Fic about that evil Judge Rather, he wants revenge on Horatio, and manages to find out that there's someone Horatio loves more than his own self. Who could it be, and can that person survive, though a Judge wants that person dead??


Horatio stepped out of the bathroom dressed and with slightly damp hair and walked into the kitchen. He smiled when he saw his, well, girlfriend reading the paper while sipping a cup of coffee. He walked over to her and just as she set her cup down he wrapped his arms around her waist while she had her back to him. She held onto his hands and said,

"Hey Handsome,"

"Hello Beautiful," He replied back and then spun her around.

She smiled at him and he gently kissed her lips and then they got ready for work. They dropped hands as soon as they walked in the lab, keeping their relationship a secret from everyone.

The day passed quickly, and as Calleigh was leaving, she stopped by Horatio's office. She knocked and heard his weary voice say,

"Come in,"

She slipped inside and shut the door. She grinned at him, and his face immediately lit up, all traces of weariness gone.

"Hi Handsome,"

"Hey Beautiful," He replied, and she perched on the edge of his chair.

"So, got a lot of paperwork?"

"Yeah, unfortunately," Horatio sighed, and Calleigh smiled.

"You want some help with that?"

"No, go on home, I can get this. I'm only gonna be here another few hours or so,"

"All right. I'll see you when you get home?"

"Always," He replied, and she glanced around.

When she was satisfied that there wasn't anyone around, she dropped a kiss on top of his head and he caught her chin, pressing his lips to hers for the briefest moment, knowing that that kiss would be just enough to keep him going through all the paperwork. She tossed him a quick smile before walking out.


Next chapter's posted with this, since; it's not really that good, just some fluff, and not much else. The next chapter's gonna have more, well, drama and stuff like that. Please review if you read, and thanks for reading!!