Harry's Journal

July 1992

I've been sitting here thinking of a great many things; such as this past school year. How do three First Year students get past all the protections set up by Professor's, who also happen to be Masters in their branch of Magic?

Headmaster Dumbledore might think I'm simple because I was Muggle-raised, but he's greatly mistaken. I know he led the three of us on a merry chase during the school year; putting us in complicated and dangerous situations, just to see how we would react.

I asked him if there was another place where I could go. If I could accept the invitation to stay with Ron or even Hermione. But he said no. I had to return to my Aunt's house.


I was looking outside last night, watching the stars and thinking of things. It might have been my imagination, but I swear I saw the Headmaster standing under one of the streetlights.

My gut tells me he knows exactly what has happened in this house. That he doesn't give a bloody damn about me, only that I fight whatever is waiting for me in the future.

Maybe I should have let the hat put me in Slytherin. But then I wouldn't have Ron and Hermione as my friends. What should have been and what could have been are like hindsight. What you know now, would have helped better then.

Severus sat back in his seat on the train. Potter's journal was a well of information about the boy and the way his mind worked. He would have done well in Slytherin, as would both the Weasley boy and Granger. Both wore clever masks just as Harry did.

The Muggleborn was smart, and knowing when to break rules and when to bend them.

Severus saw the pensive memory from when of the youngest Weasley male out-strategized the giant chess set when he and his cohorts were in pursuit of the Stone. He turned a page in the journal.

Hermione told me that the Hat said she would do well in Slytherin. Ron told me the same. A half-blood, muggleborn and pureblood blood traitor in the house of Snakes. Professor Snape might have fainted that night, especially the son of his most hated enemy had been sorted into his house. What would the great Salazar say? I believe when I find his portrait when I return, I shall ask him. Even though I believe that I would have been in the house of the Lion by nightfall or at least the next evening. The Great Albus Dumbledore wouldn't let his golden child end up in a house known for Dark Wizards.

I sit here and wonder what other tests the Headmaster has for me. Why he's testing me? I know there is more to what happen the night my parents died. Something that led Voldemort to my home. Led him to murder my parents and then a helpless eighteen month child. What makes an adult wizard fear a child?

Potter, if you only knew, Severus thought. If you only knew.
