A/N: I struggled like a mofo with this chapter and it's still not quite right. What I wanted to do was have a chapter about Lafayette getting his V supply. But I'll be damned if they didn't show it on Sunday. Since I didn't want to seem like I ripped off the show, I had to fill it with something else. I introduced a new character, Breken. I'll explain more about him later. Hopefully, it doesn't read like I struggled with it, too much.

If the days in Bon Temps were hot, then the nights were hotter and not in a good way. There was just never any respite from the heat. But ask any of the locals and they'd say Bon Temps had two seasons: Hot and Hotter. Sweat, was like a second layer of clothing most of the time. Everyone seemed to glisten all hours of the day.

The only thing worse than the heat was the damn bugs. For some reason the more humid Bon Temps became the more the blood sucking creatures seemed to crawl out of the wood work. Anywhere else in the world that would probably mean mosquitoes, but not there.

If only that was the only thing that the residents of Bon Temps had to worry about when the temperature rose.

Making his way up the walk to his door, Lafayette stopped to find his keys. This had been the first night in a long time that he'd got to leave Merlotte's early. It wasn't as crowded as usual. It seemed like the single women started to self impose a curfew since the police were no closer to finding who killed Maudette, Dawn, and Sookie's grandmother. And the men, well, without any eligible young ladies at the bar to make their evening more exciting, really, what was the point?

Not like Lafayette was complaining. His pay wasn't getting docked because Sam had scheduled too many people for the night. He didn't even bat a perfectly sculpted eyelash when Sam told him that he could call it a night early. With the rest of the night off, there was no telling what kind of shit he was going to be able to get into.

Closing the door behind him, he kicked off his shoes before looking at the answering machine. He pressed the button to listen to his only message. Harold. He wasn't about to call him back. That trade was boring as fuck and frankly, he didn't want to be bothered, even if the money was good. If there was a choice between staying in alone or listening to that boring fucker talk about insurance sales, Lafayette was sure that he'd break his own neck trying to suck himself off. Even if Harold paid top dollar for a taste of sweet chocolate, it wasn't worth the pain.

Besides, he hadn't been on his webcam in a few days. And after hearing Sookie's tales of vampire loving, he had an idea in mind of what his paid subscribers were going to get to see tonight. And Harold wasn't it.

Anyway, he had a lot to do before he was ready to entertain, including a shower, waxing, and putting on his face. His fans paid top notch to see his sexy ass look his best, and he wasn't going to disappoint. Not when things in Bon Temps were going the way they were. If more bodies continued to pop up, Sam was going to start cutting hours, due to lack of clientele. If Lafayette was actually going to get the hell out of that town, he had to make as much money as he could.

Leaning back on the couch, he ran his hand down his stomach and gently tugged on the button on his jeans. What he wouldn't do for a body there with him. Just listening to Sookie had given him a tingle that he didn't want to satisfy with his hand alone. Not that his viewers would mind. They loved to email him with suggestions of things for him to do to himself. And he'd have a good time doing it; he always did. But if he had someone there with him he was sure to be that much more fun.

His eyes lazily cased the coffee table in front of him. The "candy bowl" sat full of pills of every color. Usually he liked to share his goodies with his guests. A handful of this and that always made for a more interesting night. But tonight he was flying solo. No need to mix it up that much. The choices were simple. A white one to him the mood. A red one to make him bigger. Or a blue one to slow down the reaction to whatever he was asked to do. Decisions, decisions.

Instead of making a conscious choice, Lafayette closed his eyes and reached his hand in the bowl. Whichever color he picked up, he'd ride the wave of pleasure. Without looking, he placed a single pill on his tongue and swallowed it dry.

Now, all he had to do was to ready himself and wait.

"Every dog has its day, and good dogs have two. If the creator would have made anythin' finer, he'd a kept it for himself!" His chocolate skin oiled to perfection, not enough to look greasy, but just enough to glisten. His taunt muscles flexed involuntarily as he applied the last of his plum eye shadow above his almond eyes. His white teeth accented his pouty lips, and when he stood back from the mirror and looked at his reflection, he suddenly wished he could kiss himself. "Damn, I'm fine!" Winking at his reflection, Lafayette Reynolds knew that it was time to play.

As he made his way to the living room he noticed movement outside of his living room window. It was so quick that he was sure he imagined it, but the gentle rustling of the otherwise still bush outside let him know right away that it wasn't in his head. Quietly he walked to the window and peered outside.

Nothing. Maybe he had imagined it.

Turning at the sound of a dog barking from the yard across the way, Lafayette thought he'd glimpsed something moving again. "I'ma fuck 'em crackers up." Grabbing the baseball bat leaning against the wall, he slung it over his shoulder and headed for the door. He was tired of being the butt of relentless taunts by a certain group of locals. Of course, they were all a bunch of pussies that wouldn't dare say anything to him when they were alone. No matter, he would gladly fuck them up on by one.

Opening his front door with such force that it banged on the wall behind it he stepped out into the stifling humidity. It was still. Too still. There wasn't a breeze to be found anywhere. Only the sounds of peepers and crickets played in the distance. But other than that, it was quiet. Unnaturally so.

Lafayette rested the baseball bat against his shoulder as he walked further out into the night. His eyes roamed from left to right, trying to see something, anything. But there apparently was nothing there. At least nothing that he could see. He could feel something though. "You scared to face me?" He called out into nothingness, ready to swing on the first thing that moved. "Don't make me come in them woods after your cracker ass…"

"It's me…"

Eyes narrowed into the darkness Lafayette craned his neck to see who the voice belonged to. As soon as the body emerged from behind a tree, he relaxed the grip on his bat, but steadied his posture. "Jason? What the fuck you want?"

Jason Stackhouse looked a damn mess. Sweat and dirt covered his normally sought after physique. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. Deep bags circled his eyes and his skin was paler than usual. Lafayette noticed the way Jason blinked with such purpose as if to try to focus his vision. And the way he ran his shaky hand over his mouth, didn't go unnoticed, either. It was sad.

"I came to apologize." Jason made a few cautious steps toward Lafayette. He still hadn't lowered his bat and he didn't want to give him any reason to swing. He'd come there for a reason and he wasn't leaving without it. "I just wanted to say I was sorry for the other night."

Shaking his head at Jason, Lafayette found himself disgusted at the sight. "You spoke your peace. Now you can be on your way."

Narrowing the gap between the two of them, Jason took a deep breath. Lafayette didn't look any more at ease because of his apology. If he had any hopes of scoring some V, he was going to have to get back in Lafayette's good graces, no matter what it took. "Come on, Man. We've been friends for years. Don't let that shit come between us."

"You dumb motherfucker. You think we was friends? We work together, know the same people…don't make us friends. You come here when you want somethin' and I always deliver." Squarring his shoulders at Jason he lowered his voice to intimate the smaller man. "You think for a second that you can come up in my house and try to fuckin' jack me, then say you sorry and everythin' fine? You done lost your fuckin' mind. I told you before, don't come 'round here if you can't handle your shit."

Jason felt light on his feet. The need for more V was overwhelming. His stomach cramped and his head felt like it was going to explode. He would swear that he could feel his own blood coursing through his veins, and it hurt because now it felt like something was missing. His heart rate was through the roof, and he knew it was because it lacked the oxygen that he needed to sustain his life. There was only one thing that could help him right now, and he would do anything to get it.

"I got crazy. I know that. Look, lemme make it up to you." Reaching his hand out, he gently cupped his hand against Lafayette's cheek. When the darker man didn't flinch, he took it as a good sign. "I just need a little bit. Want me to dance for your camera again? This time I'll do it without the mask. Or maybe you want somethin' else." Running his hand down Lafayette's neck to the heavily muscled plains of his chest, he felt himself get queasy at the prospect. "I'll do anythin' you want. I'll even let you suck my dick."

A hardy laugh escaped Lafayette's throat before he angrily seized Jason's hand and pulled him harshly into his body. "You gonna let me suck your dick? You think that's payment? If I was crazy enough to take you up on that offer you'd be on your knees, honey. Do you really think your little pecker and that flat ass is gonna make up for the shit you pulled? You done lost your damn mind." He pushed Jason away with such force that Jason stumbled with the release. Lafayette raised the hilt of the bat and pushed the tip of it against Jason's chest. "Now, get your lily white ass outta here before I crack your fuckin' forehead."

Jason started to speak, but the look on Lafayette's face told him otherwise. He'd only seen him act this way a handful of times and he knew that there would be no changing his mind. There was no way that he could get him to reconsider. Trying to force bully him into giving him V hadn't worked. The prospect of sleeping with him hadn't gotten him to cave. There was nothing else he could do. The realization of that knowledge brought tears to Jason's eyes. "What am I supposed to do, Lafayette? Where else can I go to get some? I just need a lil bit…just enough to get me by 'til I can get my own supply." He watched in horror as Lafayette turned around and started to head back in his house. "This is your fault! You got me hooked on that shit! Help me, I just need a lil bit!"

"Get the fuck outta here, Jason. The next time you come 'round here, I ain't gonna be this damn nice. Fuckin' V-head." Lafayette called over his shoulder before stepping inside and closing the door behind him.

He wondered how long Jason was going to remain outside begging and crying. How long would it take him to try to bust his way into the apartment and demand the stash of V he had in his refrigerator? He'd have to fuck him up if that happened. But he didn't want to hurt Jason. Sookie would never forgive him if he did. And if he called her to get Jason, she'd find out that it was him that got Jason started on V in the first place. He could call Andy Bellefleur to remove Jason. But then he ran the risk of Andy finding out about his pharmaceutical sales. And Tara wasn't the person to call. He'd have to listen to her damn mouth before she did anything to help. Jason was going to have to stay outside waking up the dead until he screamed himself hoarse.

Besides, the magic pill he had taken was starting to kick in and all he wanted to do was to entertain. Fuck Jason. Let his ass stay outside yelling all night. He didn't give a shit anymore. But, the volume at which he was talking might have put a damper on his mood, or caused his viewers a bit of concern. What started off as a good night was quickly turning to shit.

Lafayette turned toward the door, suddenly very aware of how quiet it was now outside. Just a second ago Jason was screaming at him, and now he didn't even hear the crickets. Pulling open the door, he clutched his chest at the sight. "Jesus!" He exclaimed, placing his hand over his heart. "Breken, what the hell you doin' here?" Looking around to make sure that no one saw him, Lafayette pushed the tall man in his apartment and closed the door behind him. "You tryin' to get me killed?"

"I just come by to see how you are, Lafayette. Thought you could use a little company tonight. 'specially since your little vamp toy then got himself killed, I figured you'd be needin' a new supplier." Breken laid a long pale finger against the counter top and let it trail along the smooth surface as he walked. He turned to look at Lafayette. He could glamour him if he so desired, but this way was much more exciting. There was nothing better than watching a human beg. And if he got what he wanted Lafayette would be begging all night. "You want me to leave?"

Carefully licking his lips so not disturb the gloss on them, Lafayette shook his head. With what was going on in his pants, and Breken looking like he did, there was no way in hell he was letting him leave. Breken was tall, a little more so than Lafayette, with dark hair and big hazel eyes. It was hard to tell what his complexion used to be, because it was distinctly that pale, grayish vampire color now. But his lack of life didn't stop him from being a very attractive man. "Nah. Just with everythin' goin' on here, I don't wanna take no chances. Them boys out there is lookin' for a vampire to pin them murders on. They see one comin' to my door, ain't no tellin' what their crazy asses is liable to do."

"So what do you say? You need some more?" Breken flashed his fangs before seating himself on the couch and leaning back. "I'm willin' to charge the usual price. I'll even give you the first sample." Pushing one pointy fang into the vein in his wrist Breken brought forth a stead trickle of blood before extending his tongue and licking it. "Guaranteed to get you top dollar." He held his wrist out to Lafayette and smiled.

With a sigh, Lafayette pulled the shades and grabbed his syringe and test tubes. He sat them on the table in front of Brekan who was already unbuttoning his pants. He couldn't help but to smile, while unbuttoning his own. Revealing his gold thong, he raised a brow when Breken hissed and ran his tongue over the points on his fangs. "The usual price. My sexy ass for some of that blood of life." He knelt before the bleeding man and licked the trail of blood that ran from his arm. The high was almost instant.

As soon as he collected the last of his V supply for the week, he reached for the remote for his webcam. His viewers were going to get a show tonight, that's for damn sure. "I'm ready for my close up, Mr. Demill."