A/N: Another chapter is born, once again apologises for the time it's taken me to update. Unfortunately I have been in hospital after undergoing surgery and I am writing this as I'm recovering.

Hope you enjoy x

Continuing of Woe




Alexander has been asleep for hours.

The vampire doctor had left about an hour ago with a sincere "I am truly sorry".

He pours a bloody drink down his throat, accompanied by the words "Don't worry Miss Raven, he'll be ok. Just you watch, he'll open his eyes soon."




I couldn't help but feel he was wrong, despite the many times Alexander's been exposed to garlic and lived, 'including our recent incursion' I thought, he'd always lived to tell the tale. But not this time.

As my heart beat steadily against the inside of my chest, its tranquillity comparing with the silence in his small room, I knew we'd never walk up our gothic aisle of red and black roses, I knew we'd never get to argue, not that I wanted to though.

"I love you, always" I cried silently, holding onto his ghostly pale hand.

My vampire prince, knight of the night, would never wake up to smile at me, to kiss me one last time.

We'd never share our coffin clutches through the summer days, and make love through the summer nights.

"I'll never let you go" I whispered, kissing each finger on his left hand, gliding my lips gracefully over the plastic spider ring I gave him as a welcome present when he moved into the house upon Benson Hill.

"Raven, is he gonna be ok?" Billy boy asked, his bottom lip trembling.

I couldn't answer him. The question floated through my ears like a poisonous gas, killing any happy though it encountered on its path to my heart.

"I think we should all leave Raven alone with Alexander for a moment" my dad whispered loud enough for Jameson, Billy and mum to hear.

"Of course" they murmured in unison. The shuffling sounds of their feet on the linoleum floor and the abrupt crashing sound of the door closing reverberating around the silent room.

"Alexander" I pleaded quietly, grasping his pale hand tightly in my own. The midnight black of his plastic spider ring contrasting dramatically with the white of his skin.

"Wake up please" I begged, my heartstrings pulling tightly like a corset of destruction.

I rested my chin upon my arm, gazing at his beautiful face. Despite the situation, I couldn't help but let a tiny laugh escape my dry lips. My Alexander, my knight of the night, was smiling. Even though he must be feeling an immense amount of pain, he was still smiling the way he always had.

The starchy parchment colour of his skin made the blushing pink of his lips stand out like a beacon of hope, the gentle curve of his smile reassuring me that everything really would be ok.

Rising up out of my chair, I climbed onto the bed next to his still form. Here was where I felt safe, in the arms of my fiancé. Still holding his hand, I lay down next to him, my free arm wrapping around his neck, holding him as close to me as possible as I buried my face in the crock of his neck and the silky black hair residing there.

As the minutes ticked by in silence it felt like lifetimes were passing me by without a backwards glance. A single tear dropped from my already exhausted ducks to trail slowly down my cheek, feeling like Alexander was drawing a solitary finger along my jaw. This one innocent feeling lulling my soul into a dreamless sleep, helping me succumb to the tiredness within my broken heart.

Three days later

I lay there breathing in his scent of acrylic paint and wood, my fingers stroking the slight stubble forming on his cheek. In the back of my mind I thought I heard the sound of a door opening and closing softly, but I was sure I'd imagined.

I didn't want visitors.

I wanted to be left alone with my prince of darkness. We deserved as much.

"Raven" a feminine voice whispered, ghosting along the breeze of promise.

I barely felt the gentleness of a hand on my shoulder.

"I think she's sleeping, Cassandra my love" another more masculine voice answered the unasked question.

"Look at them Constantine, I've never seen Alexander look so peaceful and happy. It breaks my heart to think of what she must be feeling right now" the woman named Cassandra breathed.

"I know my love, they remind me of us at their age" he laughed lightly, "He's a proper gentleman, like his- Look Cassie, his eyes are moving!" the voice exclaimed, bringing me back to reality and hopefully a conscious Alexander.

A tiny blue flame of hope sudden became aglow in my heart.

"Alexander" I called desperately, sitting up in an instant and watching his face intently, oblivious to Alexander's parents standing just behind me.

His eyes began moving frantically behind his eyelids, moans suddenly escaping his partially open mouth.

"Raven!" I heard him call desperately, "N-no, leave her alone! Get off her! RAVEN!" he yelled, shooting up into a sitting position, nearly flinging me off the bed.

"I'm here!" I exclaimed, wrapping both my arms around his neck, turning his face towards mine "it's ok, I'm here Alexander"

"Raven!" he cried, tears cascading down his perfect face as his arms wound themselves around me in a vice like grip.

"It's okay" I soothed, stoking his hair "Tell me what happened sweetheart"

As Alexander continued to sob uncontrollably onto my shoulder, his parents gave me a smile and slipped outside, leaving us alone in his dark secluded room.

"Trevor" he trembled, bring his tear streaked face level with mine. "he had me bound to a-a tree, I-I couldn't move, there was n-nothing I could do I'm so-sorry Raven!" he wailed, truly scaring me beyond belief. I couldn't help but laugh out loud though.

"It's ok" I laughed. "What're you apologising for you silly vampire? I'm fine, right here with you. I'm so glad you're awake, you terrified me!"

"I let him do it Raven!" he yelled, fear darkening his handsome features "I couldn't stop him!"

"Alexander, Alexander look at me" I commanded, forcing his face up with mine, making him look me straight in the eyes. "I'm here with you, unharmed and whole. Now take a deep breath and tell me what happened" I soothed, watching as realisation finally clouded his face.

"I-it was a dream" he gasped, staring into my eyes. "Oh god, I'm so happy!"

"Alexander, please tell me what happened" I begged, watching him as he continued to take deep breaths.

He fell back against the bed, pulling me down with him and cuddling me even closer.

"Alexander" I questioned, looking up at his face as I placed my hands on his naked chest.

"It was Trevor" he whispered, gently squeezing me against him. He shifted down the bed slightly so we were nose to nose. "he had me tied to a tree. I just stood there helplessly as you screamed my name, we both begged him to stop but he just-" he cut off, squeezing his eyes shut.

"please tell me" I begged, stoking his cheek softly.

He opened his eyes, staring at me with pain etched across every line of his perfect face.

"H-he was raping you. Right in front of my eyes and I couldn't save you"

"Oh Alexander, that'll never happen I promise" I whispered, hugging him close to me.

He pulled back from my hug, claiming my lips with desperate abandon. I melted into Alexander's bruising kiss, feeling like I was on cloud nine, for a moment I'd thought I would never get to kiss my gothic prince again.

"Alexander" I breathed, coming back to reality and remembering that gaping bullet wound in his back. "Alexander we can't do this here, you're still hurt."

"I'm ok" he promised, trying to kiss me again but I stopped him.

"Please" I said, looking him in the eyes. "let me see your back, I'll make the judgements" I laughed.

He promptly rolled over onto his front.

I sat there, examining his back, there was nothing there. Accept for a small, slightly red circle.

"Vampire blood heals wounds" he stated matter-of-factly.

"it's amazing" I breathed.

He suddenly flipped back over and pinned me beneath him, claiming my lips with his once again. He seemed overcome with passion, pouring all of his desperation and desire into that one kiss.

I responded with reckless abandon.

I was just so happy that my vampire prince was alive. And kissing me this way.

"Trevor will never have you" he whispered in a husky possessive voice. "you're mine and I'm yours"

His arms wrapped around me protectively. He needed me. I could feel the evidence of that through the thin hospital blanket. We needed each other, I realised as we clung to each other with a sense of urgency, his hand snaking down to the back of my knee and hitching my leg up around his waist. For the last three days I thought he would never wake up again. But now he was back, returned from the brink of death, now all that was in our minds was each other. An urgent thirst to prove how much we loved each other, how much each wanted and needed the other.

"I see someone is feeling better" that same masculine voice said form the doorway.

"Father" Alexander exclaimed with shock, promptly pulling the covers over our heads as I giggled.

"Come on now Alexander, you can't hide from us. You scared everyone into next month" his mum scolded.

"Alright" he whined, untangling our limbs and positioning me between his legs so I could lean against his bare chest, hiding his obvious erection.

"How are you feeling son?" Constantine asked, eyeing Alexander and me warily.

"I'm fine, all healed" he smiled with fake humour as I discreetly rubbed against his swelling member.

"Alright, well seeing as you're back to your old self, your mother and I are going to go back to Romania. Take care of yourself and that blushing bride of yours. We'll see you in a month son." Constantine said, walking over to shake Alexander's hand and promptly exiting the room.

"Goodbye sweetheart" Cassandra chimed, kissing Alexander and me on the cheek.

"We'll see you both soon" she said, shutting the door on the way out.

"Come on, we're going back to the mansion" Alexander murmured, nuzzling my ear seductively.

After the agonisingly tense car ride back to Benson Hill, Alexander pulled to a stop outside the steps leading up to his front door.

Without hesitation, he leaned over and claimed my lips in a fiery kiss, nuzzling my bottom lips with his teeth. I hadn't realised he'd dragged me across the seat and into his lap.

Somehow we'd opened the car door and managed to step out, lips never parting as we stumbled blindly up the steps, through the door and into the entrance of our favourite mansion.

"I want you so bad" he groaned, running a hand up my dress, stroking my thigh.

"We better get upstairs quickly then" I gasped as his teeth grazed the tender flesh of my pulse point.

"Nuh-uh. No time" Alexander murmured as I rubbed against the bulge in his jeans.

He manoeuvred us into the drawing room where we fell onto the chaise longue in a tangle of limbs. My hands tangled in Alexander's hair as I gasped for breath.

His hands disappeared underneath my thin black and purple sweater, making quick work of the clash on my bra at the front and claiming a hardened nipple into his warm mouth.

"Alexander" I groaned, a jolt shooting through my system to my core.

He kept up the assault on my nipples, stroking and tweaking the other with his masterful hand while the other crept down my stomach and into my skinny jeans.

"A-Alexander, think o-" his skilful fingers stroked my delicate flesh ending my tirade at once. He began to slowly probe me with his index finger and massage my clitoris with his thumb.

"Oh no you don't" I groaned, tugging his hand out of my underwear and nudging his shoulder gently so he'd roll over.

"Taking control are we?" Alexander laughed, holding me close as I straddled his lap.

"This comes off now" I tugged on his Marilyn Manson shirt.

"Only if your sweater comes off too"

Alexander reclaimed Raven's lips, crushing them together as they grabbed at each other in an attempted to shred the other's top.

"Enough messing around, I need you" she gasped, looking deep into his deep green eyes.

"Right now" Alexander growl, pulling Raven's jeans and panties off in one swift motion. She thrust her hand down, undoing the button and zipper and pulling his rock hard erection.

"Have you got a condom?" she began to rub the tip with her thumb and forefinger, letting a drop of pre cum escape.

"MmmHmm" Alexander moaned, reaching into a pocket of his jeans and retrieving his wallet. Opening it, he pulled out a solitary black square, fumbling to open it with his trembling fingers.

"Here, let me" she laughed, releasing his pulsating penis and taking the packet.

"I love you Raven" he reached over to kiss her swollen lips, trailing kisses down her neck as he pulled them into a sitting position, leaning against the high corner of the chaise longue.

Having removed the condom from its packaging, Raven proceeded to quickly roll it into place on Alexander's throbbing member.

"You re-?" before she could finish her sentence, Alexander plunged into the velvety confines of her core. She gasped.

He slid in and out of her slowly, her moans likes music to his ears.

"Oh Alexander"

Soon their slow pace wasn't enough for either of them, he grabbed her hips to help her ride him, she gripped his shoulders for leverage.

"Keep going baby" he groaned, throwing his head back as the pressure began to build.

"mmm" she moaned in response.

Raven screamed, her orgasm shuddering though her entire body as Alexander threw his head, squeezing his eyes shut and holding her closer to his shaking body.

"mmm that's was amazing. I don't think you've made me cum that hard before" Alexander began to chuckle, his breathing returning to normal.

"I know" Raven giggled in response. "I'm still tingling all over"

A shiver rippled through her naked body.

"You cold?" Alexander asked, tucking himself back into his open jeans and reaching down for his shirt.

"Abit" She let Alexander pull his shirt over her head and wrap a blood red comforter around their bodies.

"Rest love" he whispered, placing a kiss on her brow.

"I love you" she breathed, snuggling up to his chest as Alexander slid down the chaise.

"Love you too" he wrapped his arms around her, drifting off to sleep with her.

A/N: and there it is! I hope you all liked it.

Reviews please xxx