Flick of the Switch
Disclaimer: I don't own the Winchesters or the rights to any AC/DC songs. I am making no profit from this story.
Summary: When Sammy's visions start attacking him and become life threatening, will Dean be able to save his brother's life. Sam is 22 and Dean is 26 in this story. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLUE PEANUT, this story is for you.!!
The song Highway to Hell belongs to AC/DC.
Dean and Sam were cruising down the highway after another successful hunt in Wilson City, Missouri. They had been tracking an elusive skin walker through three states and finally met up with the slippery bastard in Wilson City. The skin walker had put up a one hell of a fight, but Dean had finally sent it back to hell with a silver bullet to the heart. Neither brother had escaped the fight unscathed however. Dean would be feeling the bruises on his back for days from being thrown against the wooden hutch, but those would heal in time. Sammy on the other hand would be hobbling for a few days since he had sprained his knee when he landed on it wrong after being tossed across the pool table.
Dean had a huge smile on his face as he beat out the tune to AC/DC's Highway to Hell on the steering wheel while he sped down the highway. He glanced over towards his baby brother with a gleam in his eyes as he sang along.
No stop signs, speed limitNobody's gonna slow me downLike a wheel, gonna spin itNobody's gonna mes me 'roundHey Satan! Paid my duesPlayin' in a rockin' bandHey Mama! Just look at meI'm on my way to my promised land
I'm on the highway to hellHighway to hellI'm on the highway to hellHighway to hell
Sam just rolled his eyes as his brother's voice rose in crescendo above the radio. Dean was in his element and complaining about the noise would only make him turn up the radio even louder. No, Sam wasn't about to be the reason that Dean turned the radio up to near deafening decibels. He would just sit back and relax with his head against the window and try to tune out the beat that was mimicking bongo drums within his head. They would find a motel room soon since night was descending and he would once again have the peace and quiet he craved. Feeling the beginnings of a headache coming on, he raised his hands to massage his temples. He really didn't want to have to deal with a headache right now.
Dean watched Sammy out of the corner of his eye as he saw his little brother lean his head against the window. His brother was beginning to look a little pale and Dean wondered if the hunt had been harder on him than Sammy had admitted. Things had been rough on the kid lately since he had started having those damn visions and Dean didn't want to be the one to heap more pain on his brother. As he contemplated about possibly stopping for the night soon, Dean saw Sam reach up and massage his temples with his middle and ring fingers and it scared him not knowing if it was just a headache coming on or a vision since they always appeared unexpectedly. Dean immediately reached over and turned the radio volume down low. He'd be damned if he was going to add to his brother's pain.
"Thanks Dean" Sam whispered as his eyes fluttered closed. The lights from the oncoming cars were like daggers piercing his eyes with a kaleidoscope of colors which caused pain to spike through his head and caused his neck muscles to tense. He didn't notice the way he unwittingly was clenching and unclenching his fists as he tried to manage the pain, but Dean did. Keeping his left hand on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road, Dean reached over with his right hand and started to knead the muscles in Sammy's neck. He noticed Sam jump at his touch at first, but then his baby brother began to relax as he massaged the tense knots in his muscles into releasing their hold on Sammy.
Spotting a motel sign up ahead that proclaimed soft beds and massaging showers, Dean pulled off the highway and turned right, he and Sammy would be staying at the Jackson Road Inn tonight. As he pulled into the parking lot of the Inn, he was impressed with how clean the place looked from the outside. He knew it would most likely be expensive, but Henry Matson would be paying for the room since that was the name on their dad's latest credit card so he wasn't worried about the bill.
"Sammy, I'm going to get us a room. I'll be right back" Dean informed his brother since Sam had yet to open his eyes. He heard his brother mumble something incoherently as he eased out of the car and gently closed the door. He was gone only five minutes and then returned with a key to room number seventeen on the backside of the Inn. He pulled the sleek black muscle car around and parked near the door.
"Alright kiddo, let's get you inside" Dean said as he reached in to help Sam from the car. Sammy was looking even paler than he had earlier and Dean didn't like the way Sam groaned when he opened the door.
"M'alright Dean, I can do it myself" Sam said as he pushed himself up off the seat. He wasn't ready for the change in height though and began to sway precariously on his feet as his head began to spin.
"S'okay bro, I've gotcha" Dean said as he grabbed Sammy's arm and wrapped it around his shoulder. He also wrapped a hand around his brother's waist for more support since his brother seemed to be pretty woozy. He helped Sam into the room and over to the bed furthest from the door. He then guided Sam to sit down so he could help him remove his jacket and outer shirt before guiding him into a lying down position this time. Next, he pulled off Sammy's jeans and shoes so he could rest comfortably before taking the blanket from his own bed and laying it over his baby brother.
"I'll be right back Sammy, I'm just going to get our things from the car" Dean said in a soft voice. He started towards the door only to stop in his tracks as he heard Sammy gasp out in pain. He whipped around to see his baby brother put both hands to his head and grasp his hair.
"Oh God" Sam gasped out as the pain increased tenfold in his head. He started rocking back and forth as he tried to manage the pain that was trying to make his head explode. "Guuuhhhhh, De…" he groaned out as he saw shooting stars just before his vision whited out and he found himself standing inside of a biker's bar watching a gang fight break out before his very eyes. He tried to withdraw from the vision as he saw men gutted before him with nasty looking switchblades. He thought he would become physically sick as he saw another man break a whiskey bottle and use it to slice clean through the jugular vein of the man standing beside him. He didn't have time to register the man dying however as he suddenly felt a knife blade sink into his own shoulder. He slipped into oblivion from the unexpected attack before he could even hit the ground.
"Damn it" Dean iterated as he rushed over to his brother's side. Why did Sammy have to have one of those damned visions when he was already feeling bad enough. Dean stood by helplessly as he watched his brother begin to rock back and forth. He knew there was nothing he could do to bring Sammy out of the vision. He would have to standby and be ready to support him as soon as his brother became aware. His concern ratcheted up when Sammy began to tremble and cry out from whatever he was being forced to watch in his head. He grasped Sam's wrist and felt his pulse racing, whatever was happening was bad. He found out just how bad as he saw the bright red blood staining Sammy's tee shirt near his right shoulder.
"What the hell?" Dean muttered in a shaky voice as Sammy suddenly went slack and fell forward limply with Dean catching him before he could hit the floor. He quickly laid his brother down and ripped open the bloody hole that was now obvious in his brother's shirt. Dean gasped in surprise as soon as he saw the deep three inch long gash in his brother's shoulder, it looked like Sam had been stuck with a dagger or knife of some kind. Pulling off his own shirt, Dean applied pressure to stop the blood from flowing as he tried to figure out just what the hell was happening.
After a few minutes, the bleeding had slowed down to a trickle allowing Dean to go out to the Impala and get their first aid kit along with their things. He quickly threw his and Sam's duffle bags on the floor and then rushed back to his brother's bedside. Grabbing the scissors from the medical kit, he quickly cut off Sammy's shirt and then cleaned out the would with alcohol and peroxide before stitching it up. He was glad Sammy was unconscious knowing how badly he would have been hurting if he had been alert for any of the procedure. After he had gotten Sammy completely taken care of, Dean pulled up a chair beside his brother's bed to watch over him until Sammy finally woke up.
Sam had been unconscious for almost three hours when Dean finally saw the first signs that his baby brother was beginning to stir. He noticed that Sam had started moving his fingers slightly and then he soon heard the sound of the bed sheets rustling as Sammy tried to adjust his body to a more comfortable position causing him to grimace in pain.
"Sammy, can you open your eyes for me?" Dean asked his little brother in his need to see him fully conscious. He watched as Sammy struggled to open his eyes, only managing to open them to a mere slit before closing them once again. "Come on kiddo, I need you to wake up for me" Dean encouraged as his brother's eyelids began to flutter. Sam needed to take some pain medication and antibiotics to stem off any infection that could occur because of the wound. He was soon rewarded when Sam opened his eyes minutely and whispered "De'n?" just barely loud enough for him to hear his name.
Dean raised Sammy up carefully to avoid aggravating his shoulder wound and braced him against his chest. "Yeah kiddo, it's me. I need you to open your mouth so you can take these meds and then you can go back to sleep. As soon as he put the small white pills in his little brother's mouth, Dean tipped a bottle of water to his brother's lips and Sam swallowed just enough water to wash down the pills.
As the medicine kicked in, Dean could feel Sam relax against his chest and didn't have the heart to move him. "Chick flick moment be damned" he thought as he leaned against the headboard and settled down for the long night ahead. "S'okay Sammy, you get some sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up kiddo" Dean said as he ran his fingers through his baby brother's chesnut colored hair in a comforting motion, more for himself than for Sammy.
As Sammy slept, Dean thought back on the events over the past few hours. He had no idea what the hell had happened, but one thing was for sure, they would have to find out quick before something worse happened to Sammy. He knew without a doubt that they would need some help on this one. His first call would be to Bobby since the man was a research genius. Surely he would be able to find something in one of his tomes to help. He decided to call their Dad also knowing that he would want to know what was going on with his youngest child. He just hoped Sammy wouldn't be upset with him for doing so.