So my favorite people in the world, here is the first chapter of my new story. I know it is not Hermione/ Slytherin, but please, read anyway? It's still interesting.

Please R and R. Thanx for your support!

I don't own HP.

Cedric couldn't believe what he had just heard. Did Potter really want to share the prize? "You- you sure?" Cedric asked unsteadily.

"Yeah," Potter replied. "Yeah… we've helped each other out, haven't we? We both got here. Let's just take it together."

Though he really couldn't believe what he was hearing, Cedric wasn't about let the opportunity pass him by. If Potter wanted to share, then he had no problem with it. "You're on," he grinned. "Come here." He grabbed Potter below the shoulder and helped him get to the cup. That was one nasty limp he had. They both placed their hands over each of the cup's gleaming handles, hovering and excited to get the prize. He was about to become a Triwizard Champion. Who would have thought, Cedric Diggory- a Hufflepuff- would become a Triwizard Champion.

"On three, right?" Harry said interrupting Cedric's thoughts of what was to come. "One- two- three-" And they both grasped the handle.

Cedric felt the familiar tug of a portkey jerk right behind his navel. Well that was quite clever, you could only get out of the maze with a portkey. Made sense seeing as you couldn't apparate within Hogwarts Grounds.

He landed rather ungracefully on his rump, but he had to admit, Potter had it a lot worse seeing as he landed on his injured leg.

"Where are we?" Potter asked.

Cedric shook his head. He had no idea, but wherever it was, they were certainly no longer at Hogwarts. And Cedric was very certain that they were not supposed to be there. First of all, they were in a graveyard, a small church and house sit on the horizon. There were no stands, no screaming students, no Dumbledore- this didn't look good. But then again, it could just be another part of the task. "Did anyone tell you the cup was a portkey?" Cedric asked looking between Potter and the cup.

"Nope, is this supposed to be part of the task?" Potter said rather nervously.

"I dunno, but I don't like the feel of it, wands out, d' you reckon?" Cedric asked looking around, noting where they could hide for cover.

"Yea," Potter agreed. Potter kept looking around himself frantically. "Someone's coming," he said suddenly.

Cedric quickly disillusioned himself, and hid behind a nearby marble head stone. "Potter, what are you doing?" He whispered frantically, but Potter, just kept looking off, squinting and staring at whoever the figure was. And then Potter dropped his wand, and started clutching at his face, and his scar in particular, falling onto his knees and contorting as if he had been hit with an unforgivable.

A short man in a cloak appeared before Potter, and started dragging him toward the headstone Cedric was hiding behind. Cedric held his breath as Harry was being tied to the headstone, and he could hear the short shallow breaths coming from the cloaked man. Then he heard Harry gasp "You!"

So Potter knew who this man was? This was most definitely not part of the Third Task. Someone was out to get Potter, and he had to stop it. Cedric glanced at the cup. The glow of the portkey had faded, so it might not be active. He'd have to wait for a moment where the cloaked man wouldn't suspect, and Harry and he could try and use the portkey, or if it didn't work, he would have to apparate them to his house, and then floo to Hogwarts…. Or somewhere safe at least. His family's wards would be pretty strong against any intruder.

Then, a large snake slithered right by his feet, almost making him jump. Cedric cast a nonverbal confounds, and it seemed to work, as the snake was completely oblivious of his presence. Cedric could hear some sort of liquid sloshing around, and a large object being dragged around the dirt, but he didn't dare move, afraid the snake would attack. That might become a problem. Timing would be key.

Then a high cold voice said "Hurry!"

Something was sparkling and glowing, but Cedric couldn't see around the headstone to find out what was happening.

Another voice said, "It is ready, Master."

"Now…" the cold voice said, and chills ran down Cedric's spine. This was much more than someone with a vendetta against Potter. Much, much, more.

He heard Harry let out a strangled yell- he must be gagged.

There was a prolonged silence, and then a hiss, and Cedric chanced a glance around the headstone, seeing a large cauldron and the cloaked man standing over it. Then the man started speaking.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly given, you will renew your son!"

Cedric heard a cracking noise, and some dirt rose from the ground and fell into the cauldron, creating a series of sparks and hisses. Cedric couldn't see what was in the cauldron, but he knew it could be nothing good.

The bundle was gone, and he couldn't see anyone that the cold high voice could have belonged to. The man in the cloak began whimpering and pulled out a long, thin, shining silver dagger.

He was crying as he said "Flesh-- of the servant-- w-willingly given-- you will-- revive-- your master."

And then he stretched his hand out, one missing a finger, and Cedric watched as the dagger sliced through flesh and bone, and the man screamed in anguish before dropping his bloody hand into the foul potion. The potion glowed red, and then the man, gasping and moaning in pain, walked steadily toward Harry, and Cedric watched with horror as he stopped in front of Harry, and only about a foot away from Cedric, and chanted, "B-blood of the enemy… forcibly taken… you will… resurrect your foe."

The man lifted the dagger, and though Cedric couldn't see him cut into Harry's arms, he could see and hear him struggling against the ropes as it happened. The cloaked man wobbled back to the cauldron, and Cedric watch a dribble of blood fall into it. Blinding white light came from the cauldron, and the cloaked man fell to the ground, curled in a ball, sobbing over his arm.

Cedric couldn't bear to look away as the sparks began flying from the cauldron, and then a billow of white steam puffed up from it. Then he could see the outline of a thin man rising from the cauldron.

"Robe me," the high voice said from behind the steam. The sniveling man stood, and obeyed the order, and the thin, skeleton like man stepped out of the cauldron, and in front of Harry. And as Cedric looked with fear at the flat-nosed, red-eyed creature, he knew that he had just witnessed the rebirth of the most terrible wizard to have ever walked the earth. Voldemort.

Intense, huh?