After 17 years of being a known half-blood to the world of the Olympians Percival Jackson had grown up. Living in a condominium by the Empire State Building so to keep in contact with his uncle Zeus but also by the water to keep in contact with his father Poseidon, Percy was quite content living with his wife and children. He had married his old friend Annabeth Chase and had three children with her. Sally, his first daughter was 17, Grover his son was 16 and Thalia was 14. They had named their children after their friends and Percy's mother. However, this story isn't about Percy, this story is about the youngest, Thalia.

Thalia was the one child who was pure mix of her parents. While Grover appeared to be more like his mom and Sally was a spitting image of her father, young Thalia had her mother's curly blond hair and love of architecture but she had inherited her father's sea green eyes, special connection to water, beaches, and his stubbornness. And as a teenager the stubbornness was becoming more pronounced. She, like her siblings was a promising demigod; she excelled in sword fighting because with her mother's intelligence she could skilfully manoeuvre around her opponents. Nevertheless, she had one major weakness. She, like her father, cared very much about her friends. She would think it was the height of dishonesty to mistrust her friends. It led to her being screwed over by the many people that acted like her friend and then using her. But she still trusted people. Finally, one day, after failing a test because a "friend" had asked the answers to 1-20 (the test was out of 23) Grover asked her "how do you expect for mom, dad or anyone else to respect you if you're such a pushover! Sometimes I don't even want to admit I know you, let alone acknowledge you as my sister!" it was a huge verbal slap across the face but Thalia needed it. After that, she only trusted her loyal friends, the ones that had not betrayed her at all but had been her friend for a while. Of course, she still trusted people she didn't know excessively, too much for her parent's liking. And one day that trusting adolescent would have troubles caused by the last person that her parents would want her to meet.

Thalia was going to the high school Percy had attended when he was in high school (Goode, read book 4). She was good in many of her active subjects, but not in the ones that had a lot of concentration. (Duh) and there was one boy that caught her attention quickly like any other normal girl. Ryan. He was a towering 6 feet high with slightly shaggy, blond hair and he had piercing blue eyes. All the girls had asked him out but he had never gone out with any of them. Thalia figured out why one day. It was too dangerous. He was a demigod. Thalia had also figured that he wasn't a child of a god but his mother/father was. She wasn't sure which god but she had narrowed it down to a few. She looked at what he was good at. He was the star of the track team, (Hermes) he was very attractive AND he knew it, (Aphrodite) and he had amazing accuracy and probably would with a bow and arrow. (Apollo) many times, Thalia had tried to talk to him but he always had a huge group of friends around him. She had also questioned her parents about their friends of the past to see if anyone matched his description at all. She never told her parents why she wanted to know about their friends because she always got a negative answer. They always looked briefly at each other and became very solemn. They both tried to pass it off as nothing but finally she had enough.

When she went to camp half-blood that summer she had given up on asking her parents about anything instead she just marched up to Chiron and said, "My parents have a skeleton in their closet, mind telling me about it?" Chiron just laughed; he was used to this brief attitude from Thalia. Like Percy and Annabeth, she got to the point very quickly. "Yes your parents do have a few skeletons but which one would you like to know about?" "A boy." she quickly answered, "blonde, blue eyes and my mom had a closer relationship to him than my dad did." she just figured this out at her most recent attempt for knowledge. (Both her parents had been distracted when she asked. Her mom started to mutter quietly but then her dad told her "once again, nobody." he'd always gotten angry over the subject while her mother got sadder.) "Oh" Chiron stammered out. "Ok Thalia, this boy was very good friends with your mother and your namesake, Thalia, Zeus's daughter, the Hunter. The boy was a son of Hermes and he was a very nice boy. Then he started to go wrong and in the end he ended up causing your parents much pain and almost made it so that they resented each other so much that they would have never gotten married." "Who was this boy and why would he do such horrible things?" after Chiron had explained in detail what this mysterious boy had done. "Well the thing is you have probably read about this boy. We have painted a mural on the outside of the Hermes cabin to remember what he did, no matter how bad it was, we want people to remember the pain. His name was Luke. I have heard you talk to some of your friends about this boy Ryan and he is most definitely Luke's son. I advise you to stay away from him because of your parentage. Please Thalia; promise me you will stay away from him." "I promise" she sighed. But behind her back, she had her fingers crossed.