Author's Note: A large thank you to my collaborator SilverInkblot, and my other two reviewers ChesireCatwoman and AriaAlways. Also, in response to the latter's comment: Yeah, I know, but it hardly the only one of it's kind around here, is it? I'm planning on starting a REAL fan fiction for the Wheel of Time, if you want a look at my actual writing style. I do thank you for you constructive criticism!

Disclaimer: Second verse, same as the first, might get better but it can't get worse. I own nothing here but my own convoluted musings.

Maleficent's Library

'The Prince' by Machiavelli.

"Hellfire Magic and it's Uses to the Modern Villain" by A. Zazel

"Useful Plantlife" by Alexander Borgia.

"Memories of Castle Chariot: A Sorceress's Memoirs" by M. le Fay.

"The Witch's Hammer" by A. Zazel

"Advanced Illusions" by Mara

"Advanced Illusions: Combat Appendix" by Mara

"Revenge Etiquette" by Eris

"Henchmen: Why They're Still A Valid Tool for the Modern Villain" by A. Zazel