My name is Kagome Higurashi, and I'm a miko. I used to collect Shikon Shards by jumping into a well that would take me 500 years into the past because I broke the Shikon Jewel. I made many friends, felt love, got adopted, and killed an evil hanyou by the name of Naraku. Now that quest is over with and I'm in a village in Konoha visiting my cousin Iruka, I haven't seen him since I first went into the well, it's been a little over two years, suddenly a little boy ran into my legs and fell down, I could immediately sense the demon inside of him. I looked up to see what he had been in such a rush and saw a crowd of adults running after him. Immediately I grew angry and put the boy behind me,

"If any of you want to hurt him you had better come through me first!" I yelled, the crowd stared at me and I knew my blue eyes were flashing. They all turned and walked away muttering about the stupid little boy. I once again turned and knelt by the little boy, observing him. He looked to be about five years old he had stunning blonde hair, with sky blue eyes that caught my attention, on each cheek he had 3 scratches like whiskers, he was covered in dirt and scratches, it made me feel very upset.

"Hello little one what's your name?" I asked gently.

"Naruto Uzumaki." He said looking down at the ground hiding his beautiful eyes from me.

"Well I'm Kagome Higurashi, but you can call me Kagome and I'll call you Naruto ne?" I asked pulling his chin up to see his eyes, they had tears.

"Why are you crying?" I asked, "Because your going to hit me like them isn't you?" he asked the tears flowing down his eyes. I suddenly grew angry again knowing my aura was flaring I calmed down and picked him up into my arms and held him close to me imagining sweet thoughts. A miko's aura could calm any demon if it was used properly.

"No Naruto, I'm not going to hit you, but how about you show me to my hotel and then we can go and get some food?" I asked he nodded nervously and I smiled and put him down, I let him lead me to my hotel and checked into my room the bell-boy kept on giving glares to Naruto so I finally got angry,

"You know what, I thought it'd be fun to stay in this hotel, but obviously you've got a stick shoved up your ass like everyone else in this town, so I'm taking my money elsewhere." I stormed out of the hotel dragging Naruto along with me. "Good luck finding a hotel with that thing!" he yelled after me. I turned and gave him my best Sesshoumaru glare, then turned and left. She mumbled under her breath about stupid men who were prejudiced against children. Suddenly she felt her hand empty and turned to see Naruto standing still staring at the ground. She turned back around and knelt in front of him,

"Naruto-chan?" she asked gently and noticed that he had tears in his eyes. "Why is everyone mean to me?" he asked. "I don't know." She whispered and picked him up,

"But I know one person who won't be." She said and determinedly walked toward her cousin's address. She knocked on the door and when it opened Iruka stood there and smiled at her, "Kagome, and Naruto, My two most favoristest people!" he said and let them in, "You know Iruka-san?" Naruto asked when he was set down. "He's my cousin on my father's side." She said smiling down at him, "Ne Iruka, can I use your rest room?" I asked and he nodded I opened my bag and pulled out the first aid kit. "Come on Naruto." I said and placed him on the toilet as I washed him off and tended to most of his wounds that were already healed, "So what do you say we go out and eat?" I asked, Naruto nodded and ran out towards Iruka yelling something about ramen. I smiled and we went out, after dinner we went back to Iruka's where Naruto had fallen asleep on the couch while Iruka and I sat and drank tea.

"So how did you meet Naruto?" Iruka finally asked. I explained to him my whole ordeal for the day and he shook his head, "Those damn villagers they're never going to learn." He muttered, he then proceeded to tell me about the fox and about the attack. "That was how Papa died, isn't it?" I asked looking into my tea. Iruka placed his hand on mine, "He died protecting those he loved." He said, and I nodded and looked at the couch to Naruto. "So he has no parents?" I asked slowly still looking at Naruto. I'm sure Iruka could read my thoughts because he was staring at my face, "None." He stated, then opened his mouth as if to say something and then stopped.

"Is Sarutobi-sama still here?" I asked slowly. Iruka sighed,

"Kagome your only 17." He said chidingly,

"And I've dealt with this kind of thing a lot more, and I know foxes, they need instruction, otherwise they'll go wild exactly like Kyubi did." I said angrily jerking away from my cousin.

"And with the way this town is treating him, Kyubi will break free again to exact vengeance, even on his host." Iruka nodded, "I'll talk to Hokage-sama tomorrow, " Iruka said and placed the cups in the sink, he laid out two futons on the floor and I laid down on one, Iruka's apartment was small I'd need to find my own place and soon.

The Next Morning

I woke up early and made breakfast for my boys, Iruka woke up and smiled at, "I should keep you around." He stated before digging in. I smiled, and then looked to see Naruto still asleep on the couch, I walked over and tickled him, and he woke in a fit of giggles. I loved seeing that smile on his face, it was adorable. He looked up at me smiling and his nose caught the scent of breakfast, smiling I led him to the table and placed a plate of fresh food in front of him. He frowned and looked up at me,

"No ramen?" he asked and I shook my head smiling at his antics. He sighed and stared at the food, "Try it Naru-chan you'll like it." I said smiling he grinned at the nickname and dug into the breakfast. He smiled at me when he first tried it, "It's nummy!" he said with a mouthful of food. "Naruto, don't talk with food in your mouth." I said and sat down to eat my breakfast, suddenly there was a loud pop and Iruka was in the house,

"Kags Hokage-sama wants to talk with you." He said and I stared at him. I heard a clank to see Naruto's fork had dropped onto his plate, "Did you do something wrong Kagome?" he asked me.

"No Naruto-chan, in fact why don't you come with me?" I asked smiling to reassure him. Naruto nodded and I placed the breakfast plates into the sink. I picked up Naruto and we walked to the Hokage's office, when we reached the office we were told to wait outside. I sighed and sat down in a chair, and placed Naruto in my lap resting my head on his unruly hair. The door opened and a snobby looking man with glasses walked out of the room. "You can go in now." He said in a condescending tone. I bristled and Iruka placed a hand on my shoulder, I handed Naruto to him and pushed past the man into the office. There stood Sarutobi in all his old glory, "Hello Kagome." He said, I nodded and took a seat,

"Where are his parents?" I asked. Sarutobi sighed and shook his head, "Father is dead, his mother is presumed dead." He said. I nodded and looked out at the window to see the blue sky, "I want to adopt him." I stated and looked back at Sarutobi, his eyes widened marginally and I saw his mouth crack open in astonishment,

"Do you know what he is," I nodded and watched as his eyes widened more,

"How?" he asked as he sat down nervously,

"I've been gone 7 years, in that time, I've been through quite a bit." I stated and Sarutobi nodded trying to get me to go on, "I'm a miko, who actually has powers." I stated and looked at the door, "So the papers will be done and I'll come in by noon today, and I'm looking for a house and a job got any recommendations?" I asked, he looked up at me and shook his head. I walked out of the room and took Naruto by the hand and smiled at Iruka.

"I'll be back at noon." I stated to him and he visibly relaxed. The rest of the day Naruto and I went shopping for clothes and then we went to the park, after he had played for a while. We were on the swings when I grabbed him and held him in my arms. "Ne, Naru-chan, what would you do if I asked you to become my son?" I asked nervously watching his face, "You don't have to say yes." I stated quickly and Naruto's eyes shined, "Would you be my mommy then?" he asked. I nodded slowly and he squeezed my neck and held and hugged me tightly, "YES YES YES!" he declared. I hugged him just as tightly, "Well that's good because I'm going to adopt you today."

I said and we walked over to the Hokage's office, while we were walking I saw a shrine. The paper work went through without any hassle and we went apartment shopping. I found a small apartment that had 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and a small kitchen and sitting room. I paid for it and we were set. Later that week I found a job at the local library it was right next to Naruto's school.

So ya'll know the drill, review, if you don't i don't update, um Yeah this is my first Naruto fic. I don't mind flames for the fact that there is Kagome in this but bite me if you don't like it don't read it. Please update and so on and blah blah, by the by I don't own Naruto or Inuyasha, that is the first and only time i will say this. So bye