Hello to Anyone this Announcement!
First off, I want to say, the sequel to The Protector is finished! YEAH! Took me about six years but better late than never. : ) Right now it is in the editing phase, but it has a beginning, middle and end. Hopefully, the editing will be totally finished by the beginning of October.
This document is a little under a hundred pages, unlike this lovely story which is over 200 hundred pages.
Over the past six years I've been starting and stopping in regards to writing this story, thus resulting in many different places with scenes and ideas. This last winter, when I was re-reading The Protector, I decided to get serious about writing its sequel.
The original plotline changed as I soon realized I couldn't have Madison be kidnapped, tortured, and for Peter to rescue her, all within the same amount of time that the book actually allows. The plot line was much too clunky to allow it so I changed everything.
While the Pevensie's still follow the original storyline of Prince Caspian, Madison is going to be taking a different road. I hope you will all read it when it comes out sometime this fall.
Being as it is six-years later my writing style has changed. I originally wrote The Protector my freshman year in high school and I am now a transferring college student ready to start my junior year at a university. So, for better or for worse, it has changed and probably will continue to change.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to send a review or PM. I know it was the reviewers who spoke up during the hiatus, that really made me decide to complete this story, thank you.