A/N: This story is pure and utter crack. If it makes you smile, it's served its purpose XD

The Bet

Like your average somebody, nobodies also experienced the state of mind that would send one into a borderline state of insanity.

The state of mind more commonly known as boredom.

Hence, the reason for the gathering of a small group of nobodies in the library of the castle that never was... and the strange discussion that currently occupied their attention.

"Saix isn't scared of anything. Got It Memorized? The guy bludgeons things to death for fun. Saix is the one that gives the boogeyman nightmares..." Axel scoffed, tossing his empty drinks bottle for the waste bin... accidentally missing and hitting Marluxia over the head with it with a 'tink'.

"Oops. Sorry Mar. Wouldn't wana get that stuff all over you, it'd be just hell for your hair." Axel ran his hand through his feiry mane of red hair, tossing his head back in an imitation of the Graceful Assassin's hair flicking technique.

Luxord chuckled, shuffling his prized deck of cards in gloved hands as Marluxia abruptly snatched at the bottle, slamming it into Axel's own head.

He, along with Axel, Demyx and Marluxia had gotten into the discussion of fears since Halloween was looming. Larxene was also in the room, sprawled out on the full length of the leather couch; her interest occupied by a book of some sort. The others didn't question Larxene's choice of reading material. Mostly through fear of being disemboweled for 'poking their noses where they weren't wanted'.

The Savage Nymph would give the occasional sadistic snicker - obviously said reading material involved death, gore or both.

According to Xemnas, fear was an emotion. Emotions could not be felt by any nobody - even Demyx apparently.

To avoid prolonging the torture of already painfully long lectures spoken in the Superior's unbearable monotonal voice, the underlings decided it was better to let the man have his day and agree with him on the subject.

'Mother Superior' always gets the last word.

Fact was, they were all scared of something.

That something happened to be the one sole thing they all had in common.

They were all terrified of Saix.

Oh yes sir.

Saix. Number VII. The Luna Diviner. The only nobody with the ability to go from stoic and calm to batshit crazy in 0.5 seconds.

Scientifically proven by Vexen of course.

Saix wasn't called a berserker for no reason. He also wasn't second in command for no reason either. Everyone behaved in his presence through fear of being ripped to shreds.

Anyone defying Saix's orders had a deathwish... no-one knew that more than Demyx.

Saix sadly had no taste for Demyx's music.

As such, the nocturne had been chased around the castle, locked in the cleaning closet, hit, kicked, swore at, claymore'd... and one time, after singing a particularly cheery version of 'Don't Worry Bout A Thing', Saix had taken punishment to a whole new extreme and hung Demyx off the top of Memory's Skyscraper by the hood of his jacket.

Larxene had snapped a rather embarrassing polaroid for a 'keepsake'... and for gold blackmail material.

'Twas why Demyx always offered to do Larxene's laundry.

"10,000 munny says that Saix does posess the ability to scream in fear."

Axel scoffed. "Luxord. Have you been drinking too much Tea?" The Gambler of Fate shook his head.

"Rum? Water from the roof?" Again, the head shaking.

Axel rubbed his chin in thought before a smirk played at the corners of his mouth. "You haven't been snorting any of Marluxia's magic plants have you?"

Luxord broke into a bout of laughter as the Graceful Assassin shot the pyro an offended look.

"I beg your pardon?!"

Demyx chuckled. "Yeah. That Marluana stuff that makes you see things..." Demyx waved his hands around, going cross-eyes for emphasis, "Is it named after you Marlu?" he innocently questioned, scratching his head at the uncanny similarity of the plant and Marluxia's name.

Marluxia cringed, hissing at the nickname as Axel practically fell of the chair at the word 'Marluana'.

Demyx really was clueless.

"Firstly, Demyx, it's Marijuana. Second, do not ever let me catch you calling me that again, or I will familiarise you with the true meaning of the word pain. Do I make myself clear?"

Marluxia had an amazing ability to look very intimidating. For a male with pink hair and flower powers, it was quite a feat.

Demyx recoiled, nodding furiously with eyes the size of saucers.


"Good. Now, Luxord..." the man's ocean eyes flitted over to the Gambler of Fate "I just might take you up on that bet..."

Axel almost choked on his own tongue.


Demyx's jaw dropped, giving the Graceful Assassin the 'you can't be serious' look.

"You heard me. 10,000 munny is certainly worth my while... I'd think it would be worth yours Axel... even yours Demyx..."

"Thus proves my theory. Marluxia grows magic mushrooms in his garden." The pyro mused, slouching back into the soft leather armchair. "No-one with half a brain cell would even attempt making Saix scream."

Demyx nodded in agreement. The nocturne valued his 'existence'. Apparently Marluxia and Luxord didn't.

"Well Axel..." Luxord mused, "If you're not man enough..."

"Woah! Woah, woah, woah! I never said I wouldn't!" Axel almost jumped out of his seat in protest. "If I'm not man enough then I don't know what the hell he is." A thumb was jabbed Marluxia's way. "I mean damn. He's about as manly as a pink fruitcake. Even Demyx is more manly than him, and that's saying something..."

Demyx nodded, beaming, before the insult hit home.


Marluxia on the other hand, ground his molars in sheer frustration. He would like nothing more than to see Axel spontaneously combust on the spot.

The assassin made a mental note to shove a few man eating plants below the pyro's bed before curfew. He didn't need an elemental advantage to kill Axel in his sleep.

"So you'll do it?" Luxord questioned, quirking his brows.

There was no hiding the deadly smirk that pulled at the corners of Marluxia's mouth.

Luxord's poker face didn't help either.

Axel's emerald pools flitted from Luxord to Marluxia... then to Demyx who was sitting behind them, furiously waving his arms and shaking his head while mouthing the words 'NO NO NO' over and over.

The pyro wracked his brain. His pride was on the line here. Then again, if he accepted... so was his life. Argh, what was the worst that could happen?

"... That man would rip out your internal organs, wrap them around your neck and strangle you with them without giving it so much as a second thought... and then he'd dance on your grave..."

The Flurry of Dancing Flames sighed when he felt warm breath on his neck.

"Shut up Demyx."

Demyx huffed, returning to his seat with a roll of his eyes. There was just no telling Axel.

'And he calls me stupid...'

"Alright Axel, we're willing to make you a deal. Since you're so obviously petrified of doing this alone... myself and Marluxia will versus you and Demyx. 5,000 munny each. Sound fair?"

Axel and Demyx exchanged blank looks, before simultaneously responding.



The three men's attention flew to number IX, who was already backing up towards the door.

"No. Way."

Axel rushed up to the freaking out blonde, roughly gripping onto the younger man's shoulders.

"Demyx, c'mon man. You really think flowerboy's gona scare Saix?"

"I heard that." Marluxia retorted, blue eyes flashing in warning.

Axel merely rolled his eyes, waving him off. "Demy. Think what you could do with 5,000 munny."

Demyx frowned. "I won't need 5,000 munny if I'm dead Axel. I'm not doing it."

Axel sighed in defeat. Demyx was stubborn and slightly, no, very slow... but he definitely wasn't stupid.

The look Marluxia was giving him made him want to tear the assassin's head off... or shave off his hair.


Tear off his head and then shave off his hair. The sneak. He couldn't back down now. He wouldn't.

"Fine. Fine. Demyx, if you do this ... I'll take all your missions for the next month." Axel's eyes scrunched closed as he visibly cringed, mentally kicking his own ass for the bounty that he had just offered.

Such was the pride of a man.

Demyx really would be stupid to turn this one down...

Much to Axel's delight, it worked.

"Okay... I'll do it."

Axel smirked, slinging an arm around Demyx's shoulder. "Knew you'd see things my way."

"Excellent." began Luxord, arising from his own leather chair, "The deadline is Halloween. Rather befitting, wouldn't you say?"

Demyx groaned, slapping his forehead. Why am I even thinking about doing this?

"Halloween it is."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle in the Addled Impasse, Saix frowned as the tiny hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.

Golden eyes narrowed at the strange sensation. In his mind, he knew something wasn't right. What that something was, he didn't know. It was like the feeling one gets when they have forgotten something. It constantly nags at the back of your mind until you do something about it.

Quite frankly, it was a sensation Saix hadn't really experienced before. All he knew was, his mind was trying to warn him of something...

Shaking the thought off, the Luna Diviner turned his attention back to the moon, his eyes fluttering closed.

In his temporary state of relaxation, Saix slumped back into his couch, blissfully unaware of the future events that would dent his pride for the rest of his non-existent life...

This has been on my mind for some time and it wouldn't leave me alone... so since it's almost Halloween I gave it a chance XD

Flames are welcomed with open arms. It's really cold in England at the moment...

Next Chapter: Is there anything in existence that would make the cold, emotionless Saix quiver with fear? Who will win the 10,000 munny? Luxord and Marluxia or Axel and the reluctant Demyx?