Disclaimer: I do not own Venus Versus Virus... I have to cry myself to sleep every night to try and come to terms with this fact... Anyway, the point is, they are not mine and I make no money from my stories. So don't sue me... you wouldn't get much anyway even if you tried... maybe a cat... (I have seven)

A/N: Ok, here is chapter two! This needs some warnings to be attached to it though... Again, I shall remnd you that this probably sucks since this is the first time I have written anything like this EVER...

Warnings: LuciaxSumire- Yuri, Rated M for a reason, and that reason being sex. Please read at your own risk. If you doNOT like reading either yuri, sex scenes, or both, then please do yourselves a favor and not read it ok? If you DO like yuri and sex, then by all means, keep reading!

When it Rains

Chapter 2:

The walk back to Venus Vangard was deathly quiet causing my unease to deepen. I had absolutely no idea what to do… I was completely out of my element. The moment we entered the store Nahashi was there fretting over us and worrying about our cold, wet state. Impatiently, I waved him off assuring him that we were both fine and going to change into dry clothes immediately, and continued down the stairs and into the small hall that led to our shared room. I paused a moment, unsure whether I should follow her or stay out of the way, but then it was my room too after all…

Forget this! I can't just leave things like this! What the hell's wrong with me!? Mind now determined, I followed Sumire into our room and slammed the door, locking it behind me.

"Sumire!" I said forcefully, my eyes narrowed into dark slits. Startled by my harsh tone, she turned and winced slightly under my glare. "Sumire, come on! Say something! What was that back there?" Her eyes widened for a second before they averted away from me and she turned her head.

"Nothing Lucia-san… it was nothing… I'm sorry…"

"Dammit, Sumire! Stop apologizing! You didn't do anything wrong! Look at me! Please… talk to me…" My eyes and voice softened. This was a switch for us; usually it was Sumire that was begging me to talk to her or to go outside. Sumire's shoulders were hunched over and she was shaking with silent tears streaming from her dark green eyes. I walked toward her feeling like an icy dagger had just been shoved into my chest. Making her cry was the last thing in the world that I wanted. Silently I cursed myself for my harsh, unfeeling words.

Unfeeling? No… I don't think that's the right word… maybe not feeling isn't the problem… but instead, feeling is… feeling too much… for her…

Even though the idea terrified me, slowly I stepped towards her and gently placed my hands on her fragile shoulders. Wiping her tears away, I raised her head so that I could see into her tear-stained eyes.

"Only apologize if you do something wrong that is in need of an apology… I don't want you to feel like you need to constantly say you're sorry to me…" My voice was soft, barely a whisper even, as I was subconsciously drawn closer to her. Our lips brushed together, feather-light and moist just for an instant before I instinctively slid my tongue over her cherry-red lips, begging her for entrance. Her lips parted, allowing it to pass. She whimpered and I could feel the vibrations from it course throughout my entire body, sending shivers down my spine. We parted, both of us breathless and panting.

"So… this isn't wrong, what we are doing?" She asked with a tinge of concern in her voice and eyes, but a small smile gracing her face. That was all of the encouragement that I needed to know that right or wrong, I didn't care… Not if I had her.

"Wrong?" Our bodies moved until Sumire found herself with her back pressed against the back wall of our bedroom. "We're not really doing anything, Sumire…" I replied as my mouth wandered down along her jaw and then to her smooth neck. Her eyes shut down tight as she tried to suppress a soft moan.

"Maybe not…" I forced myself to stop and looked up into her now glazed and hazy eyes. Trying to clear my head, I started to step back, but was stopped by Sumire's hands grabbing my wrists and pulling me back to her. I could feel her heart thundering inside of her chest and knew that mine was beating just as fast. "…but we could…" A fierce blush stained her cheeks as she said these words still panting for air. I smiled down at her.

"Yes, we could… but only if that is what you want…" Her blush spread to cover her entire face as she gave a shy nod of consent. Leaning down to kiss her again, I added, "and as long as you don't apologize later…" She giggled as I claimed her mouth once again. My body was pressed tightly up against hers, our rain-soaked clothes clinging to our moist skin.

My hand slid down her wet back and stopped when it reached the rim of her skirt, as my other hand busied itself with unbuttoning her blouse. At the last button, I slowly peeled the wet garment from her shoulders. I could feel her somewhat timid hands reach behind me as she unzipped the top of my own dress. As the top part of my dress was undone, it slowly slid off my shoulders but not completely down. My hands roamed freely across her beautiful porcelain-like skin. She lifted her leg and I ran my hand up it, shoving her short skirt up as well. Lifting her up into my arms, she wrapped both legs around my waist as I carried her the short distance to her bed.

I laid her down and slid her skirt off, tossing it to the side. My mouth explored her body starting at her neck and moving downwards. I nipped lightly at her collarbone, taking in her adorable noises as she squirmed beneath me. As my kisses continued down her body, I found that what little clothing was remaining on our bodies was becoming a major hindrance. I glared at the offending garments and Sumire laughed at me as she propped herself up.

"Silly Lucia-san…." She smiled and sat up placing her hand on my cheek tenderly. "Here let me help." Removing her hand again, she reached for her lacy bra and removed it. "There, is that better?" Before I could answer her eyes narrowed, full of lust, as she looked to me; for the most part still clothed. "Now, I think it's time for these to go, hm?" She said as she started to slide my dress the rest of the way off while I carefully removed my knife that I always keep hidden in my garter belt.

After having successfully removed my dress and bra, throwing them to the floor adding to the growing pile of wet, forgotten clothing, I kissed Sumire's soft lips before moving on. Sliding my hands along her beautiful breasts, I slid my tongue on a path between them, continually going further down. Sumire moaned with the new attention. I was giving to her nipples with my thumbs and fingers. I continued to kiss her bare stomach until I reached the lacy line of fabric of the final bit of clothing blocking my way.

I moved my hands down and brushed them lightly up her thighs. Hooking my fingers onto the delicate fabric, I slid it down her long, slender legs until she was left with nothing to conceal her perfect, dollish figure.

I looked up to Sumire and peered into her eyes, searching for any signs of doubt telling me to stop. They shone brightly with anticipation and she said, "Really Lucia-san… it's ok… you worry too much."

Hmm… I guess I do….

"You know Sumire, considering the current circumstances; I think that you can stop adding 'san' to my name…" She laughed and nodded.

I leaned down and ran my tongue along the inside of her thigh, making her squirm more. I kissed and caressed her; consciously avoiding the area she wanted me to touch the most. I continued my teasing of her until her tone was pleading. Deciding that I had teased her enough, I slid one hand up between her legs, lightly at first, my fingers danced around her entrance. My hand still firmly in place, I moved up her body and kissed her lovingly ad she made those sweet noises once more. I deepened the kiss and slid one finger inside of her. Sumire gasped and broke the kiss but I pulled her back into it smiling. I loved the effects that my touches had on my new lover. I added another finger and began to move them in a scissoring fashion eliciting more cries from Sumire. She opened her legs up wider allowing me better access as I added a third finger and began to slid them in and out.

"Lucia!" she cried as she tangled her hands into my hair and threw her head back. Our pace increased together as her movements became more erratic. Finally her body tensed; her passage closing tightly around my hand as she screamed my name. I removed my hand from her, now wet from our activities instead of the rain. I pulled her down into another passionate kiss. As her body slackened, I held her tightly in my arms. She looked up at me as I licked one of my fingers stained with her juices. She blushed a deep crimson again. "Lucia…" Her voice was tired and strained. I stroked her now sweaty hair away from her eyes. She looked down and said quietly, "Would it be ok if I tried now? I mean for you?" It was my turn to blush then.

"Huh? Sumire, you don't have to… You should probably get some rest now" I said smiling gently down at her.

She looked back up at me. "But I want to though, I mean… if it is ok… I can rest later… we both can." She sat up and took my face into her hands, pulling me up with her and kissed me. I decided then that I would never grow tired of her sweet, yet all-consuming kisses. "I want you Lucia… and I have you here with me now… I'm not ready for this night to end just yet…" I wasn't either.

It amazed me how someone so magnificent would want to be with me… not in a harmful way, or just for a release of sexual desires in which case anyone would do, but me…. She said that she wanted to be with me. I felt so happy in that moment that the world could have exploded then and I wouldn't have cared, because finally someone cared about me, about who I was. I let her take me away then, far away from the world of which I had so often hated and cursed, that had cursed me. I was no longer filled with sorrow or discontentment but instead with an extreme since of belonging and comfort. I had never imagined that I could be so happy, much less with one person being the sole cause of that happiness. What I knew should have been hours, felt like minutes to me as both me and Sumire lay panting for air, completely exhausted. Our bodies now shone with sweat instead of the rain water from earlier. I looked around our room in a daze feeling slightly guilty that it was in such a mess. Our clothes had been thrown about carelessly, her bed had been stripped of its large comforter left only with the thin sheets, and the entire room seemed to be wet from the rain brought in on our clothes and then the sweat from our love-making. I made a mental note to clean it up in the morning. Finally regaining some much needed oxygen and having noticed my heart rate returning to normal, I turned over onto my side and looked at Sumire. She smiled lazily and crawled up close to me. I wrapped my arms around her and she gave a contented sigh.

"I still don't want this to end but…. I think I could use that rest now…" She said with a sigh as she laid her head onto my shoulder. "Would it be ok if I sleep now, Lucia?"

"Of course… I told you before you needed to rest… You know you don't have to ask my permission to do things… after all, technically I am in your bed!" She laughed, and then looked up at me.

"Ok, I won't ask your permission… but, will you stay here? I mean, you won't run away or anything, will you? You'll still be here when I wake up?"

"Run away?" the thought hadn't really occurred to me, I wanted to stay with her, by her side. "I won't run away. I'll stay here."

"You promise?" She asked as she poked me playfully.

"Yeah, I promise…" She lay down again. She really was like a child in so many ways… so scared to upset anyone. However, even through her child-like mannerisms though, I could still see a strong person inside of her. She could be confident one minute and yet terrified the next. We were opposites really… she had a soft, almost fragile exterior but a strong heart, when I put up a false tough exterior for the world to see, when inside I was really screaming.

I heard her make a soft noise, so I turned my head. I was sure she was asleep, but she spoke very softly.

"Lucia… I love you…" My heart stopped. Now I wasn't sure if she was asleep or not.

"Sumire?" I said quietly. When I received no response, I was certain that she really was asleep. Then the meaning of her words hit me.

Love? Surely she didn't mean that… I mean she's asleep… but maybe… no you idiot! Just because she may care a little about you, and have sex with you, that does not mean that she loves you!

Still I wanted to believe it so badly, even if it hurt, even if it meant that one day I might lose that love to another… why couldn't I have it for just a little while? Wouldn't it be worth it?

I don't know… What if I fall in love with her though and she really didn't mean it? Then again… I think it's too late for that… I think that I already have… So what does that mean? If she does mean it… then, what does that mean to be in love with someone?

I stared at the strange creature beside me who had unknowingly changed my life so much in that one moment, with that one sentence. In the end, I decided I didn't care. I would find out soon enough if she meant it, and until then all I could do was go to sleep and dream of her…

A/N: And that is all for chapter two. Please let me know what you think of it, and whether I should continue on with this story or not. At the moment that is all I have for it, but I think there may be more to come still... I don't. I guess we shall see! n.n
