This idea came from iambetterthanyou007. I know this is the same as in the fantasy story but I loved it so much I had to make it a story!

This takes place when Edward is carrying Bella back into her room after the whole Italy thing at the end of New Moon. Which I don't own!!


Chapter 1: Home From Italy

I was in a daze as the man that I used to love carried me up the stairs of my home. Charlie protesting about his arms around me. He never did like this man that used to be my gravity, my entire universe. Maybe it was childish to think that someone could actually act one way and actually mean the same thing. Maybe it was childish to think that even when this man told me he loved me and could never leave me that he meant it. Maybe I was childish. I didn't really care at that moment because his embrace was what I had craved all of those months he had left me there, like a small child alone in the middle of the ocean with nothing but a floaty crying for their mom, wasn't it? Where my feelings rational? But of course this was all just a sick dream that I would soon wake from and realize that my life was still missing all sense of gravity, and I would once again be floating meaninglessly above my zombie like body, pointless in this world of hurt.

We were up in my room now and the man set me down on my bed. The mirage kissed me mockingly on my head, as if to taunt me into thinking any of this was real. How could the man be real when he had said those things to me so long ago. I couldn't start to believe it was real or I would definitely go insane. Worse then I already was. I didn't deserve the man anyways. I had humored myself too long to think he cared about me.

Gradually I slipped into unconsciousness within my dream. The man humming the tune I used to take so fondly to but now sickened me.

In the morning I almost fell out of bed on my way to the shower. As I stood up a gasped loudly at the sight in front of me. It was the man again. He was sitting rigidly in my rocking chair just as he used to. He looked up at me cautiously, not risking standing.

"Hello Bella." said the man. He talked? They usually didn't. In my dreams he just looked at me until I started sobbing and then woke up, screaming and crying all at the same time. It wasn't like I didn't recognize the man but if I even thought his name I would just fall apart and he wasn't worth it.

"Why are you even bothering? I already know you aren't real." I felt foolish responding to the illusion of the man I used to love.

"I am real. I am really here. Please Bella believe me. I love you and I was so stupid to leave you. Please Bella don't you see? It is really me." he begged. Wow. It was Edward. He was really there.

My heart exploded right there and I fell to my knees. I soon realized that I was showing weakness and I needed to get up. He didn't deserve my pity and he didn't deserve to be cried over.

"Get the hell out Edward." I said coldly after I had gotten up off the ground. My hair had fallen in front of my face and my head was down so I was looking at the ground. I didn't want to look at him and I didn't want him to see me cry.

"Bella I know I hurt you. I did it because I love you. I wanted you to be happy and human. I needed you to stay human."

"I said get the hell out. Have you gone hard of hearing. Last time I checked that didn't happen to your kind."

"Bella..." he looked as if he could start crying, though that was impossible. It might have hurt me if his leaving hadn't taken every ounce of care and love I had once had. I was now an empty, and very pissed off shell of my old self.

"Don't you dare say you are sorry. And don't you dare say that you love me. Nobody that felt the way you claim to would do what you did to me! Now I want you to leave now. I will not ask again." I said, slowly bringing my face up to look at him coldly in the eyes.

He walked to the window and stopped.

"Please.." I heard him whisper.

"Please what? Please don't be mad that you left me cold and alone in the woods? Or please forgive you that you pretended to give a damn about me and then left like I didn't mean anything. I am nothing now. Just an oxygen waister living on earth with absolutely no purpose and no reason to live. Is that what you want forgiveness for? What happened to all of those distractions Edward? Just leave me alone so I can slowly die day by day with only a memory of what you used to mean to me."

"Why? Why did you come after me?" he asked.

"That ones easy. I didn't want your family to feel like I will the rest of my life."

"I will never stop loving you Bella. I will never be far away. If you change your mind, just yell out your window and I will be here in a second. You still mean to world to me. Don't ever forget that." he lied to me once again. When would he stop? Nothing he said now would reverse the pain he had inflicted on me.

With those words he jumped out of my window and out of my life.

I fell to the floor once again, wondering if I could ever learn to let him go.