1Sorry for taking so long, I honestly didn't want to type for a while, but I had a sudden inspiration! "She''s a Lady" by Forever the Sickest Kids! Bwahahaha I love songs like that! And it reminded me soo much of Ash and Misty, I was motivated. Listen to it!

Ash: (glare)

Oh chill out

Misty: (glare)

uhhmm..... enjoy the story..


Mrs. Ketchum clapped joyfully, "That's great sweetie! I'm going to fix up the dinner and set up, be ready!". And she gave Ash a pat on the back as she left to the kitchen.

Despite how angry Ash was, he could not help being afraid. I mean, he didn't know a lot about Misty, but he did know that she was tough. Tougher than any other girl in school. He went into his room and collapsed on the bed, burying his face in his pillow. He felt light weight on his back.

"Pika pi?", Pikachu asked while hopping a little on Ash's back.

"Not now, Pikachu" , Ash mumbled miserably. Why did he have to do this? 'Oh yeah', he thought, 'My big mouth'. He got up angrily and threw his pillow at the wall. But while doing this, Pikachu fell off his back.

"PIKA!!", Pikachu cried in surprise, and he fell on the floor. "Pikaaaa...Chuuu...", Pikachu eyes swirled.

Ash crawled on the edge of his bed , startled. "Sorry Pikachu", he said. His door opened and his mom stepped through.

"Ash sweetie! Dinners ready and- Ohh", she looked at Pikachu, " Ash, what on Earth are you doing with your pokemon?". She picked up the poor pokemon from the floor and said," Come on Pikachu, we have some food downstairs for you too". And at that Pikachu sprang up and scurried to the kitchen. Mrs. Ketchum sighed, "Ahh, Pikachu... ", she turned to Ash, " Call your other pokemon out too", Ash's mom said. Ash called out his Squirtle, Grovyle, Staravia, Torkoal, and Gliscor. And they all marched down stairs to join Pikachu and Ash's mom downstairs for dinner. Bowls were set in front of the pokemon while Ash and his mom sat down and ate. Pikachu decided to talk to the others.

"Ash has to tutor that red-headed girl", Pikachu said to the other Pokemon, who were ravenously eating.

" Oh, her name's Zoey right?", Torkoal asked chowing down.

"No not that one", Pikachu replied. He took a big bite and said with a mouthful, " I think her name is Misty".

"She is an odd one, quiet but tough", Staravia said.

"I like her", Squirtle smiled as he gobbled down his food. He had sensed plenty of water pokemon with her.

And the pokemon discussed about this strange girl, who Ash would have to spend so much time with. Ash finished his food and cleaned his plate. He decided to get his homework finished quickly, then wash up and turn in for the day. Which is exactly what he did.


For Pokemon Studies, they had a Pop Quiz on Normal-pokemon. Of course Ash finished very quickly, so he had plenty of time to look around the room. He took a look at Misty. She was staring at the paper expressionlessly, but from here he could see some writing.

Misty had to admit that she learned from Ash's study session. But when she got her hands on him..... !!!! She felt eyes on her and turned to see that the little bug was looking at her. She gave him the sharpest dagger eyes, and he turned away quickly. Misty smiled and returned to her quiz.

After class, Professor Oak approached after class. He gave him a paper with Misty's address on it. "How was the first session?", he asked.

Ash looked at him reluctantly, "Uhh...".

Professor Oak frowned.

Ash quickly said, "Oh its fine! So easy!".

The professor smiled, "That's good, now, if you'll excuse me, I have quizzes to grade".

At P.E., Ash grouped with the Pokegroup guys (Drew, Kenny, Paul, Jimmy). The did free throws with the basketball and Ash was first. Ash sighed as he threw the ball. He was so bugged, that he missed the shot.

Drew whistled, "She is pretty bad then". Drew retrieved the ball and shot it. It hit the back board and went through the net.

Jimmy got the ball, "I don't blame him, that girl is weird". He shot the ball, and he almost missed, but the ball tipped through the net as well.

"To tell you the truth, she kinda scared me", Kenny said. He threw the ball and missed.

Paul smirked, "Everything scares you". And he shot the ball and made it (with his smarty pants angles).

Ash was gonna get the ball, but a foot stopped it as it came to the person.

Misty picked the ball up from the floor and stared at all of them. "If you wanna know, Lettucehead, I'm so bad, I'll give you nightmares. That would scare this scaredy cat to death", she looked at Kenny," And even make the Plumtop bros here afraid", she flicked her eyes toward Paul and Jimmy (that was referring to their hair if u didn't notice). And she threw the ball from where she stood and made it, nothing but net. "Later twerp", she said returning to the court she was in.

Ash followed the directions to Misty's house, he had passed this house everyday on his way to his own. He didn't know it was Misty's house. Ash went up the walk way to the front door and knocked. And orange-y blonde answered the door and said annoyed, "Like, can I help you?".

Ash replied, "Oh, I'm Misty's tutor".

"Ohh", said the girl at the door. She started to giggle, "She's upstairs in her room". Pikachu was on Ash's head, and he could hear other voices coming from upstairs.

Misty sat on her bed with two other girls. They all saw Ash coming from the street. One of the girls said before bursting into laughter, "That's him?!". And Misty nodded.

"Wow...", said the other girl.

"I know!", Misty said. She rolled her eyes and they all giggled and joked about the silly little boy coming up the stairs.

The girl who had opened the door introduced herself as Daisy, Misty's oldest sister. He followed Daisy up the stairs and down the short hall to the last door. Then, she went back downstairs to resume whatever activity she was doing before. Ash opened the door and found a laughing Misty, with two other girls.

The first one had electric blue nail polish on. She was wearing a blue-green baret and a light blue short sleeved shirt. Her jean skirt went down an inch above her knees. She was wearing black leggings. And she had brown eyes, and brown hair that went a little past her shoulder.

The second one had brown eyes and very dark brown curvy-ish hair that went to her shoulders. She wore a black top and a skirt that went low to her ankles. She wore oval glasses and wore a necklace with a star on it.

Both girls, and Misty, stared at Ash.

Ash had expected a cold glare, but instead Misty pulled her lips up into a smile. Not the pretty one that Ash still remembered, but a twisted one. "Hey", she smirked.

"Hi", Ash replied blankly.

The electric blue yawned at him, the star one just stared.

"Roz, Abbi, this is Ash", Misty said. Ash could hear a stifled laugh as she also said, "The one I told you about".

"Hi", said the electric blue, Roz.

"Yo", said the star, Abbi. (:P inside joke between me and Nesiku~)

"Hello", said Ash half-heartedly.

Abbi smiled, "Yes we've heard a lot about you". And she looked the Pikachu with adoring eyes.

Roz laughed, "And your descriptions were right-on target". They all laughed and Ash stood there frowning.

"Shall we begin?", Ash asked through clenched teeth.

"Ohh scary", said Roz with stinging sarcasm that annoyed Ash.

"Don't worry, we won't be a bother", Abbi said politely. "I'll take care of your Pikachu during your study session".

Ash said, "Oh I don't think that's nessa-", but then Pikachu jumped into Abbi's arms and Ash was left to face Misty and the sarcastic Roz alone. He sighed and tried to find the strength to get through this obviously horrid session.

And he was right, with Roz here, it was double the annoyance. With Misty's rude-ness and Roz's sarcasm, the study session was a mess. They continued there started the chapter on fire pokemon. They first read the introduction. And it happened to be very very long. Misty let out an un-needed yawn. Ash glared at her and she, Roz, and even the so far polite Abbi laughed. And then Misty got back to notes. Ash continued the very long introduction and Roz sighed loudly and mumbled, "Fascinating...". With another sarcasm sting. The girls laughed again and the study session went on.

More time went on and Ash was looking at the clock. He wanted to leave so badly. More sections, more rude-ness, more sarcasm. It all toppled on him until he could finally leave. He thanked Abbi for taking care of Pikachu. And he collected all his stuff. Then he got hit with a crumpled paper ball. It came from Roz's direction and Ash dagger eyed her.

She looked at him with total false innocence, and more sarcasm, "Sorry, I was aiming for the trash can". But the trash can was behind her. Ash collected his stuff quicker and left with Pikachu on his shoulder.

No wonder people couldn't put up with her! She was horrible! He hated to do it, but just couldn't deal with Misty! He walked away from Misty's house, and hoped it was the last time he would have to speak to her again.

And as the three girls watched him leave, they laughed. Abbi sighed soon after, "You are horrible cousin dear".

"Thanks again Roz", Misty said still laughing.

Roz held up two hands and shrugged, "It's a gift".


And it is. Ha, that's me alright! Sarcasm is my game

Ash: (complain) Why do you put me through this?

I'm sorry (hugs Ash) But Misty asked me too

Misty: (laughs)

Ash: You know what?

Misty: What?

Ash and Misty: (argue argue argue argue)

xD ohkay so thats the chapter. Please review, listen to "She's a Lady" by Forever the Sickest kids, READ THE UPDATES, and anticipate the next chappie!!