Disclaimer: I do not own HP, too bad, could really use the money right now.

I wanted to thank all of you who read and reviewed this story, I'm so glad you stuck with it. Also to my two BETA's Molly for editing the first six chapters and Messer-Moony-sezs-awhoo for the rest. And so without further adu, The Epilouge of For the Love of a Werewolf.


Happily Ever After


It was almost hard to believe that Remus and I had been married for almost five years, or that our second child was due any day now. He is dead set on the name Regan for our little girl, it's not a horrible name, really, but I have always loved the name Rose. Besides I let him pick our son Corbin's name, I think it's only fair I chose this time.

The day seemed to be going by much to slow for my tastes; I had already seen all my patients and have been spending the better half of my day thinking of my family. I was so proud of my husband; Remus' bookstore had been doing so well we have even been considering opening another location. We do for the most part sell muggle books, and could probably live comfortably on those profits alone, however or 'secret' wizarding section has been doing amazing as well. We tend to stock rare and unique books that Flourish and Blotts doesn't carry.

Aside from running the business he also takes care of Corbin. The little tyke absolutely adores his daddy and wants nothing more to be just like him. He already is the spitting image of his father, except he has my eyes. My son is constantly following Remus around, wanting to know anything and everything there is to know about how to run the bookstore. It is rather cute to see a three year old go up to a customer and say in his preschooler dialect 'Elcome to Upin's ook stow, can I elpuw."

Giving a giggle at the thought of my absolutely adorable son, my eye caught the clock on the wall. "Finally." I practically jumped from my seat, well; I rose as fast as a nine month pregnant woman can. It was now five o'clock and time to head home. I needed to get Corbin fed and bathed before 'uncle' Sev and 'aunt' Kathy came over with the twins. They offered to babysit so Remus and I could go out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary. He's taking me out to dinner, but has yet to tell me where. But I'm fine with that, what woman doesn't like sweet surprises from their husband.


I have everything planned out perfectly. The reservations are all set, the gift purchased, and unbeknownst to her a romantic weekend get-a-way is awaiting us. I just hope she doesn't go into labour before the weekend is over. I just needed to pick up some flowers for Hermione before I headed home. My wonderful son having inherited his mother's kind heart and spirit asked if he could get a flower for mummy as well, and of course I said yes.

We headed into a flower shop just a few blocks from our bookstore, I had never been in the actual store but I had ordered flowers from their before.

"It smell good here daddy." Corbin took in the smell of the different flowers fragrances as he took my hand, pulling me further into the store. "I want get mummy a purple flower. It her favourite colour."

"You are right, Purple is mummy's favourite colour. How about we ask the shopkeeper if he has a suggestion for a great purple flower."

Corbin nodded enthusiastically as we approached a tall man with red hair. "Excuse me sir."

No. It couldn't be. Not him. Of all people to see on my anniversary, why him? I had not heard a word from or about him in over five years, nor did I want to.

"Professor Lupin, is that you?"

The red-headed former Gryffindor squinted at me as if I was twenty feet away from him. Who did he think I was? Imbecile. Oh-I just sounded like Severus for a second there didn't I. Good. Maybe I can scare him a bit.

"You work here Weasley?" I asked coolly.

"I actually own the shop, along with my wife."

"I see." Ron Weasley was married. His poor wife. She must be a muggle. Poor muggle.

"Was there something I could help you with?" He asked. He gave a small polite smile, though I could see the trepidation in his eyes.

"I unt purple fower for mummy." Corbin said smiling sweetly at the man who he knew as no more than the shopkeeper.

"Ah, your mummy's favourite colour, right?" Ron asked. My son nodded emphatically.

Of course he knew her favourite colour. The man was obsessed with her.

"Well we have several wonderful purple flowers; if you and your dad will follow me I will be more than happy to show you." Ron spoke directly to my son, trying not to look me in the eyes again.

He then showed us several types of flowers, in many different shades of purple. Eventually Corbin chose a Purple Tulip.

"Excellent choice, little man." Ron said to my son, his smile fading a bit as his eyes moved back to me. "Is there anything else I can get you and your son Professor."

"Yes, a dozen long stem roses. Today is mine and Hermione's fifth wedding anniversary."

Yes. I did it. I rubbed it in his face. I have her and he doesn't. Ha ha, nanny nanny bo-bo.

"That's wonderful, professor. Is this little guy your only child?" He asked seeming honestly interested and there didn't seem to be any obvious hints of jealousy. Damn!

"We have a baby girl due any day now."

"Congratulations." Ron opened up a refrigerated glass door and began pulling out roses, placing them in a crystal vase.

He had better not expect me to pay extra for that vase.

"My mum wrote to me and said that you and Hermione own a book store." He said as he continued to arrange the flowers.

"We do." Of course he wouldn't notice we were just a few blocks away. When would Ron Weasley ever want to read a book unless forced?

My son and I followed him back to the counter where he tied a red ribbon around the vase. "Do you want to write a message on the card?" He asked handing her a small hand sized card.

"Yes, I do."

I quickly took the card from him then writing down a romantic message to my beautiful wife and handed it back to him. Without reading it he placed it in a small envelope and taped it to the vase.

Ron gently handed me the vase and then with a smile looked down at my son, who smiled in return and then back up at me. "I really am happy you and Hermione are doing well." The red headed boy took a long deep breath before speaking again. "You have no idea how…how horrible I feel for what I did to you and to Mione. I loved her but…but not enough to want her to be happy. I was only thinking of myself, and my wants and needs. I apparently have a problem with that, or at least that's what my wife says."

"She would be correct." I stated sternly.

"I have been trying hard not to be. My wife has helped me learn a lot about myself. Things I would have never admitted before. Things that now that I reflect upon I am ashamed of. I only hope my children do not inherit my stupidities." He gave a small chuckle at his last statement.

"You have children?"

I don't know why but suddenly I became curious about how Ron Weasley's life has been for the past five years.

"Yes." He nodded. "Twin boys, they just turned one."

"Ah, well congratulations."

"Thank you." Ron then looked back down at my son, who was now quietly amusing himself my looking through a rack of greeting cards.

"He looks like you but...with Miones eyes."

"Yes, he does. So, how much do I owe you." It was getting late and I needed to get home to my wife.

"Nothing." He said simply.

"Mr. Weasley, I cannot-

"Please, Professor Lupin. It's the least I can do."

I nodded and gave a small thank you.

"You are more than Welcome, and please, feel free to visit our shop for all of your flowering needs."

I gave another small nod, took my son's hand, and left the shop.


I was surprised when I arrived home to find an empty house. Figuring Remus had a lingering customer or two and was unable to leave the store on time I shrugged it off and headed to the shower. I had only just turned on the faucet when I heard a CRACK and then "Mummy!" Turning off the water I quickly put on my bath robe and headed into the sitting room.

"Mummy!" Corbin rushed towards me, wrapping his arms around my legs.

"Hi sweetie."

"Mummy, for ew." The little angel let go of my leg to reveal a beautiful purple Tulip.

"Oh Corbin." I took the flower from my son's small hands and quickly took in its sweet sent. "It's beautiful, thank you."

"Ew welcome."

"I got you a little something as well." I looked up at the voice of my husband. He was holding a beautiful vase filled with red roses. "Happy Anniversary, love."

"Oh, Remus, there magnificent." Taking the vase I once again breathed in the sweet floral fragrance. "Thank you." I then gave him a rather lovely kiss to show him my gratitude.

"Mione, love, why don't you go get ready and I'll get the munchkin cleaned up."

Taking him up on his gracious offer I placed the vase of roses on the coffee table before heading to the bathroom. After a long hot soak in the tub I quickly dried off, and headed to my closet.

"What to wear." I tapped my chin with my finger as I looked through my closet.

Obviously something nice, elegant even. I knew I didn't have to worry about it fitting around my pregnant belly in that I can simply do an extending charm on it I have a red dress that would do the trick, but then again whenever I wear that dress around Remus I'm usually out of it in less than an hour. Not that that's a bad thing. The baby blue dress would work, but no, I think the lavender is much more suited. It works for special occasions, and I always get complements when I wear it. So I pulled out my lavender dress and lay it on the bad, along with matching heals. I put on my lacy black bra and panties knowing how much Remus likes them, and that the chances he would be seeing them later that that night were rather high. Yes, even at nine months pregnant I can't keep him off me, not that I would want to.

I headed back into the bath room when I did my hair and make-up. I put in my diamond earrings and necklace and then headed back into my bedroom where I slipped on my dress, and heals. As I headed towards the sitting room I could hear voices other than that of my son and husband.

"I'm just so proud of him." I heard Katelyn say as I rounded the corner into the sitting room.

"Really Katie, It's not that big a deal."

Katelyn looked at him in shock. "No big deal! Love you are being offered the Order of Merlin-and for the second time I might add."

"Katie really."

"Come now, Severus." I added in, the three other adults quickly turned to me. "You created a blood substitution for Vampires. No need to be modest." I smiled at my ex-potions professor as I made my way over to my husband. "I am assuming that's what you all were talking about."

"It is." Katelyn grinned proudly. "First the Second Edition Wolfsbane and now this. Severus, you do realize you are a genius don't you."

I have never seen Severus face so red. It was quite hilarious.

"Where are the kids?" I asked not seeing them about.

"Well," Remus began as he faced me, placing his hands on either side of my waist, "Brian and Ariana are currently helping Corbin pack for a weekend trip to Hogwarts.


My wife smiled rather brightly at the news. "So we get the house to our self for the whole weekend."

"We get more than that, love". Her brow rose in curiosity. "Right after dinner, we will making our way to a beautiful wizarding bed and breakfast by the sea side where we will be staying two days and a night."

"Oh, Remus. I-I don't know what to say." My wife wrapped her arms around me, as far as her pregnant belly would allow her.

"You don't have to say anything".

"What about the store?" Of course she would ask that. She never does forget a detail.

"All covered. Harry and Ginny have offered to watch the store for the weekend." Normally my parents help us out of the weekends, but they had been away on a holiday of their own for the past week.

"And we will have Corbin, of course." Katie added it. "And I'm sure he'll have great fun at the castle and with the twins."

"Yes, I'm sure he will." Severus gave a low grumble. No doubt he was worried Corbin would somehow find a way past the wards on his potions lab.

"Mummy pretty."

Corbin came rushing towards us, the twins just behind him, Brian was holding his overnight bag.

"Thank you sweetie."

"Well, we should be off." Katelyn piped up. "I'm sure you two are anxious to get your romantic weekend started.

Hermione and I gave hugs and kisses to our son who then excitedly left with the Snape's. As my wife relaxed with a cup of tea I took a quick shower before dressing in my grey suite. It seemed almost impossible at times, that I had the life I now do. I have so much; a beautiful wife, adorable son and soon a baby daughter. Not to mention a successful business which I do not have to worry about being interrupted by my 'furry little problem', though I still itch during that time of the month, never did figure that one out.

There was a time, after I lost Lily and James and during the war that I thought I wouldn't live to see forty, and even if I did I would have been doomed to spend my existence on the brink of poverty and completely alone. How wrong I was. Thank Merlin for it to. Now that I have my family I don't think I could ever live without them; not only do I have my wife and children as well as my parents, but Harry and his wife, who are expecting their first child soon, and also Severus and Katelyn and their children. Never in a million years would I have ever thought I would befriend Snape, but now, I consider him one of my best friends. It will never be a relationship like I had with James, Sirius, or even Peter for that matter (at least before he went to the dark side), but I am honestly happy he is in my life.


The restaurant he took me to was incredible. It was just off the seashore, and where we were seated we had an amazing view of the ocean.

"How about we compromise," Remus said then taking a sip of his water. We were discussing baby names and he was not at all will to budge on the name Regan.


"We use Rose as a middle name."

I laughed as I shook my head. "No, I told you I am going to give the baby my grandmother's name as a middle."

"Elizabeth is nice but…oh I know, how about Regan Rose Elizabeth Lupin."

"The poor kid." I laughed, probably a little louder then I intended in that the people at the table next to us gave us a dirty look.

"What. It sounds beautiful."

"Yes, I'll give you that, but two middle names. That's a lot for a baby."

"She won't be a baby forever love, besides just look at Albus, he has three middle names and he is one of the most powerful wizards in the world."

He had me there.

"How about Rose Regan Elizabeth Lupin?" I counter suggested.

His brow rose as if he was actually pondering the suggestion, and after a near minuet long pause he relented. "Very well, but so you know I plan to call her Regan anyway."

"You'll be the only one dear."

Remus gave a small chuckle before reaching across the table and taking my hand. "I love you Hermione. You have brought me more joy then you could ever know."

But I did know. I really did.

After dinner we apparated to the bed and breakfast and we quickly headed up to our room.


The room was amazing; actually it was more a suite. There was a sitting room area with a small kitchen in one room and an adjoin bedroom which had a small patio. Opening the sliding glass door I step out onto the back patio, the sea air filled my lungs as I watched the wave's crash against the shore.

"Like the view." Remus whispered in my ear as he gently wrapped his arms around my waist his hands resting on my large belly.

"It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." He placed a couple of kisses on my neck before turning me to face him. "Are you tired?" He asked as he placed a stray curl behind my ear.

"No, not really." I grinned knowing what he was hinting at.

"Good." He then leaned in and kissed me.

Clothes were quickly strewn around the room as we made our way to the bed. I absolutely loved that Remus showed no apprehension toward pleasuring my body, despite the fact that I was currently about the size of a whale. He was obviously more careful but not at all reluctant.

An hour later I lay on my back on the bed, sheets tangled around my legs, my body too exhausted to care to move them. I can hear the water running in the bathroom where Remus is taking a shower. My mind suddenly wanders to Corbin and I hope he is having a good time with his surrogate aunt, uncle and cousins. Of course he is, he always does when he goes to the castle. He may only be three but he is most assuredly my little explorer, or as my husband puts it 'the next generation of Marauders'. Merlin I hope not. Oh who am I kidding, as much as the child loves books he would never give up the chance for an adventure?

Rubbing my pregnant stomach gently, I wonder if this one will be like her brother and she love learning as well as adventure. Yes, I believe so. The child of two Gryffindors will no doubt be of a curious mind, completely unable to let a mystery go unsolved.

I was pulled from my thought when I felt the mattress move. Looking up I saw my smiling husbands looking lovingly down at me. "How's the cub?" he asked placing his hand on my belly next to my own.

"Your cub," I chuckled, "is just wonderful, though she is at the moment pressing on my bladder. Do you think you could help me up?"

"Oh, right." Remus stood from the bed offering me his hand, which I took; he then gently pulled me up.

I had only taken a few steps when I felt a crap round my stomach. I had been having light contraction on and off the past few days, but this one was much, much stronger. Not wanting to jump to conclusions I continued to the bath room, I was just about to sit on the toilet when…

"Oh, shit. Remus!"

My water broke. The warm liquid ran down my leg leaving a puddle on the floor below me.

"Hermione, what-

He stomped mid sentence when saw me clutching my stomach as I was half way doubled over in pain.

"Oh, Merlin, are you in labour?"

Well that was a stupid question.

"Yes, and my water broke," that when he looked down and saw the water below my feet.

"Okay, okay. It's okay." Taking my arm he carefully brought me back over to the bed. "We'll get you dressed and the apparate to St. Mungo's.

I had to admit he was taking his much calmer then last time. With Corbin it was as if someone hit him with a Panicking Charm. I had never seemed the man so unsure of himself, pacing back and forth, pulling at his hair. Despite the pain I was in at the time I actually found it quite funny, and in fact told him so. He was probably attempting not to go through the humiliation again.


I helped Hermione into her clothes, grabbed the pregnancy overnight bag she had backed (we had brought it along just in case). We then apparated to St. Mungo's. By the time we arrived it seemed as if the pain was getting worse. My poor Mione. Now on the outside I seemed calm and collected, I couldn't have her laughing at me again, but on the inside I was a nervous wreck. What father isn't at this moment? I'm about to be a daddy again. It's all so exciting but nerve wracking at the same time. Plus, this time it's a girl. I don't know how to raise a girl. With Corbin it's simpler; he's a boy, and personality wise he's just like me, though he does have his mother's stubbornness.

When we had gotten into the delivery room and Hermione was checked they said she was about five centimetres dilated, so she had a bit to go. Ten hours later, my beautiful wife was pushing out our second child, our daughter.

Taking Hermione hand, she clamped down on my fingers. I think I heard something snap in my hand. Holy hell that woman is stronger than she looks.

"Okay Mrs. Lupin, one more push."

Hermione nodded and on the count of three gave a final push, a second later…


I looked down Hermione; we were both smiling brightly at the sound of that first baby cry. A few moments later our little Rose Regan Elizabeth was in her mother's arms. "She beautiful." My wife whispered as she gently touched our daughter's cheek with her finger.

"Yes, she is. She looks just like you, you know."

She gave a small nod. "Yes, she does, but your blue eyes."

Roses' eyes were indeed blue, even though they had that newborn sort of cloudiness o them, it's was obvious she had my eyes.

"Shall we let her big brother see her now?" I had floo called the Snape's as soon as Hermione was admitted, and of course they rushed over right away.

Hermione gave me the okay and I headed out to get my son. When I arrived I was surprised by the turn out. Not only were Severus, Katelyn, Corbin and the twins there, but also Harry, Ginny, Minerva and Albus, as well as mine and Hermione's parents.

"Daddy." My son instantly ran to me, I quickly took him into my arms. "Is my sisa hew?"

"Yes, she is Corbin; would you like to see her?"

"Yes, peas."

I took my son into the room, with the promise to the other that they would all see little Rosy soon.

"Owww." Was my son's reaction as his eyes first lay eyes on his little sister.

"Now, she's very small, so we must be very careful with her, okay."

"Otay." He nodded as he smiled down at baby Rose. "Mummy, ew sick?" Corbin's eyes filled with worry as he looked upon his exhausted mother.

"No sweetie just tired. It's hard work having a baby." My wife explained.

"Oh, okay. Tank you for my sisa mommy."

Hermione smiled up at our son, a mother's love shining brightly in her eyes. "You're welcome, baby."

As promised, one by one friends and family visited the newest member of our family. Pictures were taken, congratulation where given, and another moment of pure joy was added to the list of wonderful things that have happened in my life since I have had Hermione.

I finally got my happily Ever After.

A/N: Well, there you have it. The final Chapter. I do hope you liked FOR THE LOVE OF A WEREWOLF. Please check out my profile for my other stories.