Disclaimer: DNON

Their Miracle Chapter 3

3 years later

"Shit!" Sakura mumbled under her breath as she tried to force her obviously large carry on into the overhead luggage compartment. She grunted and stood on her toes trying to force the bag to fit. Behind her the line of people had grown large and impatient. Someone from the back, by the sounds of it, a male, shouted at her to hurry up.

"I'm trying," she muttered under her breath knowing very well that impetuous man would not be able to hear. She stepped back onto her heel and huffed with her hands on her hips. She turned to the man behind her who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow and felt her breath hitch.

Something felt familiar about him but she couldn't place her finger on it especially because she felt flustered looking like an idiot in front of the first gorgeous man she had seen in months.

"Allow me," he said and again, there was something familiar about him. Stumped by her inability to recall whatever that feeling was, she stepped to the side dumbly and stared at him intensely as he gave her bag a quick shove into the compartment above. It slid in easily and still baffled, she thanked him and moved to sit down in her window seat.

He stared at her for a minute before nodding and moving farther back.

Sakura could not settle her curiosity and she stood up, turned around scrutinizing his diminishing figure. Something about the army uniform, the hair and his voice struck her as familiar and not being able to recall what it was was driving her crazy.

An elder woman slid into the seat next to her and commented, "Dearie, it's not nice to stare at others."

Sakura sat back down and dazedly buckled the belt, "Yes of course, but there is something about him..."

"There is always something about a man in uniform," the lady said knowingly before pulling out her knitting.

"Hmm. I suppose so," with that, she leaned back into her chair and stared out the window.

Even after the plane was in the air, she couldn't stop thinking about the man. She pulled out her crossword puzzle book and attempted to solve one of the many puzzles she had failed to finish. Distracted as she was, she ended up doodling a drawing of a man with spiky hair.

The plane ride was only an hour long and she had succeeded in forgetting about the man by reading the magazine provided by the plane company.

When the plane had landed, she was able to pull her bag out with the help of the gentleman from the seat across from her.

When she finally exited the plane, she ran straight towards the bathroom to get out of her sweatpants and into more formal clothing. There was a seminar to attend and because of the lousy layovers and missed planes, she didn't have the time she thought would be allotted to her to get ready at her apartment.

Rushing to stuff the foundation and powder back into her make up bag, she accidentally knocked over the bottle of perfume. Sakura groaned in annoyance and grabbed a few paper napkins and bent over to clear up the mess.

A group of teenage girls walked in giggling about some hot, "Army," guy they got to sit next to.

"Uchiha Sasuke," the name unknowingly slipped out of Sakura's mouth and suddenly memories from three years ago hit her like a brick wall. The train ride, the walk across town and the taxi. She knew him! He was the one she met all those years ago! How could she have forgotten!

Standing back up, she took a moment to deliberate whether or not it was worth chasing after the man and just as she decided to ignore it, she changed her mind and grabbed all of her stuff and walked out of the bathroom. Rolling her suitcase behind her, she broke into a run in search for the man in uniform.

"This is so stupid," she muttered to herself as she ran in her heels; there was no way he was going to remember her. He hadn't even recognized her on the plane and she had PINK hair! How could someone forget her hair?

She turned the corner and spotted him entering Starbucks. She broke into a full on sprint and shoved past the man who was trying to enter the café. Once inside, she stopped to catch her breath. Her eyes scanned the room from left to right searching for the guy she had met on that wintery day.

He was in the corner with his back to her.

Nervous butterflies fluttered in her stomach and her heart beat faster as she approached him.

Clearing her throat, she made her way around and sat down in the seat in front of him, "Uchiha Sasuke. You're nice, you're impatient, you're quiet, you were sent to military school and," the last thing slipped from her mind, "And a-ano..." Sakura went silent struggling to remember the last thing. This was NOT the introduction she had envisioned on her run over.

"I don't care about feelings," he finished quietly.

"Y-You remembered?" she could feel her jaw drop, "Five things you told me about yourself three years ago?" Because she was still in disbelief, she repeated, "You remember me?"

He took a sip of what looked like black coffee and shrugged, "I have a good memory."

Realizing how comical the situation must seem to an outsider, Sakura broke out into a full fledged laugh, "Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you do because this could have been real awkward!" Inwardly, she felt huge sense of relief. The last couple of hours of obsessing over his name were really quite annoying. She slid her butt to the edge of the chair and shifted forward lifting the chair onto its front to legs.

He raised an eyebrow waiting for her to speak and she supposed it was up to her to start conversation. After all, she did literally chase him down.

"Do-ummmmm," was she supposed to start with a question? "You know, I never expected to see you again after that night so it's kinda crazy to run into you again."

"Of course," he said in confirmation.

"You're not exactly the greatest conversationalist around, huh?" Continuing without waiting for a response, "So, I know some of the conversation, on my end, was a little er optimistic, especially that line about the seven steps thing, buut we could totally try and become real friends. What do you say?"

For the first time a smirk broke across his face and she felt her heart rate accelerate, "I say-"

She cut him off, "I realize this is completely unconventional, but I believe this is fate telling us we're meant to be friends." Just as she finished stating that, she felt herself mentally face palm. Cutting people off was a horrid habit she had acquired throughout the years when she was nervous.

"Do you always interrupt people when they're talking?" he frowned.

Sakura giggled nervously, "Well, I mean, I really don't mean to, but I guess I do have the slightest tendency to do so when I'm nervous. It's really quite annoying. I mean, I know it's annoying for the other person, but it's actually really obnoxious for myself as well. Like, right as I'm done talking, I'll realize what I have done and by then it's too late." After finishing the rant, she let out a sigh of relief, "Phew! Glad I finally had the opportunity to explain that to someone! I really don't mean to be rude. So, what were you saying?"

Sasuke shrugged, "I forgot." He looked at his watch and stood up, "Unfortunately, I have prior arrangements to attend to and have to leave."

Sakura stood up with him a little disappointed by the abruptness and held her hand out, "Oh, well, it was really good seeing you again. I really didn't expect to see you ever again. But really, we should get together and I suppose, 'catch up,' is the incorrect phrase, but whatever."

He shook her hand and gestured for her to leave in front of him.

Sakura giggled again, "Oh no, I actually have about 15 minutes before my ride is here. Again, it was really good seeing you Sasuke-kun." It was a little forward to add the suffix at the end, but when he didn't react negatively, Sakura could only assume it was okay with him.

He nodded and gave her a slight wave to which she responded with a salute. He chuckled and said, "Ja ne."

Sakura sat back down only after he had left Starbucks. She looked at the empty seat in front of her and grabbed her hair, "Argh! I forgot to get his number," she moaned and slumped back into her chair ignoring the looks from the people around her.

She noticed the napkin he left on the table and in annoyance, she picked it up mumbling, "Jeez, what a litterbug." She crumpled it up in her hand and staring at it for a minute, totally wallowing about the missed opportunity of getting Sasuke's number.

Sakura sighed and stood up abruptly, knocking into a gentleman carrying a drink. He splashed a little bit onto her and Sakura yelped an apology, "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! I didn't see you!" She opened the crumpled napkin with the intensions of wiping off the spilt coffee when she noticed markings on the corner.

There were seven digits.

She smiled and murmured, "Excuse me," and walked out of Starbucks punching his number into her phone.

She sent the first text. That was real smooth Uchiha Sasuke.

AN: So sorry about the wait. Writing has become difficult for me, but I update when I can. I sincerely am thankful to everyone who reads my stories! I realize this chapter probably is short, but I'm not exactly sure what direction I want this story to go. I think I would like for this one to have two or three more chapters. And I'm pretty sure there isn't going to be extreme drama in this story.