Introduction: This story is different than any other Calvin and Hobbes story I've written

Introduction: This story is different than any other Calvin and Hobbes story I've written. This has some scary moments and if I want to, a murder. So this story is going to be rated T for Action Violence and Gunplay. Just thought I should warn you. Calvin and Hobbes is copyrighted to Bill Watterson.

Chapter 1: Holdup


Calvin was running through the house, and his parents were chasing him. His parents had been chasing him for 15 minutes.

"Stop running! We can't leave you home alone. You're going to the bank with us whether you want to or not!" Calvin's Mom yelled.


"Ok," Hobbes calmly said.

Hobbes tripped Calvin. Boy, Calvin went flying.

His parents thought that Calvin has just tripped.

They grabbed Calvin and dragged him to the car. Calvin didn't go without a fight.

"NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!!" Calvin yelled, struggling.

Then they sped away, Calvin in the car.

Calvin sat in the back with his arms crossed and a pout on his face.

"Why doesn't Hobbes have to go?"

"Um… Hobbes is old enough to stay by himself, but not old enough to baby sit you." Calvin's dad replied.

"Oh—that makes sense."

The ride was 3 minutes to the bank.

Calvin went inside without a fight.

They got in line to make a deposit.

Calvin was thinking of a trick to play a Susie or something, which entertained him for the long line.

They were 3 people away when they heard a loud voice say, "GIVE ME THE MONEY, NOW!!"

There were people screaming and running around the bank.


Only a few obeyed.

The robber shot a bullet in the air to prove his point.

There was total silence.

Calvin's mom and dad were holding on tight to Calvin. This time, Calvin didn't push them back.

"Give me all the money in the safe!" he yelled, pointing the .37 Caliber into her face.

The teller was about to say something, then the robber said, "NOW!"

The teller did as she was told.

Another teller that the robber hadn't been watching had secretly hit the silent alarm.

Calvin whispered, "I'm scared!"

"It's OK son, I'm scared too," said the dad.

"You are? But I thought parents weren't afraid of anything."

"On the contrary," said Calvin mother. "All adults get scared at some point in time."


"And don't worry. As long as your father and I are with you, we won't let anything happen to you."

Meanwhile, the tellers were doing they're best to open the safe when the robber heard police sirens. "NO!"

He ran back to the lobby raising his gun in the air.

"Who pulled the silent alarm!!"

Everyone was silent.

The robber shot in a random movement, hitting a 40-year-old man in the hip. He fell backwards. He hurt real badly but he was still alive. His wife pulled out a handkerchief and lightly placed it on the wound.

The whole bank gasped and some screamed.

Calvin winced.

His mother covered his eyes.


A bank teller bravely stepped forward. "I did."

"I'm just curious, why did you tell me?"

"I didn't want to prevent any further harm."

"How touching. Come with me!"

"You in there! Come out with your hands up!" a voice said into a bullhorn.


The police outside backed up.

The robber pointed at the teller, "You're coming with me!"

The teller went willingly.

The robber stared at Calvin.

"You're the only kid in here."

"Yeah, so?" asked Calvin.

"I wouldn't want you to see what I might have to do if things go ugly."

Calvin shivered.

"You're coming with me."

Calvin's dad stood up.

"Over my dead body!" yelled his father.

"That's quite possible since I have a gun and you don't."

Immediately after saying that, the robber hit him in the face with the butt of the gun, knocking him out but not killing him.


The robber clicked the pistol.

Calvin stood up and went into the back of the bank, with the robber and a bank teller.

To Be Continued…