Notice of periodic hiatus for Memento Mori.

I really hope I don't receive a lot of hate mail for this. Of course, I'm not entirely sure how popular MM is. Memento Mori will briefly be on hiatus for a few reasons. (And I say briefly, because I hope to return to it as soon as I am able.)

Firstly, and well ... mainly, is I've simply written myself into a wall. I had an idea about how and where MM would progress and somehow it's ended up in a different place. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, I express my second concern.

I feel as though, at the rate I'm currently going, that MM is simply another version of Requiem of a Dream. Now, whether or not you've read that fic is irrelevant. It bothers me endlessly that my plots are mirroring one another in an almost identical fashion. This, obviously, is simply lack of experience or talent on my part. I loved writing Req, and I've immensely enjoyed MM, but, at present, I feel as though they are flowing into the same story.

Obviously, this is NOT what I want.

My love for HG/SS fics led me to start with MM, to try to take a different turn on the Hermione/Snape relationship, and the way I've been going with it, I'm terrified it will turn into a modified version of Req.

So .... (please don't hate me!) I've decided to momentarily take a step back and rework the plot of MM to see if we can get it to go different places than Req. I only add this "chapter" for the sole purpose of not leaving the wonderful reviewers that have been so incredibly kind and generous to me hanging. If you currently are invested in this fic, I cannot express to you how deeply sorry I am. And again, I would like to stress that I plan to return to MM. I'm the sort of writer that needs to step back from something completely and let it sit for a bit while my mind imagines other possibilities or ... start thinking about something else entirely.

Thus, my third reason. I've had, for a few months now, a new idea for a HG/SS fic that is completely different from both Req and MM. Alas, I cannot get this idea out of my head and I feel as though it has affected my writing with MM. So ... (deep breath) my current plan is to simply start writing this story, to get my thoughts down, and by doing that, I hope to clear my head a little for MM.

This may or not make any sense, but in my little, amateur mind I see it as the only way of going forward. I love MM too much to simply bosh it, to write it too quickly to get on with my other project, without giving it the time and consideration that I truly want to.

Again, I have to thank all of you reviewers for your continued support and comments. I only hope that as I continue forward with this new project, and then later return to MM when the muse makes its appearance again, that I will see many of you on the other side, your wonderful reviews and comments making my day like they always have.

I truly love and appreciate you all,
