Disclaimer: I don't own anything Saw.

A/N: This is a spin-off to Amanda's Last Stand. It's not really a sequel or related. It just takes the same concept in a different direction. I plan to put this up chapter by chapter as I finish them or one every week. Also, since Det. Hoffman hasn't been given an official first name I will refer to him as David when he is mentioned by first name but I will usually use Hoffman.

The Veterans

Chapter 1

Rigg paced outside the door looking at the dirty glass that said "Final Test." He knew Eric was inside the room and he had to get him out. His mind raced over the events tricking him about what he should do. He saved the pimp but she tried to kill him. He gave no mercy to the rapist and he died. He looked into the eyes of a horrified woman who had clearly been through hell then turned away leaving her to be found by the police. Each time Jigsaw tried to enforce his values "Save as I Save", "Feel what I Feel" but Rigg couldn't decide exactly what that was.

He looked back in the room. Eric was thrashing within his hold while another man was strapped on to a chair and yet another held on to a remote.


Rigg's wife told him he couldn't save everyone. She was right. He waited.


But he also knew he should leave a man down.


Rigg was about to charge into the door but a loud buzz filled the halls. He was petrified. What did I just do?

Inside the room Art hit the button releasing the three of them. The sounds of motors whirring down echoed throughout the room. Art pulled the device off his neck while Eric screamed, "What just happened? What just happened?"

"We were just let go." Art yelled back as he went over to undo the chain noose on Eric.

Hoffman spit out the gag. Out of breath he said, "Congratulations. You've won your game." He struggled out of his bindings and let himself off the scale unknowingly tipping Art and Eric, who had just gotten out of the noose, off the scale. He walked to the door and let Rigg in.

Instantly Rigg pointed the gun at Hoffman. "What the hell's going on here, David?"

"You've passed your test, Congratulations." Hoffman looked back at Art and Eric. Eric had pretty much passed out on the floor and Art was trying to wake him. "Stay with them. I'll call a bus for you but I have other things to check on."

Rigg stepped in front of him. "That's it?! You put us through this shit and the only thing you can say is 'Congratulations. I have other business.' I let Jigsaw fall through the cracks but you're not leaving. You're gonna stay here and tell us what's going on."

Hoffman sighed. "You're a real piece of work. I already said you passed your test and you're free to go. But if I don't leave you'll put a little girl's life in danger."

Rigg hesitated then said. "We come with you." Hoffman nodded then started to walk away.

In the sick room Amanda sat alone in the carnage of what she had just done. She shot Lynn then Jeff ran in and tried to shoot her but the bullet missed instead piercing Jigsaw's chest. Quickly she shot Jeff in the head. John only managed a quick soliloquy about wishing he hadn't failed her then saying that Hoffman should come to help her soon. Afterwards Peter Strahm burst in commanding her to put her gun down but he got caught in the blast of Lynn shotgun collar. His leg was wounded but he had hit the floor hard enough to knock him unconscious.

Amanda was too shocked to move. She knew Hoffman was in a test of his own risking his life and she deiced if he didn't come in 5 minutes she would leave on her own. She would disappear from the city, from the public eye. Word was out that she was involved with Jigsaw and if she disappeared, people would forget. They wouldn't know who she was after a while and she could return to life again, maybe even a better life.

Amanda was shaken out of her sense of shock when the door was pulled open with a loud creak. She grabbed her gun, scrambled back and pointed it at the door. Hoffman walked in the room. He told Art, Rigg and Eric to stay out view. Hoffman looked around the room and nudged at Strahm with his foot. He waited for him to take a breath then looked to Lynn. "That collar actually worked." He remarked.

"Yeah." Amanda answered in a low voice. Hoffman pulled her up to her feet. "You call someone?"

"Not yet. I got to get that girl out. Then I'll call." Hoffman looked at John. "Don't tell me you shot him."

"No! Never! Jeff did. I shot Lynn and Jeff. Strahm came in and Lynn's collar went off." Amanda explained.

Impatiently, Rigg walked in to check what was going on and took Eric in with him. He stopped and looked around. In his years as a SWAT officer, especially during the Jigsaw Killings, he had never seen so many dead in one room. He was about to run out after seeing Lynn's destroyed head but noticed Amanda pointing her gun in his direction. He was about to say he didn't do anything to her then saw she was aiming at Eric, not him.

"I thought he was dead." Amanda yelled.

"We saved him for Rigg's game." Hoffman walked closer to Amanda and tried to pull away her gun but she pushed him off.

"He failed his test! He should have stayed chained up to that pipe! He should have died in the hall. He doesn't deserve his life."

"Eric went out of his way to prove he deserves his life. Of every subject we've come across he's shown the most will to survive." Hoffman looked back at Eric then whispered to Amanda. "You should have seen him. Even after he had given up, he still was ready to fight for his life. Maybe you can learn something form him."

Hoffman pulled away Amanda's gun. "We're wasting time here. We have to get Corbett and leave." Hoffman led them through the maze of hallways of the factory. They eventually reached a door at the end of the hallway. Hoffman pulled a key from his pocket and opened the door. Inside Corbett was lying face down on the mattress.

Hoffman kneeled down next to Corbett. "Hey, Corbett. Wake up. I'm going take you home now. Corbett?" He nudged her shoulder. She continued to lay still. He turned her over and saw her lips started to turn blue. "She's not breathing! Rigg call an ambulance now!" Hoffman tossed Rigg his cell phone and simultaneously Eric collapsed. Art went down to Eric putting his hand on Eric's forehead. "He's burning up. Tell that ambulance to hurry up! We got a kid and an officer down."