Disclaimer- All I own of Labyrinth is a DVD. I don't own the rights to the story or characters.
AN: I'm sorry it's taken so long to finish this chapter! Real life has been crazy, but that's normal. LOL! Thank you to everyone who's following and reviewing, and especially witchnova and Athena's Avatar for their detailed input.
Aliyah looked Sarah over as she decided how far to take this conversation. Sarah was definitely caught between girlhood and womanhood, and couldn't justly be placed in one category over the other just yet. Her open, bold expression gave her an air of innocence that seemed to suggest that perhaps she should still be considered a child. On the other hand, she was, as Jareth had said, physically mature. There was an intelligence in her eyes that made one suspect that perhaps she might be mentally mature as well. And her pastime of scribbling Jareth's initial all over the page she had been writing on suggested that perhaps she was old enough to consider his offer. Yes, the 'J' could have meant anything by itself. But the crystal balls- those left no doubt as to who had been on her mind.
"I've come to talk with you about what happened yesterday, Sarah," Aliyah began.
Sarah swallowed nervously. So many things had happened yesterday. What had happened that would bring this woman to her now, after she had already returned home? Had she unknowingly broken laws? Had she missed something she was supposed to do? Oh no! thought Sarah. Had she done something to the Goblin King? He had looked terrible when she left him. Had she hurt him? He had changed into a bird at the end of their confrontation. Had she accidentally put a curse on him to keep him that way? Everything else that had happened had come straight out of a fairytale. She guessed that it was possible. Sarah cautiously raised her eyes back to Aliyah's, trying to gauge her mood. She didn't appear to be upset about anything.
"A lot of things happened yesterday," Sarah began. "Which part did you want to talk about?"
"I wanted to discuss the last part, actually," Aliyah answered.
Sarah paled. "The last thing that happened was that I won, the Goblin King turned into some kind of bird, and I came home."
"Not quite, Sarah," Aliyah responded seriously. "You had won some time before that."
Sarah took a moment to let that sink in. She had already won? When had that- ?
"You have thirteen hours in which to solve the labyrinth…"
Oh. My. God, Sarah thought. She had already won when he made his offer! She must have won when she reached the castle- maybe even when she entered the city. He hadn't been trying to trick her after all. Or had he? Sarah's forehead wrinkled as she tried to work through her thoughts. She had no reason to trust him. He was certainly fascinating, and she had had to hold her breath the few times he had come near her, but she really knew nothing about him except that he had been a complete jerk the entire way through. Well, except for the ballroom dream, but that didn't count, Sarah thought. Even then, he had had those gross women hanging all over him, and he hadn't tried to get them off. Sarah's stomach turned at the memory.
No, he hadn't been Prince Charming at all. And yet, she wished she could be sure that he had meant it. She couldn't have accepted, of course, even if he had been sincere- whether or not Toby's life had been hanging in the balance. She was far too young to even consider it. At fifteen, she wasn't ready for all that his, "Fear me; love me; do as I say" had implied- not that she hadn't been tempted. Maybe, under different circumstances… if she had been a few years older… if she had been sure it was a genuine offer…
Snap out of it, Sarah! Shaking her head slightly, Sarah brought herself back to the present, and gestured to a nearby park bench, indicating that Aliyah should join her there. Aliyah followed behind Sarah, wondering what the young lady thought of this new information.
Sarah hadn't said anything yet, but her expressive face had given a few clues to her thoughts. What Aliyah had seen there had been encouraging. Shock, disbelief, confusion, and suspicion- those she had been expecting. The longing she had seen, she could not have hoped for. So the girl had been tempted. Maybe Jareth really was on to something here. While he had had a chance to 'get to know' Sarah from afar, she hadn't had the same opportunity. Of course she would be wary of any romantic overtures from a man so much older (if she only knew!) than herself, and she knew nothing about him that would make her inclined to accept him, except that he was a king. The fact that that hadn't turned her head was encouraging as well. Sarah had though that she was being asked to choose between her baby brother's future and a chance to live at the side of a powerful king, and she had done what she believed to be right. Aliyah had to hand it to Jareth- after many long years of refusing to make attachments, when he had finally chosen, he had chosen well.
Seeing how unnerved Sarah was, Aliyah placed a calming spell on her. The girl would never open up to her if she remained wary and anxious. She didn't intend to place any enchantments on the girl, just to ensure that she would get the answers she needed.
Sarah sat on the bench and waited until Aliyah did the same. Realizing that the strange woman still hadn't introduced herself, she asked, "Who, exactly, are you, and how do you know what my name is, or what happened yesterday?"
"I'm Aliyah, sister of Jareth, the Goblin King," Aliyah responded. "I'm here because my brother has asked a favor of me, and I wanted to meet you before deciding whether I will grant it."
Sarah felt panic rise in her breast as she wondered exactly what kind of 'favor' the Goblin King as requested, and what it had to do with her.
"There is no need for you to fear for yourself or your brother," Aliyah assured her, seeing her distress. "You and your brother are both perfectly safe, and your victory is not being challenged." Reaching out to touch Sarah's arm, she sent more peaceful, calming energy into her.
Afraid to completely drop her guard, Sarah decided to proceed cautiously. "Then why are you here now?" Taking a deep breath, she made her case. "I made a stupid wish- which I wasn't expecting to be granted- and I learned my lesson. I'll never make that mistake again, that's for sure."
"All of that is correct, I'm sure. Still, do you perhaps feel that some things were not quite left off the way they should have been? Was there anything that seemed as if…?" Aliyah trailed off, noticing Sarah's deepening blush. It seemed as if she had struck a nerve.
"I don't know," Sarah mumbled. "What do you mean?"
"Sarah," Aliyah began, getting to the heart of the matter. "My brother tells me that he offered himself to you before you returned home last night. You refused him."
Sarah held her breath as she tried to think of a way to respond to this. Aliyah certainly didn't like beating around the bush! Licking her lips nervously, Sarah began to answer. "Well, of course I refused! I thought he was trying to make me forget about Toby again, like he did with that peach. I didn't know I had already won- he never told me that! I had just finished chasing Toby up and down all these crazy stairs that go nowhere, and when I finally almost had him, the whole room flew apart and my brother disappeared. I thought that was, like, the final test- that I had to refuse my dreams to win my brother."
Aliyah quirked her eyebrow when Sarah equated Jareth with her dreams- that certainly was telling. Sarah fought the urge to bury her face in her hands when she realized what she had said- and what it implied. She really needed to learn to think before speaking!
"So, Sarah, you refused my brother because you thought it was a test? Not because of any objection to him personally?" Aliyah continued.
Sarah wished that a hole would open up under the bench and swallow her. No- I didn't make a wish! Sarah screamed internally to herself a bit hysterically. "I don't really know anything about your brother, Aliyah. I know that he took my brother after I explained that I didn't mean my wish, I know that he forced me to go through his dangerous labyrinth, he made fun of me, took time from me, chased me down the tunnels with his cleaners, had my friend give me a funky peach that wiped out my memories, sent an army after me to stop me from getting to his castle, and then made me play an insane game of hide-and-seek before giving my brother back to me and sending me home." Sarah stopped to catch her breath and regain her composure.
Aliyah sighed deeply and muttered under her breath. "Why didn't you just pull her hair, too, Jareth?"
Sarah's eyebrows shot up when she heard that- did Aliyah mean what she thought she meant?
Aliyah turned in her place to face Sarah directly before asking her last question. "Was there any part of you that wanted to accept?"
Sarah laughed at this question. "I though that was the whole point. The test wouldn't mean anything otherwise." Sarah furrowed her brows as she thought of what she had just learned. "But now you're telling me that it wasn't really a test. I don't know what to think now. Anyway, I'm fifteen. It's not like I could have accepted an offer like that anyway, whether I wanted to or not."
Quietly, Aliyah said, "Perhaps under different circumstances… As you said, the timing was inappropriate, and you are very young." Seeing Sarah nod distractedly, Aliyah felt that she has learned everything she needed from this encounter. Rising to her feet, she held out a hand to Sarah and helped her to stand. Smiling at the girl she had come to like, she pulled her into an embrace.
Sarah shyly returned the hug. Here was a fairytale princess- or maybe she was a queen? - giving her a hug like they were close friends. Pulling back to look at Aliyah's face, she smiled at the affectionate expression she found there.
"Before I leave you, let me give you a bit of advice, Sarah," Aliyah said. "You are a very special girl. You're smart; you're beautiful; you have a good heart. I might have liked to see you accept Jareth, but I didn't come here today to convince you to do so. I'm sure my brother won't be the last to fall victim to your charms, but," she laughed at Sarah's incredulous expression, "I hope you will be discriminating in your choices. Don't waste your attentions on those who do not deserve them. One day, Sarah, you will meet someone who does deserve you, and you should be prepared for them." Raising her hand to caress Sarah's cheek, Aliyah concluded her thoughts. "When you meet the one who was meant for you, you will know it! Don't settle for anything less, dear girl. Remember that."
Aliyah leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on Sarah's forehead before taking her leave. Sarah's eyes slid closed at the touch, and a feeling of contentment and well being flooded her. She stood like that for a long moment, enjoying the feeling of being completely centered, before opening her eyes again.
Sarah smiled to herself, took a deep breath, and allowed her gaze to sweep across the empty park. How she loved these lazy afternoons, spending time alone in the park, free to daydream with no distractions.
She looked up at the clock tower and realized that it was time to go home. Relieved that she wasn't late yet, - she didn't want a repeat of last night's argument with Karen- she gathered up her things and prepared to return home. Sarah paused as she noticed what she had been doodling. How strange, she thought. What on earth had she been thinking about when she had drawn bubbles and J's all over her book? Laughing, she closed the notebook and headed home.
Jareth paced back and forth in his throne room, waiting for Aliyah to return with news of Sarah. Had she convinced her to accept him? Had the girl thrown a screaming tantrum and refused to speak with her? Had she laughed at him, realizing that he had been sincere in his offer?
Scowling, Jareth distractedly watched his subjects as they caused their usual mischief. He didn't even have the heart to kick the ragged goblin currently trying to teach a particularly fussy chicken to sit upon his throne. Such stupidity would usually have the unfortunate goblin flying across the room, but not today.
He half-heartedly smiled as he imagined Aliyah's reaction when she came to relay the news of the day to him. She had always scolded him for confining the 'poor things' to the Goblin City, but he could well imagine the chaos that would ensue if the let the creatures loose on the rest of the land. Of course, she had no taste for them herself, and was not volunteering to take them out into the world to see all of the opportunities for the glorious havoc they could cause there herself. Maybe one of them will set her shoes on fire again, he thought with a wicked grin. She would deserve it, too, the way she's abusing her power today.
Jareth formed a crystal and attempted- again- to see how Aliyah's meeting with Sarah was going. Once again, all that he could see was cloudy nothingness. Aliyah obviously didn't intend for him to be privy to their discussion. One day, I'll get my chance to turn her tricks around on her, and how I will enjoy it, he thought with a scowl. Stalking over to his throne, he threw himself into the seat as the temperamental hen evacuated it.
He had known that Aliyah would have to do things her own way, but this was unbearable. At the very least, she could have left the channels open! He would never interfere in as delicate an operation as this, but the suspense was getting to him and causing the most uncomfortable feelings to rise in his breast. Jareth was well-known for his… self-confidence… and this new sense of uncertainty, of doubt in himself, was unsettling.
As Jareth sat contemplating his sense of self, a crystal materialized directly in front his face with a cheerful pop. He hated it when Aliyah used that particular method of communication. She knew that well, of course, which is why she enjoyed it above any other means. Grasping the crystal impatiently, he peered inside to see his sister waiting serenely in her sitting room as if she had not a care in the world.
"Well," he asked, "What happened?"
"I think it would better for you to come here to discuss it, Jareth," she responded.
Bitter apprehension rose in Jareth's throat as he imagined all of the ways in which the interview could have been a disaster. "Was she unwilling to meet with you? Did she refuse to talk to you?"
Aliyah rolled her eyes and said, "Just get yourself over here as quickly as you're able."
With that, she closed the connection between them.
Jareth appeared before his sister more quickly than she had expected. He was clearly agitated, and started pacing as soon as he arrived. Aliyah sighed. Her brother was obviously preoccupied with his thoughts, and she wanted his full attention for what she had to say.
"Sit down, Jareth. You can pace any other time you choose; right now I need you to listen to what I'm saying." Aliyah stood up, took Jareth by his shoulders, and led him to a chair, and she gently pushed him down to sit in it.
Jareth was a bit surprised by his sister's actions, but cooperated without complaint. She had asked him to listen; he wanted nothing more than to hear what had taken place that day, and to learn of her decision. He watched silently as Aliyah walked the perimeter of the room, lowering his eyes to his boots as she passed behind him. He yelped and jumped up to his feet as he felt the sharp sting of his sister's hand smacking his neck.
"You didn't tell her that she had won?" Aliyah asked, her voice raised in annoyance. "What is wrong with you?"
Jareth narrowed his eyes at Aliyah as he rubbed his neck. "Try that again, and I really will have you doing laps in the bog, Aliyah," he boomed at her. How did Sarah manage to make friends so easily, and turn those friends against him?
"You would throw yourself in the bog if you knew what a bungling idiot you were, Jareth," Aliyah returned. "Do you know why Sarah refused you?" Aliyah crossed her arms across her chest and raised her chin as she waited for her brother's inevitable question.
"Why?" he asked, afraid of the answer.
"She refused you, dear brother, because she thought it was a final test. She thought that she had to reject her dreams to win the game- to keep her brother." Aliyah's expression softened as she recognized the anguished comprehension making its way across her brother's features.
Jareth felt the fire leave him as he realized what he had lost and acknowledged that he had no one to blame but himself. Had he been Sarah's dream? Had she really wanted him and rejected him because he had neglected to tell her that her victory had already been achieved? That had truly been an error. He had not thought that she would think his proposal was her last challenge. Jareth fell bonelessly onto the chair he had just left, and covered his face with his hands. Any hope he had secretly harbored that Aliyah would bring good news back to him was given up.
"I have my answer then, I suppose." Jareth sighed, resigned to his fate for the moment. He had hoped that Aliyah would return and inform him that there had been some misunderstanding, -which had turned out to be true- and that Sarah had agreed to give him another chance. Aliyah's anger and frustration showed him that that would not be happening.
"Not fully," Aliyah answered. She walked around to face Jareth and took one of his hands from his face, and held it comfortingly between her own. "You're not paying attention, Jare-bear." She laughed at his grimace. He had always hated it when she called him that, and she was pleased to see any emotion other than misery on his face, given the circumstances. "When she refused you, it wasn't entirely personal. She didn't realize that she was refusing you, Jareth, not the man that you are. She thought she was rejecting her dreams, her desires. Think of the implications of that." She reached out with one hand and lifted his chin, forcing him to meet her eyes. "You didn't see her when she gave me her version of yesterday's events- not for lack of trying," she winked at him. "Sarah turned bright red any time she mentioned you, and her reasons for rejecting you were all circumstantial. I won't repeat all of your mistakes back to you, -and I'm absolutely dying to know what she meant when she mentioned a 'funky' peach-" Aliyah broke off and puzzled over the smile playing across her brother's lips. "Well, another time, then. In any case, she realizes that she's too young right now, and while you have watching her, she doesn't know you."
"So, are you telling me that I have a chance to win her, or are you trying to tell me the reasons that I don't have a chance in the kindest way possible?" Jareth searched his sister's face for clues as to what she was about to say, his heart skittering nervously.
"I'm trying to impress upon you the foolishness of using goblin tricks on girls you're interested in courting," Aliyah smiled at her brother's chagrined smirk. "But before I make my decision, Jareth, there's one thing I have to ask you." Aliyah said. "You say that you've observed the girl long enough to be certain that she's your fated. Answer this: Do you love her?" She narrowed her eyes slightly, emphasizing the importance of his honesty in this matter. His answer and his sincerity would decide her actions from this point forward.
"Honestly," Jareth answered, "I don't know. She fascinates me. I have sat in the freezing cold, in trees, for hours at a time," he had the decency to look sheepish as he admitted this, "just watching her. She's still young. I don't know that we're meant to be together just yet, but I know that we are meant for each other." Jareth considered the matter further, and made his final comment on the subject. "I will love her."
"I can give you the second chance you're so desperate for, Jareth, but you know that I will do it in my way. Do you agree to give me the power over you that is necessary to bring my plan to fruition?" Aliyah waited for Jareth to decide.
"Only the power necessary?" he asked, steel in his voice.
"Where would the fun be in that?" Aliyah asked, winking playfully. "Do you trust me?" she asked, more seriously this time.
"Yes. I trust you." Jareth sighed. "Don't make me regret it," he warned her warily.
"Well, then," Aliyah said, with an enigmatic gleam in her eyes. "I know what I need to do."
AN2: The next chapter will be about Sarah and Jareth's first real date. Writing Sarah/Jareth fluff is more fun, but I think I like Aliyah. What do you guys think of her?