Disclaimer:I do not own KP or its character, and this is the only time I'm saying this. I just own the story, but some of the character present here belong to other writers. I'll be crediting them as they are properly introduced. Now, enjoy!

Heaven in Hell


At the chime of the doorbell, she walked down the stairs, feeling curious as to who could be visiting at this late of the evening, especially since she really wasn't expecting anyone.

Yet, it was actually a pleasant surprise to see who it was: The daughter of her ex-lover, staring at her with the sun setting right behind her.

She greeted the pale gray-green teenager with a smile on her face. Yet, the younger girl didn't return the genial expression. Instead, for some reason she looked like she wanted to outright smack the twenty years old redhead who stood before her, and when she grabbed older woman's shoulders, her own trembling slightly, it was clear that something was up…

The girl spoke into her ear… words that would change her life forever. Change in ways she could never have imagined. And she blamed the redhead for them.

Her olive eyes wide open; the redhead could do nothing but contemplate how the pale teen put her face right in front of her, slowly moving forward to seal their lips together in the most violent yet passionate kiss she'd ever received.

It lasted long enough for both to savor it, but not nearly as long as the younger woman had originally planned.

A third voice screamed from behind the redhead, and they both quickly separated only to turn and see her. For one of them, it was her previous partner, for the other, it was her mother.

This was just the beginning of Hell rising on their world.