Hey everyone! Finally, I got the courage to write another story, based on a random idea I got last week. Just something fun for Halloween. Hope you all enjoy, thank you for reading. :)

Oh, and I now know how to reply to reviews...So, um, sorry for not doing that with my last story. I feel like an idiot now...I really do appreciate reviews, so from now on I plan to respond to every new one possible. So, um...I guess that's all.

- Julia/Prime


"Come on Alice, can't I do it myself?"

"Are you kidding me?! I haven't gotten the chance to play dress up with you in what feels like...well, forever! Come on, please?"

I sighed as she stuck her bottom lip out, looking at me with those puppy dog eyes. I knew I was a goner.

"Fine," I groaned, sitting down on the couch. "Even though I still think I suffered enough, helping you with all of the decorations."

"Oh pish posh," she said, waving her hand in an attempt to dismiss my comment. "This is the fun part! Now come on, we only have an hour to get all of this done."

"But what about your costume?"

"It won't take half as much time as yours. Now come on, hop to it!"

She took my hand, pulling me up from the couch and dragging me in to her room.

Forty minutes later, Alice had put the finishing touches on my makeup and dragged me in front of a mirror, covering my eyes. I don't know what the big surprise was, I already knew what I was going to be...

"Okay, open your eyes!" She announced excitedly, removing her hands from my face.

What I saw made my mouth drop to the floor in shock.

What is this!?


"You don't like it?"

"I was...but, this...I didn't pick this costume out!!"

She sat down on her bed, crossing her arms.

"Oh, that's right." She giggled and shook her head at me. "Did you really think i'd let you wear that thing? Come on. I know you, you'd be totally embarrassed."

I suppose she was right. I had picked out a simple pumpkin costume, figuring at least it would hide most of me. I would have gone with a ghost, but they were all sold out at the store, and Alice would have killed me if I cut holes in one of her sheets.

But this?? This was...

"A vampire. You want me to be a vampire."

"Hey, i've seen those romance novels under your pillow," Alice giggled, uncrossing her arms and placing them on the bed behind herself, leaning back slightly. "I figured you would like it."

"God Alice, you didn't have to take it to such an extreme! I mean, I look like something straight out of a porno movie!"

Alice looked like i'd just slapped her in the face.


"No! You certainly do not look like a bimbo from a porno flick. You look sexy, seductive...But not trampy!"

Her lip began to quiver as she gave me the puppy dog look again.

"You know I didn't mean it like that," I sighed. "But, come on. Doesn't it show...just a little too much skin?"

"It's supposed to," she said matter-of-factly, getting off of the bed and walking over to me. "Come on, admit it. You love what i've done with you."

I guess she was right. She always did have the knack to make me look totally different, in a good way. I just wish she would have let me known what she was doing!

"Fine. I won't press this issue any more. But next time, please let me know if you're going to make changes to my choice of outfits."

"Great!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. "Now go on and set all the snacks out while I change into my costume! Oh, and Jasper will be here soon. Make sure you let him in."

I rolled my eyes and headed for the kitchen.

"You'd better hurry up. It's getting close to seven."

And with that, she slammed her bedroom door in my face.



Half an hour later, people had started to flock into our apartment, all dressed in a variety of costumes. From Batman to a can of Coca Cola, and even someone dressed as a giant needle.
Jasper was the first to arrive, dressed up as a wounded civil war soldier -- Alice was a nurse; matching costumes, I guess. A few guys came in with him; one a big, burly looking guy dressed as a grizzly bear, and the other a bronze haired guy who...Well, I couldn't exactly tell what he was dressed as. Something blue...To be completely honest, I was spending too much time trying to get a good look at his face. It was like I was drawn to him.

After awhile of that I gave in, leaving the kitchen to go get a book out of my room. The complete tales of Edgar Allen Poe. A perfect selection for a Halloween party, right? But I got interrupted along the way. By the creepy needle guy, of course...

"What's your name?" He asked, placing a hand on the wall behind me and leaning in. I suddenly felt a little too closed in.

"Um...Bella," I said distractedly, looking for a way out.

"Well, Bella," he grinned, leaning ever closer. His breath reeked of some kind of alcohol. Beer, whiskey, scotch, or a mix of all three. It was hard to tell. "How about a poke?"

I couldn't help myself - I laughed right in his face.

Please tell me that wasn't an attempt at seduction...

Needle man simply smiled at me, probably figuring his "charm" was working.

"Was that a yes?"

"No. No, i'm sorry..." I tried to duck under his arm, but he reached over and grabbed on to my shoulder.

"Aw come on. Don't be like that."

"Why don't you just go look for a giant arm or something," I mumbled, breaking free of his grasp and heading for my bedroom. I assumed he'd given up, but I should have figured he would follow me.

"I said don't be like that!" He growled suddenly, causing me to spin around in surprise.

"I said no..." I looked behind him, realizing we were a little far from the party. And this hallway is a little dark... "Just go away."

He grabbed on to both of my arms then, and pushed me up against the wall.

"Pretty girl like you...Shouldn't be all alone on Halloween."

"I'd much rather be."

"Just one kiss, little lady."

He leaned in, puckering his lips out. I leaned my head back until it made contact with the wall behind me, and winced. But before he could get too close, a pale fist came out of nowhere, landing a blow to needle guy's face. He fell backwards with a groan.
I looked over to where the fist came from, my mouth hanging open in shock. Because there was the bronze haired man, his face twisted in anger, fists clenched together tightly.

"What the hell?!" Needle man growled, holding a hand up to his nose, which was now dripping blood.

"Leave. Now." The bronze haired man replied. Needle guy got right up in his face - well, as close to his face as he could get. He was at least 4 inches shorter than the bronze haired man.

"And what if I don't, tough guy?"

In a flash, he was pinned up against the wall.

"Then i'll have to make you."

They had a bit of a staring contest then, which seemed to go on forever until needle guy finally gave in.

"Fine. You can keep her," he snarled, breaking free of the bronze haired man's grasp. He shot me one last look, and walked back into the living room.

I let out a long sigh and leaned back against the wall.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded, looking over at my savior.

"Yes, thank you."

"Some people just can't take a hint." He shot a glare into the living room, then turned back to me. "I'm Edward, by the way." He held a hand out to me, his mouth turning up into a half smile.

Wait, he's still talking to me? A guy that hot normally doesn't...Speak, dummy, speak, he's waiting!

"Bella. I'm Bella." I reached my hand out to his and tried to hold back my blush as our hands made contact. Though I doubt it worked, as his half smile turned into a full blown grin.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Bella. Though I wish it could've been under better circumstances."

I nodded, barely even hearing what he said, as our hands were still touching.

Wait, did he just say something else? Let go of his hand, he'll think you're some kind of weirdo!

I quickly released his hand, and looked down at my feet as another blush set in. "I'm sorry?"

"I asked how you know Alice," Edward replied with a chuckle.

"Oh, i'm her roommate."


I nodded, risking a glance up at him. He was wearing the same grin, eying me curiously.

"Um, how do you know Alice?"

"I'm friends with Jasper. We were roommates in college."

"Oh, yes, I thought I saw you come in with them."


"Yes, you and the grizzly," I smiled. He laughed.

"Ah, Emmett. He always picks such fun costumes. You should have seen him last year. He dressed up as Barney."

"That ugly purple dinosaur?" I laughed.

"Yes, it was for his niece. I swear, he's such a softie."

"I wouldn't have guessed it." It was then that I finally got a good look at what he was wearing - blue hospital scrubs. He seemed to have noticed me staring, as he cocked his head slightly, eyebrows raised.


"That's an, um, interesting costume there, doctor..." I glanced at his name tag with a smirk. "Masen." He smiled sheepishly at this, and I could swear I saw a hint of a blush creep into his cheeks.

"Actually, it isn't a costume. I just ended my shift down at the hospital before being dragged off to this party by Jasper. He really wanted me to meet Alice."

"Oh, so you're a doctor?" This interested me. I always had...well, a bit of a thing for...doctors. Kind of a personal fantasy, along with vampires. Though there was no way I was admitting this to Edward. Hopefully he won't think to much of my interest...

"Well, yes. I'm an intern down at Sacred Heart."

"I thought that place only existed in Scrubs," I laughed, my interest growing tenfold. He simply grinned crookedly and shook his head.

"No, there are a few real ones scattered around. Though, sadly, I don't work at the one with Turk and JD."

Hot and a sense of humor? And he's still talking to me?? Note to self: thank Alice for throwing party and inviting Jasper's friends.

"And what do you do?" He asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. I mimicked his stance, causing him to give me that adorable crooked grin again.

"I'm a writer." That seemed to catch his attention, as he leaned forward a little.

"Really? Have you written anything that I may have read?"

I blushed, looking down at my feet.

He had to ask...

"Not likely."

"Why's that?"

"Well, I haven't actually gotten anything published yet. So, um, to make ends meet i've just got a few part time jobs..."

"Have you sent anything out? I can't imagine anyone rejecting you."

I looked away from my feet, to find him staring at me intensely.

Was there a double meaning in those words?

"Not yet. I guess i'm just a little nervous about doing so...I mean, it's not like i'm really any good or anything."

"I doubt that. And besides, how will you ever know if you don't try?"

"I guess so..."

There was a bit of silence then, which seemed to drag on forever, as we each contemplated what to say next. Edward seemed to think of something first, as a soft smile crept onto his face.

"How would you like to go trick or treating with me?"


So here I was, ten minutes later, holding a pillowcase and walking the streets of town with Edward.

"I can't believe you talked me into this," I sighed, feeling more than a little ridiculous. He simply shrugged.

"It'll be fun."

"What makes you think that?" He just shook his head at me, that silly crooked grin never leaving his lips.

We soon arrived at the next house, walking up the driveway and on to the steps in front of the door. Edward rang the doorbell.

"You know, the lights aren't even on here," I said slowly, hoping to convince him to let me turn around and go back home. He looked over at me, shrugging again.

"So? Maybe they're just asleep." I swatted him on the shoulder as he chuckled loudly. After another minute of waiting, he rang the doorbell again.

"I don't think anyone's home."


"We should go..."



He grinned, stepping out on to the lawn and reaching into his pocket.

"Don't worry, I have a backup plan."

"What, do you have a whistle or something? I don't think they'd be willing to fork over some candy if they're forcibly woken..."

He then pulled something white out of his pocket and bounced it in his hand a few times before chucking it at the door.


"What the hell was that?!"

"Run!" He yelled, grabbing a hold of my hand and taking off into the night, dragging me along with him, laughing the whole way.

"Edward!! What was that?!"

He slowed down a little, but was still laughing. I gave him a stern glare while crossing my arms.

"What? It was only an egg. They clean up real easy, especially off of doors, don't worry."

"You could have warned me first..."

"Didn't you ever do that as a kid? Egg someone's house when they didn't answer the door to give you candy?"

"No, of course not!"

"I know you've thought about it." He grinned smugly at me. I bit my bottom lip, my glare still in place. "See."

"You know, I was wondering what you were doing in the kitchen before we left."

He looked down at his feet sheepishly, kicking a pebble.

"Sorry, Bella. I should have told you first. We don't have to do it anymore." He looked back up at me apologetically. "I just wanted you to have some fun."

My lips twitched at that, as I tried to force back a smile. He noticed, and that damn smug grin appeared again.

"Fine. But I get to do the next house," I grinned, holding my hand out for another egg, which I knew he had stored somewhere.


Two hours later we arrived back at my apartment, laughing and munching on some of our candy. We stopped in front of the door, and I glanced down at my watch.

"Holy crow, it's after midnight!"

Edward simply laughed, unwrapping another fun-size Milky Way bar.

"I figured it was late when most people stopped coming to the door."

"Guess I didn't notice. You know, it's been a real long time since i've lost track of time like that..."

"Yeah, I had fun too," he grinned. I laughed, which made him smile wider.

"No, you...you have something in your teeth," I said between giggles. He rolled his eyes, turning away to pick at his teeth. He turned back after a minute, showing his teeth.

"Did I get it?" I shook my head no. "Damn it..."

"It looks like chocolate...I suppose we have been eating a bit too much of this stuff," I grinned, glancing down at my half-filled pillowcase. "We're going to need to make a few dentist appointments."

"I hate the dentist," he grumbled, still picking at his teeth.

"Me too. But you know, without them we wouldn't have any teeth. I guess we should be thankful." He nodded, continuing to pick. It was then that a thought crossed my mind.

What the hell, i'm on a sugar high anyways. Why waste the sudden surge of confidence.

"Would you like me to get it?" I asked sweetly, crossing my arms behind my back. He looked over curiously.


And with that I leaned forward, gently pressing my lips to his.

Even better than I imagined...

He closed his eyes, gently wrapping one arm around my waist, the other holding his own pillowcase of candy. I slowly stuck my tongue out, tracing the outline of his lips, causing an odd rumbling noise to come from deep within his chest. He parted his lips, allowing my tongue to enter his mouth. I took the opportunity to trace the teeth that had the bits of chocolate, cleaning them ever so carefully. He dropped his pillowcase, placing the now free hand on my waist. His grip became tighter, as he attempted to pull me closer. I gladly obliged. But before our tongues were able to touch I pulled away with a huge, goofy grin.

"There. All clean," I whispered. He was frozen in place, mouth still open, with a look of shock on his face. I laughed softly, taking out my key and sticking it in the lock. I opened the door and stepped inside, turning around in the doorway for one last look. "Call me," I smiled, as he reached down to pick up his pillowcase, his eyes never leaving mine.

"I don't have your number..."

"Figure it out," I replied with a shrug, closing the door before he could get another word in edgewise. The moment it was closed I pressed my back against it, slowly sliding down to the floor.

Where the hell did that come from?!

I glanced down at my pillowcase of candy and closed my eyes.

Note to self: eat candy more often. Sugar highs give you more courage.

I slowly got up and began to head to my room.

"Goodnight, Bella," Edward said, just loud enough for me to hear, from the outside of the door.

I smiled, turning back around. "Goodnight, Edward..."