Hello! I told you I would be back with a multi-chapter! And here it is! It's a little bit different than normal stories of mine, but I'm actually quite proud of this chapter. The only thing is that this chapter has a a lot of background info... actually, the first two chapters do, but they also have a lot of other stuff in them too. Let me know what you think!


Disclaimer: I do not own the turtles, sadly :(



A large or important town.

New York City. A city full of wonders and disappointments all at the same time. For as long as we can remember, cities have been a part of our human culture. New York City has been one of the most well known cities to mankind. It harbors the Statue of Liberty, a symbol that incoming passengers from other parts of the world stand at the front of the boat to see. It is the location of where many people hope to live, and where many people hope to escape.

The City that Never Sleeps- that's what we call it. The Big Apple. So many names for one city in fifty different states. But why is it such a tycoon of our country? Is it because that is where the celebrities are? Is it because so many successful people have come out of that great metropolis?

Or maybe it's because us humans need to feel the closeness of others. Relationship is a main part of our lives, and being surrounded by others, even strangers, gives us a comforting feeling. The technology in the city allows us to communicate to loved ones around the country without leaving the safe-haven of our network of people.

So, once again, what makes New York City so stunning? Is it the bright lights and loud sounds? Is it the sensation of walking everywhere?

Or, maybe, it's the mysteriousness behind all that we think we know.

What really goes on in the city? What happens regularly under our noses, yet we humans are so blind to it? What goes on in the shadows of the buildings? What is the brief, soft tapping on your apartment roof every night? What are the screams that fall on deaf ears?

Well, my friends. You are about to find out.

For below the very ground that you and I walk on is a secret. A secret so tremendous, that only a few people actually dare to whisper it. Below the cement, the dirt, the rocks, and sewers, lurks an enigma.

Only a few people are aware of these wonderful beings. Yes, what I am talking to you about is actually living. They have beating hearts, live souls, working internal organs. They have flesh. They have limbs.

They have DNA.

Before we proceed, some form of explanation should be given to you.

You see, the creatures that you are about to see are mutated.

No, not the type of mutations that involve an injection and horribly transfigured faces. When I say the word "mutated", I say it lightly. For you see, the subjects of our story today are completely normal in the fact that they look exactly as they are supposed to look, with the exceptions of a few minor transformations.

Did you see that? Over there, by the drainpipe in the alley on 32nd Street? No? Look closely. If you blink, you may miss it.

There! See it now? What does it look like? A giant turtle?

Well, my friends, that is exactly what it is.

That was just one of five extraordinary beings that I mentioned earlier.

Five, you say? Yes. Quite an odd little family. Four giant turtles and an oversized rat; all trained in the art of ninjitsu.

Before our story actually begins, let me take the time to tell you about this close-knit family.

The rat's name is Splinter. To his pupils, he is either Master Splinter or Sensei. To his sons, he is Father. To his family, he is both.

He found and raised the four turtles as his own, teaching them his ways and arts. He has dedicated his life to them, and will gladly support them in anything they do, so long as it is for the right reasons. A master of ninjitsu, he has passed on his art to his sons, and is very wise when they come to him with problems, most of which he knows well before they do.

The turtles are his students, his sons. There are four, teenagers, and, though there seems to be no obvious age difference, they are nowhere near similar, except for a few key points.

But that's for later. Let's start with the oldest brother and work our way to the youngest.

Leonardo. His brother's have many names for him; the most common is Leo. He is also called "Splinter Junior" and "Fearless Leader", both of which he despises. He the eldest of his brothers and the leader of their team. Skilled in ninjitsu, but not to the degree of his father, he bears two katana swords as his weapons. His stealth has won him many-a-battle. His courage has allowed him to triumph almost every fight. And his heart has given him the love of his family and city, for which he fights.

He is the brother of blue.

Raphael, or Raph, as he is most commonly called, is second. Strong-minded and strong-bodied, he uses his brute force to his advantage, crushing his opponents into oblivion. Second in charge of the team, he has a short fuse and a hot temper. Always putting up a fight with anything that does not appeal to his liking, his weapons are the twin Sais. But beneath all of his tough hide is a loving, caring, brother, son, and friend.

He is the brother of red.

Donatello. Mostly referred to as "Donnie", this turtle is perhaps the smartest living thing to ever walk this planet. Soaking up information and facts, as well as fiction, like a dry sponge in water, he uses that material to help improve this family's life. He thinks before he acts, but he does it quickly, it is for this that his weapon is a bo. Openly critizing anything wrong, he never critizes his family; he loves them too much.

He is the brother of purple.

And, last but not least, Michelangelo. Mikey, for short. This little brother is not so little in battle, as he continuously proves himself a worthy opponent. The kid brother at his best, his favorite past time is pranking his brothers. However, among the comic books and video games, is a fierce warrior with speed and agility on his side at all times. Using his skill to tire his enemy, the nunchaku are his weapons. Emotional on all levels, his family would be lost without him.

He is the brother of orange.

Perhaps you may have noticed a pattern to the turtles. Each one is named after the great Renaissance Masters and each one wears a mask of his own color.

Each one is his own.

They fight for good, never stearing from the path of righteousness. Each has his own fighting technique. Each is unique in everything they do.

How? You must be very confused at this point. How is it possible for this to happen? How can there be four mutant turtles and a rat living beneath New York City? How did it happen?

The best advice I can give you, my friends, is to not question it.

Embrace it, accept it, and move with it.

And so, my friends, our story begins.


So, what'd ya' think?! Let me know, and please, easy on the flames... :)