(OH yeah I decided to repost this after I found a few mistakes…. Whoops)

TA DA! Here is my first ever fan fic and Twilight fan fic!

It's called Baby I Will Never Leave You title underlining is a habit from English essays.

Just so everyone knows, the Cullens are planning on moving to Forks. They send Edward off first to make sure that everything is okay over there. While there he smells an alluring scent and cannot resist it. He follows the scent and sneaks into the house. There in a crib he finds a human baby girl. Scratched on the crib is the name Isabella Marie Swan. Completely overwhelmed by Bella Edward vows to never leave her side and to protect her.

Aww isn't it sweet obviously it's set before twilight and may have an entirely different plot line in some parts.

Parings: Edward/Bella, Jasper/Alice, Emmett/Rosalie, Carlisle/Esme (aren't I stating the obvious here?)

Disclaimer: Dude, do I look like I own Twilight? If I did would I really spend majority of my time at writing fan fictions? Instead of writing the actual series? I think not.

Reviews are welcome (wink)

Also Italics: Thoughts (the ones Edward can hear)

"…" People talking

Please enjoy feedback is always welcome!

Oh and one more thing. This is the prologue ah you gotta love prologues.

"I think it's time to go back to forks. We cannot stay here any longer, I'm claiming to be thirty but don't look anything like it." Carlisle said in a very formal manner.

The year is 1987; we were all having a family meeting. We had stayed here for too long. It would be suspicious if we were to stay here. As vampires we didn't age, Carlisle was claiming to be thirty though he was physically the age of twenty three.

"I agree, but why forks?" Rosalie asked.

Why forks? Aren't the stinking werewolves just across the border at La Push? I had to agree, staying too close to mortal enemies wasn't the best idea.

"Well, we haven't been there in nearly seventy years as well it's the rainiest place in America. It's hardly ever out bright." Esme replied.

"Forks? The rainiest place in America and we haven't been there?" Alice said while pouting.

Forks is the rainiest place and Jazz and I haven't been there!? We're vampires for goodness sake we need to be hidden! I stared at Alice and sighed. She always wanted what's best for Jasper, if she could prevent him from being discovered as a vampire she would gladly do it.

"Alice honey, we wanted to go, but we thought it was too soon to go back again. You know people recognising us, well the grandparents that is. We have to make sure nobody remembers us." Esme replied to Alice lovingly.

"Okay. Yay we're going to Forks!" Alice squealed. How could something so small have such a loud voice.

WHAT!? That came from Rose and Emmett. Guess they don't want to be near werewolves.

"Hold on a second. I haven't agreed yet." Rosalie said interrupting Alice's happiness.

"Oh but you will. It's in the future." Alice said sneakily. Alice could see the future as long as someone had decided on it. Although no one had decided on anything yet, and as far as her visions go there's a fifty percent chance of us going and not going.

"But Alice, your visions aren't perfect. Sometimes I can see us going and other times I see us not going." I said.

Alice stood up and glared at me.

Edward Anthony Masen Cullen! You WILL let us go to Forks! Unless you want me to rip you to shreds then burn you?

Really Edward there's a chance we're not going? YES! No stinking werewolves!

I stared at Alice, if looks could kill.

"Al, there's something you should know about Forks." Carlisle said then motioning Alice to sit down. "Near Forks there's an area called La Push and Indian reserve." Emmett started, and then paused.

"Yeah I know my geography, but what about it?" Alice asked clearly confused.

What's with wrong with an Indian reserve just near the border of Forks? Boy did Alice have no idea what was going on.

"Well there's something special about that reserve. Excluding the fact that everyone there is Indian." Emmett said.

"No duh." Alice said rolling her eyes. Emmett just grinned back at her.

"It's also home to werewolves." Rosalie finished.

Alice paled, as if it was possible.

Werewolves? Near my Jasper? No WAY!

"Luckily we have a pact with the werewolves. They won't step onto our territory if they don't step onto ours." Carlisle added seeing the distress in Alice's eyes.

Her face instantly brightened.

"OKAY! We are going to FORKS!" Alice yelled running off to her bedroom at vampire speed.

"Hold on Alice! We haven't agreed yet, we want to check out Forks first before we go there." Carlisle called out to Alice.

Alice frowned. "Why do you need to check it out, the werewolves can't cross over to our side."

"We still want to check it out first, because we have been gone for over sixty years." Esme replied.

"Wait, we still haven't agreed yet. Right Emmett?" Rosalie said nudging Emmett at the same time.

"No, we still don't want to go." Emmett said then stared back at Rose.

"Yes we know. That's why Edward is going to check it out for us." Esme said, quite happily.

I didn't really care much about this conversation. That was until this point. They wanted me to check out Forks. WHY?

"Why?" I asked, staring at them all in disbelief.

"Well Edward, You can hear everyone in Forks, you can see if they remember us or not and also everyone but you has a partner." Esme said still with a smile on her face.

"What has being single got to do with anything?" I asked.

"It's because more than one vampire might cause trouble. Seeing as everyone can't leave without their other, you're the best choice. I'm sorry honey, but it's for the greater good." Esme said with compassion in her voice.

"Fine I'll go. Alice do you see anything wrong with me going to Forks?" I asked.

"I can see you going, but everything after that is undefined." She said wearily.

Everyone stared at Alice in horror.

"Don't worry he'll be alive it's just I can't see what happens at Forks and after." She sighed. It was really frustrating for her, not seeing a clear future.

"It doesn't matter Al. I'll just be extra careful okay?" I said to them all.

"Yeah, be safe Edward, we'll being waiting for your news." Alice said then pulling me into a hug.

"Bye, Edward. See you soon." Rosalie just said, we weren't too close but we still cared for one another.

Esme then pulled me into a hug. "Bye, Edward. Be safe and just in case maybe you should go hunting before you leave."

I smiled at Esme. "Don't worry I'll be fine."

"Aww Eddy, I'll miss you. Don't let the wolves scare you okay?" Emmett said to me while patting my back.

I rolled my eyes. "Hey! I'm not the one who has any objections about going to Forks. Also don't call me Eddy."

He scowled, clearly not liked being called a coward or scaredy cat.

Jasper just nodded at me and said. "Good Luck Edward."

I nodded back. Jasper was a man with few words. Although his heart was in the right place, I knew he was worried about me, and I didn't need to read his mind to be sure of it.

I stared at Carlisle last. He had a meaningful look in his gold eyes.

"Edward, Good luck. I'll see you soon and tell me everything that happens in Forks and if anything bad happens call me instantly."

"Okay, but I'll be fine. I promise. You're all acting like I'm taking my final steps." I said laughing and everyone joined in.

"Alright but be careful son, who knows what has happened in over sixty years?" Carlisle said.

I just nodded opened the front door and stepped out into the night, it was a full moon tonight. I could see the moon's craters clearly as I walked over to my silver Volvo. I opened the door and stepped in turning on the engine, my Volvo purred before shooting off into the night.

Back at the house I could hear the thoughts of my family.

I hope Edward will be okay. These stupid visions aren't helping.

Alice has a lot of tension around her. I should calm her down.

I hope we don't have to go back to Forks those stinking werewolves almost ruined my hair. I rolled my eyes; it was so Rosalie to say something like that.

I guess it wouldn't be too bad to go back to Forks. But Rosalie is set against it, I don't really want to go against Rose, she can be real scary at times.

I hope Edward makes it back okay and Alice's visions will become clear soon. I've never felt so nervous in my life. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to send Edward off to Forks…

Edward should be fine, I don't think the wolves are people who go against their word, they're very loyal people.

The further I got the less I could hear, and soon I heard nothing at all. It was going to be a long ride to Forks.

So… How was it for a first fan fic? Okay ne? (Sorry random habit picked up from reading mangas…) Please review! Also updates take a long time dependant on how lazy I am. Also I have exams in two weeks, updating should take longer but this weekend is long weekend…. HURRAY! So I'll try to finish chapter 1 which happens to half finished.