemed to be vying for her attention, and about a week later she would be missing from class. It made him laugh sometimes that it took Nakano being told to understand he wasn't gay. Someone who watched her as much as he did should have noticed things other boys let slip past their attention.

"Are you ok?" She looked at him with curiosity in her eyes.

"Yeah, sorry I was thinking," His smile.

"About what?" She couldn't help but return his smile.

He swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed, "About all the times I wished I could have held you in my arms, over the past two weeks." He gently tossed her onto the soft mattress. Crawling in beside her he whispered, "We've got major catching up to do." He placed his body next to hers and pulled her close. She snuggled into his embrace and he kissed her forehead. If anyone had the idea to knock on either lover's door, they would not have received an answer.

A thanks to staggered incite, sorry about the spelling mistake, my computer deceived me ,she is in trouble now.