Title: We Need To Talk

Rating: K+

Summary: Post Cyberwoman, with reference to Fragments. Jack and Ianto need to talk.

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood.

Author's Note: I've had this idea in my head for ages – and like most ideas in my head for ages, it didn't come out as well as I'd hoped. Here it is anyway.

We Need To Talk

It had been hours since it was time to leave, but Ianto had decided to stay round. He figured it was the least he could do after almost getting everyone killed – besides, he was afraid that this may be the last time he was in the Hub.

He was sitting on the ground, just thinking, when he was approached by Jack.

"We need to talk," said Jack. Ianto lowered his head in despair.

"You're going to Retcon me, aren't you?" he said.

"You were so desperate to work here," said Jack, ignoring Ianto's question. "You kept asking me, pleading with me, until I finally gave in. It was all for Lisa, wasn't it?" Ianto lifted his head a little.

"So many people died in the Battle of Canary Wharf," he replied. "But I thought I could save her. I thought there was still a chance. I knew Torchwood Three would have the equipment and power I needed, so I did whatever it took to get in." Jack raised an eyebrow.

"And when you flirted with me – was that part of the act, or were you just attracted to my natural charms?" he said, trying to be cheeky. Ianto didn't respond, and Jack sighed.

"Look," continued Jack, "I know what it's like. To have the one you love die, and not being able to do anything about it."

"I don't want your pep talk!" exclaimed Ianto suddenly, standing up. "I made a mistake. I can admit to that. I just want to know what you're going to do about it!" Jack slowly took a step towards Ianto.

"You showed real loyalty to Lisa," said Jack. "That's an admirable quality. I can't let someone with those sort of values go." Ianto's eyes widened.

"You're really letting me stay?" he asked.

"On on condition," said Jack. "I need you to show that loyalty to Torchwood." Ianto nodded. "And to me."

"Suck up to the boss, got it," murmured Ianto. Jack put a hand on Ianto's shoulder and looked into his eyes.

"I don't want you to think of me as your boss," he told him. "I want you to think of me as your friend. And if there's anything you ever want to tell me, you know I'm here for you." It was all Ianto could do to nod, mesmerised not only by Jack's words, but by his utter faith in him. Finally Jack stepped back, and extended his hand towards Ianto.

"Friends?" he asked. Ianto smiled.

"Friends," he confirmed, shaking Jack's hand.

"Good," said Jack. "In that case, you'd better be getting home. It's late." Ianto nodded, and made his way towards the door. Before leaving, he paused, and turned back round to Jack.

"By the way," he said, "I really do love that coat." He then stepped out the door, not noticing Jack smile behind him.

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