Hey! So my ankle is still hurting a lot, and it hasn't really gotten better. We had a swim meet yesterday, but I couldn't go. I was upset. Also, I know that a lot of people think that Disney is for little kids, but I like it. It's juvenile, slapstick comedy, and it allows you to escape real life for a while. This, in my case is something I just need to do sometimes. Also, I would really appreciate it if everyone who uses "retarded" in their stories under the connotation of an insult, would stop it. I know that if you're using it that way, you probably don't understand what it really means. My brother is mentally retarded, because he was born very early, and he has many health problems. He wasn't supposed to live, but after almost 18 years he is still living. He wasn't supposed to walk, but he does. He wasn't supposed to talk, but he does. Yes, he looks different, but he and his friends are the nicest people you will ever meet. If everyone could act like them, the world would be a perfect place. So, this is something really important to me, I'm not just rambling.

So, read chapter 5, and think about this author's note.



Shane's POV

How did I get this lucky? How did I end up in the middle of the woods with the most beautiful girl in the world asleep in my arms. I didn't even care that my leg was hurt, even though it didn't hurt very much anymore. I couldn't have been happier at that moment. It was starting to get dark when I realized that the longer we waited out here, the more worried everyone back at camp would become. "Mitchie, wake up." I whispered softly in her ear. She didn't wake up. He slow breathing continued as her chest rose and fell in a rhythmic pattern. "Mitchie baby, you've gotta wake up, it's getting dark." No answer. I had an idea. I had a good idea. I had a really good idea. I shifted her body in my arms so that I was holding her like a baby. I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. I felt her stir in my arms, and I pulled away. She opened her beautiful brown eyes, and stared up groggily at me. God she was beautiful.

"hey, kissing me when I'm asleep is not fair." She pouted, looking like a small child.

"ok, so what do I have to do for you to forgive me?" I asked, knowing the answer.

She didn't answer however, she just put her hands around the back of my neck, pulled my face towards hers, and our faces collided, softly, but fully and perfectly. I felt her relax in my arms. I knew it probably didn't sound manly, but I felt like fireworks were going off every single time I kissed her. I pulled away, but she stayed curled up in my arms, head buried in my chest. I sighed before talking.

"hey we really have to get back to camp. I think you heard your leg crack, because your leg has swollen a lot, and mine doesn't really hurt anymore. I have a big bruise, but other than that I think I'm fine." I talked softly to her, knowing it was my fault that she was hurt. "I'll carry you, but first, I'm going to wrap your leg."

"Shane, what are you going to wrap it in?" she asked me looking genuinely confused. I loved how naïve she could be at times.

"well, I'm going to wrap it with my shirt."

"no, Shane, you'll free-eeze!" her teeth chattered at the last word.

"no I won't, and I'll be carrying you, so you can keep me warm!" I smiled mischievously, and began tearing my t-shirt into long strips. I gently took her leg and began wrapping it. She winced slightly, and felt guilt shoot through my heart as I heard this. It was my fault, and I wasn't even hurt.

When I finished, I picked her up, and held her like you would a small child. She leaned her head against my bare chest, and I could feel her soft, deep breaths against my skin. I shivered involuntarily, for reasons that didn't include the cold.

"Shane, you're cold. Take my jacket." She insisted.

"no, I'm not cold!

"yes you are! I heard you shiver, and I can feel the goose bumps on your chest!"

"but I'm not cold!"

"then why did you shiver?" good lord, she sounded like my mother.

"honestly?" she nodded. "because of you. Because you are so close to me. Because I am carrying you. Because I love you."

"oh." Was all she could manage. I leaned down and kissed her forehead softy.

"I love you too Shane." She said sincerely.

"but that does not count as a real kiss!" she joked.

I, however, jumped at the chance to kiss her, and took it literally.

As we set off into the woods she went limp in my arms, and I was careful to keep her leg away from anything that might make it hurt more.

"you can go back to sleep if you want to, we'll probably be back at camp in a half hour. She gave me a weak smile and then closed her eyes. I knew she needed to sleep, but I couldn't help the bit of sadness that entered my heart when her eyes were no longer visible to me. They were the light that lit up my day. I felt her breathing slow down to deep, long breaths. She subconsciously snuggled deeper into my chest, which was covered in dirt and grass. I continued on for a while, until I had to rest for a minute. I leaned against a tree, and rested my head in her hair. matted down with dirt and grass like my chest, I could still smell the wonderful scent that was my Mitchie. My Mitchie. That was my favorite thing to say, knowing she was mine, and my heart was hers. I realized that we were almost back at camp, and I knew I should wake her up before we got there. I quickly devised a devious plan. (fyi, that was supposed to be funny, so LAUGH! HaHaHaHaHa!) I barely brushed my lips against hers, and she quickly woke up. When she realized what happened, she playfully glared at me.

"I know, I know, it's not fair. Here, I'll make it fair."

I pulled her up to me and kissed her, wishing there was some way that I could show her just how much I loved her.

"let's get you to the nurse's office, I don't think that my t-shirt cast is going to work very well."

"ok." She said, "by the way, I do like the cast. The only problem is that it's on my leg so I can't smell you on it."

I pretended to look insulted, and then spoke. "why do need a filthy T-SHIRT, when you can have filthy ME!"

She giggled. "oops, didn't think about that."

"well, you better, because I'm not leaving your side until you're better."

"you realize I'll still have cast on when camp ends, right?"

"yes I do, and I still fully intend not to leave your side."

We then walked into the nurse's office.

"Oh my goodness! What happened!" the nurse began squawking like a large bird.

"well, we were out in the woods, and we tripped, and I think she broke her leg." I finished with the familiar feeling that stole through my mind when I mentioned tripping, it was my fault, and I couldn't stand it.

Mitchie smiled weakly at me as the nurse looked at her leg.

"Well, I don't even need an x-ray to know that that is one broken leg. I have the stuff to cast it here in my office, would you like to do it here, or would you like to go see a doctor?"

"here would be fine." Mitchie replied politely.

When the nurse finished, she handed Mitchie some pain meds and some crutches. Then we said thank you and goodbye, and left.

We walked slowly to her cabin, which was also Caitlyn, Peggy, and Ella's cabin. Somehow, Caitlyn being a computer genius, they had rigged a projector and a screen across the wall in the back of the cabin. We had decided that we were going to watch a movie. As Mitchie hopped on her crutches, I watched her leg. The cast was my favorite color, green.

When we reached the cabin, I ran up behind her, scooped her up in my arms, and carried her, giggling, into the cabin. I set her on her bad, and then took her crutches from her. I leaned them against the wall, and went straight back to her. I picked her up again, and carried her over to the couch in front of the screen, and set her down gently. I walked over to the projector and pressed on. I turned the lights off, and sat down next to Mitchie. She smiled her beautiful smile at me, before turning her attention to the screen. I, however, forgot there was even a movie on. I was staring at her, soaking in every detail that her face had to offer. My eyes followed the slope of her nose, the crinkles on her forehead when she laughed about something in the movie, and her beautiful, soft, long, brown hair. Without thinking, I reached over and pulled her into my chest, which was now covered with a shirt, courtesy of the nurse. She sighed contently, as I began repeatedly kissing the top of her head. With each one, I breathed in the scent that had become a safe house for me, and protection against the bad things in my life, because Mitchie made anything and everything else seem so unimportant in my mind. I decided on a way to show her how much I truly loved her. I began softly humming in her ear. Then, slowly, the words that I had been searching for came to me.

I'll be your friend

I'll be your faith

I won't let you

Quit the race


I'll be the flame

When your candle's runnin' low

And together we'll light the world

Together we'll find a way out

A way through

Because with you by my side

I'll always be in the light

No matter where I go

I know you'll always be there

Never more than a call away

A helping hand

A backup plan

I'll be your strength

If you'll be mine

And in time

I find

You can follow through

I can count on you

Because with you by my side

I'll always be in the light

No matter where I go

I know you'll always be there

Never more than a call away

A helping hand

A backup plan

I'll be your strength

If you'll be mine

So I'll be your friend

If you'll be mine

I'll be your faith

At your judging time

And I'll be your strength

Because in time

I've found that you're mine

Because with you by my side

I'll always be in the light

No matter where I go

I know you'll always be there

Never more than a call away

A helping hand

A backup plan

I'll be your strength

If you'll be mine

I'll be your friend

I'll be your faith

I won't let you

Quit the race.

"love you Mitchie" I said softly. My soft breath tickled her ear, and she shivered slightly.

"I loved that song, what's it called?"

"I'll be."

"well, it was amazing."

"why thank you Miss gra- torres."

"what did you just say?!" she jumped up off the couch, panic emanating from her voice.

I took her hand, and told her "hey, I just got confused for a second, don't freak out. Plus, if you really do love me, then I absolutely plan on marrying you someday."

"that may be, but you still freaked me out! I'm only 15, and you're only 16."

Narrator's POV

They continued to discuss the pressing subject, and eventually Shane was able to calm Mitchie down. They began to make plans for the future, laughing and giggling the whole time.

So, what did ya think! I hope u like it. Once again, I wrote the song, therefore I won it, therefore don't steal it. I would be mad at you! Please review! Reviews make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Oh, and don't' forget to think about what I said in my authors note at the beginning of this chapter.

