Chapter 10 is up!!! FINAL CHAPTER!!! Enjoy!!!


As Horatio watched his angel fall to the ground, his heart shattered into a million pieces, all of the vibrating with anger that he had yet to feel. All he could feel was despair and hurt that came with the loss of a loved one by the hand of another. He knew that the hurt was going to be betrayed in his eyes, and yet he didn't pull out his sunglasses to hide his eyes, like he normally did. He just didn't care. All he cared about was Calleigh, the fallen angel, the fallen hero. His hero, his angel. He blinked back his tears, knowing that he couldn't afford to fall apart in front of all of the officers that slowly swarmed the room, going in slow motion, or so it seemed. Horatio didn't even care about that. His attention was focused on the blonde haired southern belle that lay on the ground right in front of her. He had seen the bullet pierce where her heart was, there was no way that she could be alive. Horatio heard the team file in behind him, and heard the gasps from all of them and then heard the quiet sobs of Natalia. He knew that the team would be hurting as much as him, and that brought him sharply back to the reality that included everyone else, not just him, his fallen angel and his pain. There were others there, others that loved Calleigh too, others that were almost just as hurt as he was. As he heard someone approaching him, all he could think was, am I destined to be alone? Will everyone I love be taken away from me? All I ever wanted was someone to love, to love me back, and then they get taken away from me. It's not fair, not fair to them. Not at all. Horatio took a deep breath, prepared to keep the telltale hurt and pain out of his voice when he was expected to speak.

Horatio felt a hand on his shoulder and saw it to be Alexx, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Horatio,"

"Yeah, me too, Alexx, she saved me,"

He said quietly, and turned to the team who all had miserable expressions on their faces. He watched them, as their faces turned from misery to disbelief to happy. He was completely bewildered, and then Alexx grabbed him by his shoulder and turned him around to face front.


There was a very much alive Calleigh Duquesne standing up and gingerly pressing a hand to her chest where the bullet had hit. She reached into her tank top and pulled out a bullet, placing it in an evidence bag.

She faced Horatio and half-smiled, saying,

"Thank God for Kevlar, huh Horatio?"

He could only nod, trying to keep his emotions in check. She smiled at him and then they both gave their statements, and headed home.

When they got inside, Calleigh turned to Horatio, opening her mouth, but Horatio couldn't take it any longer. He crushed her to him, his strong arms holding her securely to him.

She clung to him, holding him as tightly as she possible could. Then, he eased back and she could see the fire in his eyes from almost losing her. She lifted her lips to his and he captured them in a searing kiss. Knowing that he needed it, she kissed him back with as much fire as she possible could.

When they finally resurfaced, Horatio buried his head in her hair and murmured,

"I, I thought I had lost you, Calleigh, and it was the most, horrible feeling, ever,"

"Shhh, you didn't lose me, I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere."

"Thank you," He countered, and she looked at him puzzled.

"For what?"

"For pulling me out of your house, for keeping CPR on me when the medics were going to call it, and for jumping in front of a bullet for me,"

"Well, you are so very welcome, Handsome, but you know why I did it," She said quietly, and laid her brow on his.

"No, why?"

"You don't know?"

"No clue,"

"'Cause I love you so much,"

"I love you too, Calleigh," He whispered and she pressed her lips to his.

"So it's over," Calleigh mused.

"Yeah, it's finally over, Calleigh," Horatio agreed, and then added with fire and passion burning in his voice,

"And I promise, I will never let anyone hurt you ever, ever again, including that SOB. I promise." She looked into his eyes and saw the fire burning in them. She smiled and lifted a hand to his cheek, whispering,

"I know."

They pressed their lips together one more time, promising to never leave each other.

The End


Well, that's the end, and there isn't any more!!! Well, for this story at least. I hope you liked it, and you know what to do! Click on the little button, ya know ya wanna!!! Well, thanks for reading!!!