Plot Summary:

Taking place after the Final Act of PGSM, Usagi has returned to Tokyo and is reunited with her friends. With the Silver Crystal drained from reviving the planet, Usagi and the girls are left powerless. Believing their Senshi days to be over, they resume their normal lives. Unbeknownst to them, a new evil is arising. Based out of a popular retail chain, their identities and purpose remain a mystery...for now.Graced by the power of the Silver Crystal, the Shittennou have also been reborn. However, they are left without memories or any sign of their former power. No longer under Beryl's control, each must make up their own mind where their loyalty lies. Will they help combat this new evil, or remain neutral? Or will they seek to ally themselves with it to regain their old powers. Nothing is for certain, and every decision will impact the future of the planet.


TIME: When Usagi reappears at the end of the Final Act, all of the girls are busy with other activities (ie. shopping, recording an album) giving the impression that some time has passed between the destruction of the world and Usagi's return. For the purposes of this series I estimate this time to be about a month. As indicated, Minako is occupied with her career and Ami has now picked up where she left off on trying to become a doctor.

NAMES: I gave some of the antagonists English names which do not appear in the manga or anime but are derived from their Japanese names. Additionally some of the other characters have alternate names while in their human guises.

PLOT: As with the live action series, this story deviates from the anime/manga while integrating elements from each. It can be considered an alternate universe as well as a direct continuation of the live action.

SLASH: If it bothers you, don't read it.