Disclaimer: WE do not own Naruto or any of the characters used. WE do not make any money off of this story. If WE did ... WE'd make every fan girl's dream come true. Repeatedly.

Sasuke gently nudged Kakashi's shoulder from the side of the bed. "Kakashi," he whispered placing a soft kiss on the man's sleeping lips, "Wake up...I…I have a surprise."

Kakashi was roused from his sleep by a soft set of lips on his skin. It nearly shocked him when he couldn't find Sasuke next to him when he pawed beside him. He opened his eyes slowly, coming face to face with the person who was in possession of the waking lips." Mmm..." he rubbed his eyes, "Sasuke?"

Sasuke nodded and smiled as he placed a tray of foods on the man's lap. "I cooked you breakfast," Sasuke whispered his cheeks turning bright red, he was only wearing an apron, "As...as an apology for how I freaked out on you last night. I didn't know what you liked, so...so I cooked a lot of everything. There's a whole bunch of food left on the counter if you're still hungry."

Kakashi's jaw nearly dropped as his line of sight was directed to Sasuke, blushing and clad only in a pink apron. Kakashi was hungry, but as he looked at the food and back to Sasuke, he'd decided that Sasuke's was the best looking thing to eat in the room. He would eat the food later but first, Sasuke deserved a thank you for all his hard work."Sasuke... you did all this for me?" Kakashi smiled, raising himself up a little, pressing a soft kiss to Sasuke's lips.

Sasuke kissed Kakashi gently then nodded, his blush still decorating his pale cheeks, "I-I wanted to make you breakfast since I failed at making you dinner and..." Sasuke felt his blush deepen, "I wanted to give you dessert too."

Kakashi smiled like a fool as he reached out to Sasuke. When his hands found the soft skin of Sasuke's fore arms he drew him closer, giving him another delightful kiss, nearly pulling him onto bed with his former sensei." When we're living together," he blushed heavily, but masculinely never taking his eyes off Sasuke," Can we have desert for breakfast every morning?" Kakashi looked just like a little kid begging his or her mother for an ice cream cone or a new stuffed animal.

Sasuke smiled and pulled back from Kakashi. "You have to eat your breakfast first," Sasuke said as he grabbed the whipped cream and placed a spoonful on top of Kakashi's waffles and strawberries, "Then you can have dessert whenever you want it." Sasuke felt his cheeks redden even more. He wasn't used to flirting and being seductive and it made him feel funny...almost embarrassed. He wasn't even sure if Kakashi had noticed his lack of clothing, but supposed it didn't matter.

Kakashi let out a mock-groan of complaint as he pulled the tray back onto his lap, bringing the fork to his mouth he let a strawberry, heavy with cream, slide into his mouth. He picked up another piece and held it delicately at the end of his fork." Do you want a bite, Sasuke-kun?" Kakashi queried moving the morsel up and down and all around.

Sasuke slowly, and as seductively as he could muster, bent over and wrapped his mouth around the cream covered strawberry. He knew he'd missed some of the white sweetness but that was the point right? He was trying to seduce. Once he'd chewed and swallowed the strawberry he made sure Kakashi's eyes were on him and slowly, licked the cream from his lips. "Mmm," he half-moaned, "Do you like it?"

Kakashi swore that if he hadn't been drooling before he was now. The way Sasuke's small pink tongue darted out to wrap about the berry and the sensual lick of his lips to wipe away the excess cream. Kakashi took another bite, remembering Sasuke's previous statement. He had to eat it all, and he did want to, but now, his desert was just the most tempting morsel in the world. He was probably the most sought after delicacy on earth for all Kakashi knew. He swallowed another bite and then offered another to Sasuke and vice versa, "Want more?"He hoped his plate would be finished before he was. He wondered why Sasuke always seemed to bring out his inner pervert.

Sasuke smiled and shook his head, "No but I'm going to have some cream if that's alright with you." Sasuke licked his lips again for emphasis, hopefully, turning on Kakashi as much as he was.

"Uh huh," Kakashi nodded, his mouth still processing his previous bite. As his plate got lighter and lighter, the food disappearing into his body and the cream and it's sweetness being absorbed by Sasuke and his deliciously sugar sweet mouth, he hoped his growing erection would not begin to lift the platter in its reduced weight. Kakashi watched, dumbfounded, his food sometimes completely missing his mouth as he stared. "You know, Sasuke" he paused," If you wore that apron during dress rehearsal tomorrow more people would watch the show."

Sasuke smiled and took Kakashi's plate for him, noticing the man's hungry stare. He straddled Kakashi's hips, making sure his bare ass sat directly on top of Kakashi cock (which he noticed was very hard). He then stuck his finger in the sweet substance and brought it to Kakashi's lips, "Are you still hungry?" he asked, again trying to be seductive. He ground his ass down into Kakashi's hips hoping that would pull an even greater response from his boyfriend.

"Oh!" The man loosed as his hips were attacked, his aching cock suffocated by Sasuke's supple ass. He couldn't help but grasp the teen's thighs in shock as the teen pushed down, still wearing his seductive smile."Yes..." he groaned and stifled a low moan, "Yes, I am, Sasuke-kun." Sasuke's eyes were glistening. Ironic that this would be the first thing to notice, but there it is. The glistening reminded him of the sweet shine of the berries they had just been dining on. Sasuke was his strawberry, and he was most likely about to be devoured.

Sasuke let out a small moan as Kakashi forced him roughly down on his cock. Sasuke could feel it straining to be free. He rolled his hips, feeling Kakashi's cock rub against every part of his nether region before taking the whipped cream and placing some into his mouth. He grabbed Kakashi's face and pulled him into a tight kiss, their tongues meshing the whipped cream that was now share between then. Slowly, Sasuke pulled back from their kiss and rolled his hips again, "You're so hard," he whispered, "I can feel it."

Kakashi's eyes shot open as he growled low in the back of his throat, pulling Sasuke to stare him directly in the eyes."Oh, can you?" He asked, offering a smirk showing his teeth, alerting Sasuke to how much the man was actually turned on. He claimed his lips again, crushing them together with a delicious ferocity boiling in his stomach as he reached under Sasuke's apron to grasp his own stiff member."So are you..." he whispered in Sasuke's ear, the space around them pregnant with hot air and incoherent sounds.

Sasuke moaned at the feeling of Kakashi pumping him and slowly brought his hand to Kakashi's hand, "N-no...not this time," he whispered pulling Kakashi's hand from his cock and dipping it into the whipped cream. Still straddling him Sasuke looked at him in the eyes and placed the now whipped cream covered hand at his entrance. "Will you prepare me?" he moaned as his free hand found its way to Kakashi's zipper.

The teen's anxious control was easily one of the sexiest things Kakashi had ever experienced. He let Sasuke pull out his aching cock, as he moaned deeply, the sound reverberated off the walls of the bedroom. His whip cream covered hand worked shamelessly on Sasuke's delightfully pink pucker. The whip cream had begun melting due to Sasuke's heat and was dripping down Kakashi's hand as he pushed the first finger inside the white hot tightness. "Fuck, Sasuke," he moaned loudly again, "You're so goddamn sexy..."

Sasuke let out a moan and pushed back on Kakashi's finger. "Oh...it...it feels s-so...good. Ahh, K-Kakashi...more...more cream...more fingers..." he begged as his cock rubbed against Kakashi's now freed one. His eyes slipped closed and his mouth opened in ragged breaths as he force Kakashi's finger deeper inside of him, but it wasn't enough. "Please...more!" Sasuke cried his control gone.

"More, you say," Kakashi dipped his hand in more cream and brought it back to the weeping non-virgin entrance."I'll give you more, Sasuke-kun..." He growled as he thrust two fingers into the tight heat again, it's muscles swallowing up Kakashi's creamy fingers. " I'll give you as much as you want," He purred, bring his mouth to whisper in Sasuke's ear, offering the sensitive shell a wet sweep of hi s hot tongue.

Sasuke arched his back as Kakashi's thick fingers disappeared inside of him. Oh God's it felt so good...and even though he knew he shouldn't be, he was so focused on his own sexual need. As Kakashi thrust his fingers in, Sasuke forced himself down on them, creating an insatiable amount of pleasure. But it still wasn't enough...had he turned this quickly into a cock slut? "Oh!" he cried out tossing his head back, "More...harder...more...Kakashi!" His orders came out broken but he knew Kakashi understood.

Kakashi smiled and chuckled quietly, grinning at Sasuke's misplaced visage as he scissor his fingers inside of the teen. Kakashi took Sasuke's lobe in his mouth for a moment and whispered wistfully into Sasuke's ear." One more finger, Sasuke-kun..." He brushed said finger around the other two, teasing the teen, hoping to elicit more wonderful sound from him. "One more and you can have something much bigger." He smirked thrusting in the third finger harshly." Would you like that, huh? Would you?"

Sasuke arched and cried out when he felt Kakashi's third finger thrust inside of him. It was an easy, smooth thrust, but that was good. He was in the mood for his ass to take a pounding. Suddenly, his body overtaken with lust, Sasuke found himself pushing down further onto the man's fingers and they moved in and out and all around in. "Ah! Oh...Ka-ahhh-shi!" Sasuke moaned as he basically rode Kakashi's fingers. For a brief minute or so, three fingers made him feel full but right now...now he needed more. He began moving faster on Kakashi's fingers and he moaned and begged for more. The cream felt so good inside of him, it was almost like a natural high, and Kakashi's fingers...God...he wanted more...needed more. "Yes!" he practically screamed, "I need more! Oh please! Please! More!"

Kakashi's fingers were removed in an instant as the teen screamed out for his wants. Kakashi moved his cock up towards the entrance, first slathering it in cream. Yes they were having fun but he didn't want to hurt the teen. The coolness made him moan out into Sasuke's panting face before he spoke." Do you want my cock, Sasuke?" He rounded the head about the heated, dripping orifice, letting himself f bask in the glory of his handiwork. Sasuke was hotter than Kakashi had originally expected as he let out a strained his as his member swiped against the warm, inviting entrance.

Sasuke moaned. "Please! Please...I-I want it!" Sasuke panted his ass begging to be pounded, "Oh...please!"

Kakashi smiled, he let the head of his cock settle between Sasuke's eager, wet thighs, teasing the pucker."You beg so nicely, Sasuke-kun..." He let the head slide in some more," so who would I be to deny you?" With that Kakashi felt himself become engulfed by the tight passionate heat of Sasuke's entrance. He pushed down on the teen's hips, lowering him delicately, for both their sakes. "OH. God... you're so tight..."

Sasuke threw his head back as Kakashi's thick cock was buried completely inside of him. He was stretched almost to his limit but he didn't care. It felt so unreal to have Kakashi inside of him. "O-ohhh!" he moaned, "Y-you're...you're so big!" Sasuke placed his hands on Kakashi's chest and began lifting and dropping himself roughly onto the man's cock. "S-so big!" he cried as he slowly picked up his pace. He wasn't going fast enough, and he didn't think he could go fast in this position anyway. "Please," he begged, "Pound me!"

Kakashi grunted and in an instant Sasuke was on his back, arms pinned above his head, Kakashi's large member never leaving him. "Like this?" Kakashi purred into Sasuke's ear, biting and nipping any flesh that came across the path of his mouth, as he pounded in and out of the teen with heavy full force strokes." Like this?" He asked speeding up into a mind numbing speed, the sound of skin slapping in unison marking the pattern in their lusty rhythm.

"Ahh!" Sasuke cried out pushing his head farther into his pillow, "Ka-ahhh-shi!" The speed that Kakashi was pulling out of him and forcing himself back in was...was amazing. Their skin smacked together loudly, emphasizing the sheer speed Kakashi was moving. Sasuke clenched his hands together in fists, his eyes screwing shut. "Oh-oh! Ka-ahhh-shi! I-it feels so-mmmm-good!"

Kakashi couldn't help but grin as the helpless Sasuke writhed under him, mewling and losing sounds that deserved to be titled no less than sexy beyond belief. Kakashi rocked his hips up on purpose, assaulting a specific bundle of nerves hidden deep inside Sasuke's tight willingness."God, Sasuke... you're so fucking hot..." He moaned, leaning his head down, pressing a kiss to his throat."I'm almost there…"

Sasuke moaned loudly as Kakashi pounded into him, nailing his prostate with unbelievable accuracy. "N-no! Don't-ahhh-cum yet!" he begged. He wasn't ready to cum yet... "More!"

Kakashi restrained himself, holing the teen's hips with bruising force. This could be fun for the both of them if they played it out right. Who knew Sasuke would have taken so well to his cock?"Mmmm, Sasuke," he mused, "Tell me what I'm doing to you..." Kakashi drawled, teasing the boy with a slow lift off his cock only to slide him back down slowly.

"Slow!" Sasuke panted, Kakashi's slow rhythm killing him. "You're going too slow..."

"Ooh," Kakashi mocked misunderstanding," Then what to do you want, Sasuke...?" He moved the teen up agonizingly slow, and then back down faster than he'd ever done before." I want to know exactly what you want..." He nipped the teen's ear as he thrusted harshly, in and out against his prostate again, his quivering stomach brushing against Sasuke's arousal.

Sasuke cried out in pleasure as Kakashi thrusted harder into him. "I-I want-ahhh-your...your-ohhh!" Sasuke tried lust clouding his mind. He knew what he wanted. He just couldn't seem to concentrate long enough to give an answer, "I-I want your...ohhh!"

Kakashi pushed into his harder this time, he knew Sasuke could take it."What, Sasuke-kun? Say it now..." He growled, moving a hand to pump Sasuke in time with his thrusts. The pink apron's strings were coming untied by the mere friction of Sasuke's back brushing against the sheets. Kakashi purred as he felt Sasuke writhe. "Ah you feel so fucking good around my cock," He bit his lip in defense against the hot pressure.

"Your cock!" Sasuke moaned his back arching with Kakashi's thrusts, "I-I want you t-to f-uhhh-ck me with...ahhh! With your bi-big cock! Hard!" Sasuke found his arms wrapping around Kakashi, holding the man tightly to him. He needed this, and he needed it badly. "Please," he moaned, "I need your cock...in-inside of me, d-d-deep inside!"

Kakashi raised Sasuke's legs higher, putting them over his shoulders so he could get deeper into the inviting crevice. It was so hot and tight Kakashi thought he might have been choking; but, at least he would have been dying happy. Kakashi grinned outwardly at teen's words, slipping into him harder than before." Good, Sasuke," he moaned, "How long have you wanted this, huh...tell me..." Kakashi demanded with a nip to Sasuke's lower lips.

"Ahh!" Sasuke moaned at the power by which his lover was thrusting and how deep the man was going in. God...it...it felt so good! "A-all morning!" Sasuke screamed as Kakashi nailed his prostate, "I-I got o-off thinking a-about you! Th-ahhh-ree times!"

That came as a bit of a shock to Kakashi, if he hadn't been so busy fucking the boy into oblivion he would have probably taken the admission to deeper contemplation. But right now all it did was excite him further."Mmm," he nuzzled Sasuke's throat, "Three times? That's fucking hot, Sasuke." he emphasized the name by thrusting in a little bit harder than the prior stroke."You missed my cock that much?"

"Yes!" Sasuke cried as Kakashi nailed his prostate, "S-so...big! So g-good!" Sasuke could feel his stomach coiling. He was going to cum and soon...he just didn't want it to end. He arched again as Kakashi thrusted in deeper, making it feel almost as if the man would come out his throat...and he loved it. "K-ahhh-shi! You're so-mmmm-good!"

Kakashi loved how easy it was to get Sasuke to become so vocal. The teen's supple cries and wails of pleasure washed over him harder than anything he had or ever would experience. He stabbed into the pliant body, his heavy panting and groans suffocating the air, pregnant with Sasuke's sexy releases."Mmm..." Kakashi swiped his finger through the head of Sasuke's cock and brought the shimmering precum to his lips, making sure the teen was watching."I wonder how you taste Sasuke..." With that the finger slipped into his mouth as he pounded the body under him."Ah, so sweet..." He murmured, returning his hand to the pink, stiff length of his lover.

Sasuke couldn't take it. Watching Kakashi suck his finger and feeling Kakashi pound into him and jerk him off was too much. Sasuke's fingernails dug into Kakashi's back and he arched off of the bed, flushing his hot skin against Kakashi's. He came, hard, his cum spraying both him and Kakashi and his inner walls clamping down on Kakashi's moving cock. "Kashi!" he screamed as his body shook with its peak then allowed him to relax back onto the bed.

With the pressure of Sasuke's inner walls clamping in on him, Kakashi loosed his reserved and thrust in hard one more time, letting Sasuke ride his climax. "Ahhhh.... g-good, so good, S-sasuke..." He moaned out incoherently, as he let himself come hard inside of the raven haired teen. When he felt himself empty he pulled away and lay down beside Sasuke."Thank you..." he murmured into the soft tresses, kissing Sasuke lightly.

Sasuke turned his face to Kakashi's, "Why are you thanking me?"

Kakashi smiled and cupped Sasuke's face."For letting us be together..." He murmured, softly, his smooth breath drifting over Sasuke's hair, causing it to sway some in the manmade wind.

Sasuke smiled and forced himself to sit, his sexual needs oddly still burning. "I should be the one thanking you," he whispered as he brought his mouth to Kakashi's cock, "You still have cream on you...I don't want it on my sheets...so...I'll clean it for you." Slowly, Sasuke placed the tip of Kakashi's cock in his mouth then, inch by inch, tried to fit as much of Kakashi as he could.

"Wha-Ah, Sasuke!" Kakashi shouted, he had definitely not been expecting that hot, wet, electric mouth to be slipping over his member like that. His softening erection now returning to life... and Sasuke was to blame. He threw his head back, as the guise of his cynical lover swept over him like water."A-ah... Sa-aasuk-e," he chattered," If yo-o're w-w-worried about getting d-dirty," he paused to swallow, "W-wee can t-take a s-shower..."

Sasuke pulled back from Kakashi's tasty cock, allowing a mixture of whipped cream, cum, and spit to connect him to it. He slowly licked his lips and looked at Kakashi. "Mmm, you taste so good," Sasuke whispered seductively as he ran his finger up the man's shaft then began sucking on it, "Mmm..."

"God, Sasuke..." Kakashi moaned, squirming under Sasuke's ministrations, and growing even harder as his eyes caught hold of the teen's face. His cheeks were bright with blush, he wore confidence well and with lips wet with the liquids acquired during their raging fucking. Kakashi let a hand slip down to thread his fingers through the soft hair. He still wasn't sure if it was there to guide Sasuke or to make him slow down."G-goood... what are you doing to me..." Kakashi moaned, forcing his own hips to stay in place. He didn't want to choke the teen.

Sasuke smiled and licked the head of Kakashi's cock slowly, swirling his tongue around it then pulling back. "Is this what you want? Do you want me to suck you?" he asked, lust tracing every word he used.

Kakashi felt as if Sasuke had a choke hold on his cock. The molten pleasure branded its existence in his memory, jolting his hips into the pressure of the owner of the soft hands holding him. It was all he could do to bury himself all the way into the seductive mouth above him. "Y-yess," he stuttered. He was so overtaken by the sensations he was feeling he was barely able to speak."H-how... did you get so good at t-thiisss?" Kakashi hissed, his hips straining.

Sasuke didn't know how he'd gotten so good, as Kakashi put it. He licked Kakashi's shaft then looked at the man, "I don't know...you're the only one I've ever been with." Sasuke wrapped his mouth around Kakashi again, taking him almost completely in his mouth. He could feel his gag reflex starting to kick in but he ignored it and forced the rest of Kakashi's big, thick organ into his mouth. "Mmm," he purred around the large member.

"Ah, Sasuke- you're- you're driving me crazy..." He confessed letting his fingers tangle in Sasuke's hair as the teen took him all the way down. His eyes opened wide. The heat was so heavy and delicious, Sasuke's sweet mouth curving to fit him completely inside. It was as if they'd been made for each other."Fuck," He gritted his teeth, letting his hips buck lightly."You're so fucking dirty, Sasuke."

Sasuke felt Kakashi thrust his hips forward, forcing the large organ in further. He thought he'd gag but when he didn't, he pulled back slowly and looked at Kakashi, "You...you were the first to fuck my ass...will you be the first to fuck my mouth?" Sasuke could feel the spit/precum/whipped cream mixture all over his lips and it tasted so good...he licked it all off before looking back at Kakashi, "Please."

How could Kakashi resist a plea like that? He couldn't." Mmm, anything for, ah- you, Sasuke..." he raised his hips up further, and gently led Sasuke's head down with his hand. He didn't want to move too fast. He settled into a slow torturing rhythm so Sasuke could get used to it. When the teen could handle more, then Kakashi would give it to him. Sasuke's tongue massaged his cock so elegantly he couldn't help but give a rougher thrust to quell his curiosity about what Sasuke could handle. When Kakashi thought that mouth couldn't get any hotter with its whip cream and cum/saliva mix, he'd found himself to be terribly wrong.

Sasuke couldn't believe how much he enjoyed Kakashi's cock pushing itself further into his mouth. Once Kakashi thrusted himself in roughly, Sasuke let out the best moan he could muster then rewarded Kakashi by opening his mouth wider and running his tongue over every part of Kakashi's shaft. "Mmm," he moaned as he sucked on Kakashi's tip briefly before allowing Kakashi's hand to force him back down on his cock.

Kakashi moved more quickly now, taking Sasuke's appreciative swipe was a signal of wanting more. "Fuck, your mouth is hotter than your ass my little cock slut..." Kakashi moaned as he slid in and out, rolling his hips sensually, trying to get deeper into Sasuke's wet cavern; if it were even possible. He clenched Sasuke's hair harder now, forcing him down in a nonthreatening way, playfully chuckling at the sensation before being drawn back into a deep growl.

This was what Sasuke'd been hoping for. He didn't know why he liked being dominated like this, he just did. He loved that Kakashi wanted to be deeper and he wanted to give him that. He was pretty sure that the tight wetness of his mouth and throat was turning Kakashi into the dominating partner Sasuke needed him to be. He let out another moan, making sure to send the vibrations through Kakashi's cock. Then opened his mouth as wide as it could go, hoping to give Kakashi all the space and heat he wanted.

Kakashi lifted Sasuke's head away from his cock to look the slim teen directly in the eye. His pale skin was coating with a thin layer of sweat, delicately lacing his body in their shared lust. The pink apron had begun to slip off his shoulders; it would come in handy in a few minutes. He pushed the head back down, losing a blunt moan that sharpened both their heightened sexual sense."Mmm, you're such a well behaved little slut aren't you? Practically begging me to fuck you again with that hot little mouth of yours." Kakashi slid his head up and down with unquestionable desire."Mmm..." Kakashi groaned, "I bet you're still as tight as you were when I took your virginity."

Sasuke moaned, the dirty talk turning him on tenfold. He couldn't help the desire that was coursing through him as his mouth was lifted off of and pushed down further and faster than it had been before. It was so good, so big it was on the verge of choking him but he didn't care. It was too damn hot to stop. He moaned again hoping Kakashi would always want him to be his slut.

Kakashi fucked the smoldering mouth with increased speed, barely remembering his gentle pretenses prior to Sasuke's naughty advances. He wanted to hear something from Sasuke. He wanted to give the teen a good throttling, to rock his senses. To make Sasuke completely and utterly his. He thrust hard once more as he used his free hand to pump Sasuke under his apron."My sweet little whore..." He murmured with half cast open eyes."What do you want right now...hmm?"

Sasuke pulled his mouth from Kakashi's cock, now dripping wet with his saliva. He looked at Kakashi, his eyes drowning in lust. "I want to be your whore," he replied as he panted, "Your cock slut."

Kakashi smirked wryly at the confession, soaked in lust and dripping in heated desire."Where do you want my cock, little slut?" Kakashi questioned, yanking on the teen's dark dampening tresses, urging him to answer the question. "Your mouth?" He swiped the head down to give the teen's lips a teasing swipe."Or you tight little hole?" He queried, probing at Sasuke's entrance under his pink frills of his apron.

"Oh...both!" Sasuke cried logic fleeing him. He was so hot and all he wanted was for Kakashi to...to really make him his. He wanted Kakashi to...to dominate him, to be rough with him, because he was Kakashi's slut. After all, he'd cum three times before the man even touched him. "I-I need it!"

Kakashi pulled his head back by his hair."If you don't tell me I'll pick for you, my naughty little whore..." Kakashi trailed off admired the softness of the lines in Sasuke's display throat and neck. He sat up after a moment, pulling the teen into his lap, undoing his apron and pumping Sasuke's swollen cock with a Hearty grip and wild motion."Do you like this? Hmm...do you want more? Do you want your sensei to do more?"

Sasuke could feel the man's hard length between his ass cheeks and dropped his head back on Kakashi's shoulder as the man pumped him. "Ahh! Yes!" he cried as he pushed his ass into Kakashi's hard length. He needed Kakashi's huge member to fill him, "Ohhh! Sensei...please!!"

Kakashi smiled at the enthusiasm and pushed the teen into the mattress as he was now free of the apron; but only for a moment as Kakashi straddled Sasuke's mid section, pulling both of the dark hair's slim wrists into one hand, wrapping the pink apron around them and connecting them to the headboard."Yess," Kakashi hissed, inches away from Sasuke's face, "You look so sweet and small all tied up, my pretty slut."

"Oh," Sasuke moaned as his hips thrust up on their own. He was so hot...and Kakashi calling him a slut and binding his arms...it was making him so hot. He could still feel the cum and cream from before as it dripped slowly from his ass. Soon...soon, he'd have more in there...and he couldn't wait. "Sensei, please! I-I'm so hot," Sasuke begged as he spread his legs wider, "Please...hurry!"

Kakashi was thrilled at the fact Sasuke had spread his legs of his own free will, giving the man the perfect view of everything Sasuke had to offer. The boys panting face was welcome enough as he thrust into the teen beneath him."Now," he growled into Sasuke's ear, nipping at the cartilage, "Tell me who you belong to... whose cock slut are you Sasuke?" he thrust in hard again, the headboard shaking slightly as it ricocheted off the wall.

Sasuke almost came with Kakashi's two brutal thrusts but he wasn't going to ruin it. He...he wanted everything Kakashi could give him. No matter what it was, or how hard it was, Sasuke wanted ALL of it. "Yours," he panted, his lips parted to allow his uneven breaths to escape. "Ohhh...yours...."

Kakashi grinned like a fool, the words burning directly into his mind. Those beautiful lips splayed releasing what sound and noises they would, cradling Kakashi's commands like they were the only thing keeping the teen alive. He bucked his hips again, his groan of ecstasy flowing into Sasuke's saliva slick ear."And who am I? Say it Sasuke," He pulled the teens hair as he thrust, the frame and headboard clattering against the wall, sending small shocks of how hard Sasuke was actually being fucked into the minds of both of them. The sparks of their sinful act of dominance dancing over their collective skin. "Say it."

"Ka...Kakashi!" Sasuke screamed Kakashi's sinfully hard thrusts clouded any other thought in his mind. It felt so good to have Kakashi inside of him, so amazingly good to have him pound into him. God, he-he needed more of it. He arched and felt himself rub against Kakashi's skin. "Ahh!"

Kakashi's hand pumped the teen furiously as he rocked into the teen's velvet ass. God, he was close, so close. But he wasn't about to alert Sasuke to the fact. He was going to make the dark haired come first. This was what he'd wanted and he was going to get it- get it good. Kakashi felt his hand slip, slick with all the precum Sasuke was producing."Mmm, you're so slick already, Sasuke..." He groaned hips slamming hard against the sweetest, hottest part of Sasuke's cavern."Mmm... you're almost done aren't you, my pretty one? Tell me," Kakashi leaned down, stopping to nibble on Sasuke's jaw, "Do you want me to cum in that slutty little hole of yours?"

Sasuke felt his stomach coil and shut his eyes. He just wanted more...but he couldn't hold out. "Y-yes!" he cried as he arched into Kakashi's body. His hands gripped at one another, not being able to touch Kakashi and hold him close to him. "Kakashi!" he moaned as his vision blurred and his body reached its peak, spraying both their hot, sweaty bodies, with its essence.

It was like this was all happening in some slow dimension. Kakashi had never felt anything more suspenseful, more utterly satisfying than this. As Sasuke's walls clamped down on his pulsing member he lost all control, thrusting wildly in and out of him, the cum between their moving bodies sticking and pulling."Fuck! Sasuke!" Kakashi let himself go as he screamed out his lover's name, his hips tensing and spasming with his final thrust, as he felt his hot cum shoot into the very centre of the raven, some leaking before he could completely pull out.

Sasuke felt more of Kakashi's cum drip from his abused ass, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. Slowly, he turned his face to look at his boyfriend, who had collapsed beside him. He wanted to be held now...he wanted to be able to move his hands...but he didn't want to take this from Kakashi if this was what he wanted.

Kakashi smiled at the serenity plastered on Sasuke's face. He pressed a gentle kiss to each bound wrist before undoing the apron, letting them fall on to mattress with their abused owner. He moved his face down, offering Sasuke a smile before brushing his lips against the teens pressure bruised mouth carefully."You're too good to me, Sasuke, too good," he chuckled, wrapping his arms around the teen's aching waist. He took in the sight of the teen, his chest rising a falling with heavy strokes. Something beyond beauty radiated off of his skin, electrifying everything on his body. Real beauty is lost forever, when measured in perfection... and so Kakashi drank in every inch of skin, the flaws, if he noticed any, illuminating the pleasantry of the Sasuke he loved- no matter what.

Sasuke snuggled himself to Kakashi's side, burying his face into Kakashi's chest. "I-I love you," Sasuke whispered, "I-I love you so much...and I'll do anything and everything for you." He closed his eyes and hugged Kakashi tighter. Itachi would be home later today, but for now they could lie here, happily, in each other's arms.

Kakashi smiled."I love you too," he whispered, resting his head over Sasuke's, wrapping them together before pulling a sheet over both of their tired bodies."I'll always be here for you..." he murmured into the sweat drenched hair. His chest was thumping loudly, as if trying to break away from his body. He was drowning. Drowning in Sasuke's whole emotion, every small feeling, and it caused his body to gasp for air, screaming for him to move... to reach for air. But the truth was, Kakashi would rather drown than pull himself away from Sasuke. Where Kakashi was, air was no longer needed. The only thing that he ever needed, was lying in his arms, resting softly counting the beets of their newly formed collective Heart.

Sasuke was overly comforted by Kakashi's loving admissions. "Forever?" he asked even if he knew...it was something Kakashi couldn't possibly give him an answer to. He wanted to be with Kakashi forever...there wasn't anyone else for him. Kakashi was his Romeo...he really was. "Will you love me...forever?"

Kakashi's heart pounded brutally inside of him, staring into his only love's eyes. He cupped his cheeks and rested their foreheads together, connecting them in the pulsing rhythm of aching, happy, Hearts."I promise: to be here forever and ever and ever and ever." He kissed Sasuke's forehead, drinking in the soft glow about him." If you're hurt; I feel it. If you cry; my eyes cry too. It won't always be easy, and we'll fight sometimes... but that won't stop me. I love you, Sasuke. I promise you right now... promise: to be here forever and ever and ever and ever," He smiled."I love you, Sasuke Uchiha and I will never stop."

Sasuke smiled and hugged Kakashi tighter. His entire body filled with warmth, his heart was pounding with love. He didn't care if they fought, they fought last night and nothing bad happened, he didn't care if it was going to be hard. All he cared about was Kakashi being in his life forever, always loving him. Sasuke kissed Kakashi's chest gently. Last night, he'd felt so alone after he told Kakashi what happened but now, now he knew he was wrong. He'd never be alone again. Kakashi would always be there, always loving him, and Sasuke felt so happy and so thankful.

"I'll always make it right for you, Sasuke..." He murmured his eyes drifting to close as he held Sasuke tighter."You're the only love that fits into me like this... the only one with the key to my Heart." He thought he was going to explode with all the confessions he'd been relinquishing that day, but he had a final one to say, and not even death could keep him from saying it."You have the power, Sasuke... to kill me... to make me live more than I ever have... but," He paused," if you're planning on killing me, please do it now," He snuggled in closer, his breath in the teen's ear," do it now... so I die happy."

Sasuke angled his face towards Kakashi's, pushing his chest slightly. "I'd never kill you...unless you make me really angry," he teased, smiling uncontrollably.

Kakashi laughed, "Then I'll try to stay on your good side..." he kissed Sasuke's forehead again," But that doesn't mean I'm not going to keep out of trouble." He smiled, his words dripping with bright afterglow sarcasm, before he dragged Sasuke back down into the sheets."I love you... even if you kill me...even if you leave me. I'm addicted to you... I'm so deep I'm never coming out," Kakashi smirked, "I'm going to stay in love with you forever."

It felt good to have someone love him so openly. Sasuke closed his eyes again, sleep creeping up on him. "Forever," he whispered as his sheets and Kakashi's body warmed him, "Forever."


MAKandCHEESE and KakaSasu_4ever: Two for one day! Enjoy the smut!